Enterprise Architecture Perfecting
Delivered by:
Department of Information Systems and Technologies
1 module
Open to:
students of one campus
Волков Владимир Георгиевич
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
In the modern world, information systems and IT departments that manage them cease to play auxiliary roles and become full-fledged elements of the business model and participants in the business development process.
Learning Objectives
- To suggest methods for improving enterprise architecture
- Be able to apply the tools learned during the seminar
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Be able to make reasonable choice of complex solutions (incl. lifecycle models, development methodologies, architectures), valid for large-scale software solutions development;
- Ability to interpret the financial information about the enterprise performance
- Apply up-to-date research techniques in economics and finance
- Able to develop architecture principles for the organization based on its business strategy and goals
- Knows the meaning of enterprise architecture, enterprise architecture artifacts, their purposes, lifecycles and other properties
- Knows the three key processes constituting enterprise architecture practices in organizations and their relationship
- The student is able to critically evaluate the proposed solutions and develop and substantiate proposals for their improvement, taking into account the criteria of socio-economic efficiency, risks and possible socio-economic consequences.
- Define the approach to managing the flow of an information system's data throughout its life cycle
- Apply the project management life cycle from initiation through closing by using effective tools and techniques
- Be able to analyse the business model and suggest possible improvements
- The student writes technical documentation
- Analyze and develop project documentation.
- Be able to describe Enterprise Architecture
Course Contents
- Software Documentation
- Life Cycle of the Information System
- Architecture Description Techniques
- Concept of Information System Improvements
- Enterprise Architecture Analysis
- Evaluation of the Economic Effect of Emprovements
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Enterprise architecture at work : modelling, communication and analysis, Lankhorst, M., 2013
- Документирование программного обеспечения : в помощь техническому писателю: учеб. пособие для вузов, Панюкова, Т. А., 2012
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Enterprise architecture as strategy : creating a foundation for business execution, Ross, J. W., 2006
- Strategic enterprise architecture management : challenges, best practices, and future developments, , 2012
- The Life Cycle of Corporate Governance, edited by Igor Filatotchev, Mike Wright, 293 p., , 2005