French 1
Category 'Best Course for Career Development'
Category 'Best Course for Broadening Horizons and Diversity of Knowledge and Skills'
Category 'Best Course for New Knowledge and Skills'
Elective course (Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication)
Area of studies:
Delivered by:
School of Foreign Languages
School of Foreign Languages
1 year, 1-4 module
Mode of studies:
distance learning
Online hours:
Open to:
students of one campus
Master’s programme:
Иностранные языки и межкультурная коммуникация
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
The program of the course "French 1" in the field of study “Linguistics” 45.03.02 is designed for those students who do not have experience in learning French. The main goal of the course is the formation of foreign language communicative competence at a level corresponding to the A1 + according to the common European classification of foreign language competencies. This level is the minimum necessary and sufficient for solving socio-communicative problems in the main areas of socio-cultural and everyday activities, as well as for further self-education.As the course is for those who start learning French, the syllabus is in English for your convenience. However, the course will be taught fully in French, with the consideration of your level, because there are both local and international students who do not share a common first language.
Learning Objectives
- To form a foreign language communicative competence at a level corresponding to the A1 according to the common European classification of foreign language competencies.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Listening and reading: can understand - the gist of short recorded texts (moderate tempo), - the gist and details of short written texts related to the topic under study Speaking: - can make up a monologue (focusing on narrative and description), - can participate in a dialogue (focusing on questions), - can take part in a role-play. Writing: - can write an email, a greeting card.
- To write: is able to produce simple, coherent texts about topics with which they are familiar or in which they have a personal interest.
- Understand and use familiar and everyday expressions as well as very simple statements aimed at meeting concrete needs. Can introduce himself or introduce someone and ask a person questions about him - for example, his place of residence, his relations, what belongs to him, etc. - and can answer the same type of questions. Can communicate in a simple way if the speaker speaks slowly and clearly and is cooperative.
Course Contents
- The man and family, friends, favorite activities.
- The man and lifestyle.
- The man and social connections
- The man and society.
- The man and social activities.
- The man in city, country and world.
Assessment Elements
- ExamenL’épreuve de la discipline «Langue française: cours général» est orale: compréhension des écrits, résumé d'un texte, monologue, dialogue avec un examinateur.
- examen
- compréhension de l'oralEcoutez le document sonore et répondez aux questions
- compréhension des écrits
- production écrite
- travail de contrôle
- production orale
- Cours en ligne
Interim Assessment
- 2023/2024 учебный год 2 модуль0.1 * Cours en ligne + 0.4 * Examen + 0.05 * compréhension de l'oral + 0.05 * compréhension de l'oral + 0.05 * compréhension des écrits + 0.05 * compréhension des écrits + 0.05 * production orale + 0.05 * production orale + 0.05 * production écrite + 0.05 * production écrite + 0.1 * travail de contrôle
- 2023/2024 учебный год 4 модуль0.05 * compréhension de l'oral + 0.05 * compréhension de l'oral + 0.05 * compréhension des écrits + 0.05 * compréhension des écrits + 0.4 * examen + 0.05 * production orale + 0.05 * production orale + 0.05 * production écrite + 0.05 * production écrite + 0.2 * travail de contrôle
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Беликова Г.В., Кулагина О.А. - Французский язык: говорим, пишем, мыслим = Le Français : parler, écrire, réfl échir - Московский педагогический государственный университет - 2018 - ISBN: 978-5 4263-0678-3 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ZNANIUM - URL:
- Французский язык : учебник для бакалавров, Левина, М. С., 2011
- Французский язык. Ч. 1:, Левина, М. С., 2017
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- DELF A1. 150 activites : nouveau diplome, Lescure, R., 2005