Postgraduate course
Contemporary Research in Management
Compulsory course
Area of studies:
Postgraduate Studies
Delivered by:
Department of Management
2 year, 1 semester
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of one campus
Maxim Storchevoy
ECTS credits:
Course Syllabus
The purposes of the discipline are the formation of knowledge, skills and the use of modern research methods in the field of management theory and practice and the development of a scientifically sound position in the process of preparation, adoption and implementation of effective management decisions
Learning Objectives
- Learn the main approaches in Organization Theory — a science describing, explaining and predicting behavior of organizations.
- Develop the important skill of critical thinking about any theory (Is it really a good theory? Are the concepts clear? Is the logic consistent? Is it supported with reality? What is its added value? etc.)
- Prepare to pass the Candidate Exam in the 2nd year of the doctoral program (one of the questions will be devoted to various frameworks in Organization Theory).
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Ability to use instruments of new institutional economics to analyse contracts
- apply transaction costs economics to explaining the choice of type of contract
Course Contents
- Economic perspective
- Behavioral perspective
- Resource perspective
- Contingency vs. Choice Perspective
- Networks perspective
- Institutional Perspective
- Evolutionary Perspective
- Sensemaking and Enactment Perspective
- Post-Modernist and Symbolic Perspective
- Methodological Overview
Assessment Elements
- Активность на семинарах
- Выступление с докладом
- Итоговый тест
- Attestation of other Seminar's parts
Interim Assessment
- 2023/2024 1st semester0.3 * Активность на семинарах + 0.3 * Активность на семинарах + 0.4 * Выступление с докладом + 0.4 * Выступление с докладом + 0.3 * Итоговый тест + 0.3 * Итоговый тест
- 2024/2025 1st semester1 * Attestation of other Seminar's parts + 1 * Attestation of other Seminar's parts
Recommended Core Bibliography
- An introduction to the economics of information: incentives and contracts, Macho-Stadler, I., 2001
- Miles, J. A. (2014). New Directions in Management and Organization Theory. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Retrieved from
- Organization theory : методическое пособие / В. В. Великороссов, А. А. Гретченко, А. В. Колесников [и др.]. — Москва : Русайнс, 2022. — 132 с. — ISBN 978-5-4365-6183-7. — URL: (дата обращения: 27.08.2024). — Текст : электронный.
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Williamson, O. E. (1995). Organization Theory : From Chester Barnard to the Present and Beyond (Vol. Expanded ed). New York: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from