English for special purposes
Category 'Best Course for Career Development'
Category 'Best Course for Broadening Horizons and Diversity of Knowledge and Skills'
Compulsory course
Area of studies:
International Relations
Delivered by:
Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs
1 year, 1-4 module
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of one campus
Elena Petrova
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
English for Specific Purposes aims at shaping the communicative and professional competence in English which implies an ability to interact in English in the context of cross-cultural professional communication. Language skills are developed when studying authentic texts on political issues. Learning is practice-oriented.
Learning Objectives
- - to broaden and expand the students’ proficiency and knowledge of English; - to develop the students’ listening skills to enable them to understand and to use the information from the input; - to develop the students’ reading skills for the gist and detailed information, to make inferences and deduce the meanings from the context; - to develop the students’ speaking skills to enable them to produce a structured talk on the issue in question.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- learn types of policies and politics
- learn the difference between politics and policy
- learn what constitues a state
- learm types of sovereignty
- learn about humanitarian intervention
- learn about how to start a country
- learn about the difference between nationalism and patriotism
- learn types of nationalism and patriotism
- learn about constructive and destructive natures of nationalism
- learn types of political regimes
- learn what is democracy
- learn the history of democracy
- discuss democracy and related concepts
- learn about pluses ansd minuses of democracy
- learn about meanings of government
- learn about branches of government
- learn about the difference between presidential and parliamentary systems
- learn about pluses and minuses of two-party and multi-party systems
- learn about pluses andd minuses of big and small goverments
- learn about e-government
- learn about types of bureaucracy
- learn about characteristics of ideal bureaucracy
- learn about climate change
- learn about two perspectives how to act now (to combat climate change now or let future generations to take responsibility)
- learn about two persepctives on the causes of climate change (anthropogetic or natural)
- learn about global attempts to combat climate change
- learn about energy security (definition, factors, components, stategies)
- learn types of energy
- discuss renewables and non-renewables and compare them
- learn about decarbonization
- learn and discuss causes of conflicts
- learn rules of war
- learn and discuss changes in war and warfare in the 20th and 21st cneturies
- learn types of war
- discuss future of war (robotization)
- discuss the role of humanitarian organizations in armed conflicts
- learn about the Harvard principles of negotiation
- learn about cognitive biases
- learn about differences in cross-cultural negotiation
- learn and discuss what makes a successful negotiator and learn some real-life examples
- learn about types of elections
- learn about campaigning techniques
- learn and discuss the role of AI in political campaigns
- learn about smear campaigns
- learn about opinion polls
- learn about ways of voting (polling procedure)
- learn about ways of commiting electoral fraud
- learn about types of media
- learn about freedom of the press (what it is, types and examples)
- discuss two perspectives on how politicians engage with voters online
- discuss political correctness
Assessment Elements
- Quizzes
- Speaking card M1
- Speaking Card M2
- Participation M1-2
- Module 1 Test
- Exam
- Presentation
- Opinion Essay
- in-class summary+opinion essay
- Speaking card M3
- Speaking card M4
- Pariticipation M3-4
- Module test M2
- Module test M3
- Module test M4
- Exam
Interim Assessment
- 2023/2024 2nd module0.3 * Exam + 0.2 * Module 1 Test + 0.1 * Module test M2 + 0.1 * Opinion Essay + 0.05 * Participation M1-2 + 0.05 * Presentation + 0.1 * Quizzes + 0.05 * Speaking Card M2 + 0.05 * Speaking card M1
- 2023/2024 4th module0.3 * Exam + 0.2 * Module test M3 + 0.1 * Module test M4 + 0.1 * Pariticipation M3-4 + 0.1 * Quizzes + 0.05 * Speaking card M3 + 0.05 * Speaking card M4 + 0.1 * in-class summary+opinion essay