
Key Seminar "Role of Education in Comparative Social Research"
Compulsory course (Comparative Social Research)
Area of studies:
Delivered by:
School of Sociology
Faculty of Social Sciences
2 year, 1-3 module
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of one campus
Ekaterina Mitrofanova
Master’s programme:
Comparative Soсial Research
ECTS credits:
Course Syllabus
This key seminar accompanies students in their learning process throughout their two years of studying the elements, issues, concepts, and methodologies of comparative social research. During the sessions, all elements of the programme’s study plan of are discussed according to their fitness with the individual study plan of students. Thus, students become a part of the decision-making process with regard to forming individual curricular for becoming a comparatively working, empirical social scientist.
Learning Objectives
- To guide students and accompany them while they are choosing their educational strategy and adopting it to their background
- To practice how to organise a research work from the choice of the topic until its pitching and presentation
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Students understand the structure and schedule of the study process
- Students understand the HSE's educational tracks and have the instruments to choose the one for themselves
- Students are able to choose a preferable educational plan for themselves
- Students are able to choose a preferable educational plans for themselves
- Students are able to choose a scientific supervisor and consultants relating to students' research interests
- Students are able to raise a research question and to formulate hypotheses
- Students are able to clearly formulate scientific information for different types of audiences
- Students are able to use MS Office instruments for conducting a proficient research
Course Contents
- Intorduction in study process
- Tracks of study and opportunities for students
- How to search for and read relevant research articles
- Agenda for 3-4 modules
- Framing research questions and problem statements to specific audience types
- Assessment of students' Term papers
- Individual tracks for the second year of study
Interim Assessment
- 2023/2024 2nd module0.5 * Home assignment 1 + 0.5 * Home assignment 1 + 0.5 * In-class activity + 0.5 * In-class activity
- 2023/2024 4th module0.3 * Home assignment 2 + 0.3 * Home assignment 2 + 0.4 * Home assignment 3 + 0.4 * Home assignment 3 + 0.3 * In-class activity + 0.3 * In-class activity
- 2024/2025 3rd moduleIn-class activities and home assignments will have an equal weight. They will be evaluated in the second and the fourth modules
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Academic and educational development : research, evaluation, changing practice in higher education, Macdonald R., Wisdom J., 2002
- ALVESSON, M., & Sandberg, J. (2011). Generating Research Questions through Problematization. Academy of Management Review, 36(2), 247–271.
- Axelrod, B. N., & Windell, J. (2012). Dissertation Solutions : A Concise Guide to Planning, Implementing, and Surviving the Dissertation Process. Lanham, Md: R&L Education. Retrieved from
- Conducting research literature reviews : from the Internet to paper, Fink, A., 2005
- Constructing research questions : doing interesting research, Alvesson, M., 2013
- Daniela Andreini, & Cristina Bettinelli. (2017). Business Model Innovation : From Systematic Literature Review to Future Research Directions. Springer.
- Debora J. Bell, Sharon L. Foster, & John D. Cone. (2019). Dissertations and Theses From Start to Finish : Psychology and Related Fields (Vol. Third Edition). [N.p.]: American Psychological Association. Retrieved from
- Developing research questions : a guide for social scientists, White, P., 2009
- Fink, A. (1998). Conducting Research Literature Reviews : From Paper to the Internet. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications Inc. Retrieved from
- I. Korotkina B., & И. Короткина Б. (2017). Academic Literacy and Methods of Global Scientific Communication ; Академическая грамотность и методы глобальной научной коммуникации. Retrieved from
- Managing your academic career, Grant, W., 2006
- María Elena Molina. (2017). Academic Writing, Argumentation and Teaching Practices in the First Year of Higher Education. Enunciación, (2), 138.
- Mikael Sundström. (2020). How Not to Write a Thesis or Dissertation. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Stenken, J. A., & Zajicek, A. M. (2010). The importance of asking, mentoring and building networks for academic career success - a personal and social science perspective. Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry, 396(2), 541–546.
- Systematic approaches to a successful literature review, Booth, A., 2016
- The literature review : a step-by-step guide for students, Ridley, D., 2012
- Слуднева, Л. В. The Basics of Academic Writing : учебное пособие / Л. В. Слуднева. — Иркутск : ИрГУПС, 2022. — 88 с. — Текст : электронный // Лань : электронно-библиотечная система. — URL: (дата обращения: 00.00.0000). — Режим доступа: для авториз. пользователей.
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- 50 steps to improving your academic writing : study book, Sowton, C., 2012
- Academic practice : developing as a professional in higher education, Weller, S., 2016
- Graduate study for the twenty-first century : how to build an academic career in the humanities, Semenza, G. M. C., 2010
- How to get published in the best entrepreneurship journals : a guide to steer your academic career, , 2014
- Knopf, J. W. (2006). Doing a Literature Review. Retrieved from
- Preparing literature reviews : qualitative and quantitative approaches, Ling Pan, M., 2017
- Research questions, Andrews, R., 2004
- Sandberg, J., & Alvesson, M. (2011). Ways of constructing research questions: gap-spotting or problematization? Organization, 18(1), 23–44.
- Telling a research story : writing a literature review, Feak, C. B., 2009