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Great Teachings of Asia in the Modern World

Category 'Best Course for Broadening Horizons and Diversity of Knowledge and Skills'
Category 'Best Course for New Knowledge and Skills'
Type: Mago-Lego
When: 1, 2 module
Open to: students of all HSE University campuses
Instructors: Alexander Dolin
Language: English
ECTS credits: 3
Contact hours: 56

Course Syllabus


The course is designed to familiarize students with the major trends in Comparative Cultural Studies, giving a broad panoramic view of the great spiritual teachings of Asia as projected on contemporary social and political reality. Problems of cultural anthropology, sociology, religion, politics, ethics and aesthetics are incorporated into the course, which allows students to develop a deeper understanding of history and culture as well as of the crucial issues of ideological struggle in the globalizing world. Special accent is placed on intercultural communication, clash of civilizations and major ideological conflicts of our time.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Introduce students to the major achievements of comparative cultural studies
  • Expand students’ worldview by giving an outline of vital problems of various cultures in the context of modernity
  • Trace the patterns of intercultural communication, especially referring to the great teachings of Asia as projected on Japan and on the West
  • Analyze ideological roots of political and social conflicts in the modern world
  • Develop students’ analytical thinking and critical approach to the problems of intercultural conflicts and globalization
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Analyzes Confucianism as a Philosophy and the Ethical Guidelines
  • Characterizes religions and their role in Indian Society
  • Describes Concept of Social Harmony and Peaceful Administration in Confucianism
  • Describes the legacy of Islam
  • Describes the main concepts of Indian Philosophy and Life
  • Describes what Zen Aesthetics is and its Role in Japanese Culture
  • Explains basic concepts of the Mythology Studies
  • Explains definitions and concepts of culture in the works by Western scholars
  • Explains the basic concepts of Taoism
  • Explains the meaning of Buddhist Doctrine
  • Explains the place and role of the Chinese Culture in the World History
  • Explains various approaches to the structure of myth
  • Indicates Nationalist Trends in Politics and Languages
  • To be in perfect command of principle information on the confessional and ethno-psychological specifications of major Asian and North-African countries, on the basic characteristics of the great Asian spiritual and philosophical doctrines, on the concepts of modern culture and civilization studies, religion studies and political studies.
  • To comprehend, present and critically analyze information on the history, specific features and general characteristics of Asian civilizations; To use in practice theoretical concepts of cultural, religious and social studies including the preparation of analytical articles, reports and reviews of special research literature and media materials;
  • To use in practice theoretical concepts of cultural, religious and social studies including the preparation of analytical articles, reports and reviews of special research literature and media materials;
  • To comprehend in full diversity the ways of cultural evolution in the East and in the West;
  • To be able to elaborate comprehensive characteristics of the specific social and political phenomena.
  • To analyze the impact of traditional spiritual doctrines on the life of contemporary world community;
  • To develop skills in cultural communication detecting specific spiritual, ethical and aesthetic values in the process of cultural communication; in the application of appropriate terminology for the definition of social, political and confessional differences; in the correct application of the scientific apparatus in the research of cultural and religious traditions on the basis of special scientific an cross-disciplinary research methods.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Definitions and Concepts of Culture in the Works by Western Scholars
  • Language and Society
  • Myth and Culture
  • The Legacy of Islam
  • Religions in Indian Society
  • Indian Philosophy and Life
  • Major Monotheistic Religions
  • Advent of Buddhism
  • Chinese Culture in the World History
  • Basic Concepts of Taoism
  • Confucianism as a Philosophy and the Ethical Guidelines
  • Concept of Social Harmony and Peaceful Administration in Confucianism
  • Mahayana Buddhism
  • Zen Aesthetics and its Role in Japanese Culture
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Assessment of the class work
  • non-blocking Assessment of attendance rate
  • non-blocking Interim test
    Current control includes cumulative grade (attendance control, assessment of homework in the PP presentations format) and interim test in the multiple choice format in the end of the first module.
  • non-blocking final control test
    In the end of the course, students take a written exam: a final control test in the multiple choice format Results shown in final grading will be based on the following criteria related to the competences gained by the students after having taken the course Great Teaching of Asia in the Modern World: - Ability of the students to use their understanding of the principle religious and philosophical doctrines in the process of intercultural communication (СЛК-6); - Ability to use in the professional activities their expertise in traditional and modern problems of religion and society as well as cultural traditions of the chosen country and region (ПК-3); - Good command of the information on the distinctions of material and spiritual culture of Asian countries; proper understanding of the role of diverse religious and philosophical doctrines in the emergence and functioning of social institutions; ability to consider specific features typical of certain cultures in practice and in research (ПК-19); - Ability to use the method of critical analysis and practical application of expertise in the problems of Asian and North African countries, the resolution of which would contribute to the strengthening of Russian Federation and stabilization of its international positions (ПК-21); - Ability to understand principles of elaborating projects on the basis of system analysis, to make models for description and forecasting of social and political phenomena and to operate the results of qualitative analysis. (ПК-22); - Ability to make analysis of historical development and contemporary influence of traditional religious and ethno-confessional institutions (ПК-д-30).
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2023/2024 2nd module
    0.2 * Assessment of attendance rate + 0.3 * Assessment of the class work + 0.2 * Interim test + 0.3 * final control test


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Alex Mintz, & Dmitry (Dima) Adamsky. (2019). How Do Leaders Make Decisions? : Evidence From the East and West, Part A. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=2107620

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Entangled East and West cultural diplomacy and artistic interaction during the Cold War edited by Simo Mikkonen, Giles Scott-Smith, Jari Parkkinen. (2019). Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edswao&AN=edswao.51225849X
