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International Marketing

Type: Minor
When: 1, 2 module
Open to: students of all HSE University campuses
Instructors: Sergey Chernikov
Language: English
ECTS credits: 5
Contact hours: 56

Course Syllabus


The course is aimed at providing students with the necessary theoretical knowledge of the principles of international marketing and practical skills to create an effective system of planning, organization, as well as maintaining these marketing activities of the enterprise
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • This course is aimed at studying the main marketing tools that are used to develop strategies and tactics of international companies aimed at mastering the market and obtaining the necessary profit. The main focus is on practical issues of marketing application in international companies. The course reveals the basic concepts of the problems and tools of the marketing approach to management, the implementation of the main functions of marketing, the development of a marketing package, the principles of marketing complex administration, organization and control of marketing in the company. Much attention is paid to the consideration of specific market situations, as well as practical experience in marketing management in international companies.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Know:  the marketing management concept  basic concepts of international marketing;  fundamentals of strategic planning in marketing;  business processes related to international marketing and their logic  corporate interactions with other company divisions in the marketing process;  methods of evaluation and control of the results of marketing activities;
  • Be capable of:  performing relevant operations within the organization's international marketing strategy framework;  using the information obtained in marketing research for organizational and managerial decisions drafting;  distinguish and set strategic and operational objectives in international marketing;  develop basic marketing plans and projects;  define the main corporate business processes related to international marketing activities;
  • Possess:  the ability to participate in collective marketing research plan drafting process for the international environment;  the ability to assess the consequences of organizational and managerial decisions;  the ability to work as a team in the development of international marketing strategies in organizations.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • 1. The nature of International Marketing: challenges and opportunities
    Forms of control : Survey
  • 2. Trade and marketing barriers
    Forms of control: Case study/test questions/survey
  • 3. Political and legal environment in international marketing
    Forms of control: Case study/test questions/survey
  • 4. Foreign consumer and business culture
    Forms of control: Case study/test questions/survey
  • 5. Consumer behavior in an international context: psychological and social aspects
    Forms of control:Group presentation
  • 6. Marketing research and information system
    Forms of control: Case study/test questions/survey
  • 7. Strategies for entering the foreign market
    Case study/test questions/survey
  • 8. Product strategies and planning
    Group presentation
  • 9. Product branding and packaging solutions
    Case study/test questions/survey
  • 10. Distribution channels and documentation
    Case study/test questions/survey
  • 11. Promotion strategies
    1000-word essay
  • 12. Problems of advertising on an international scale
    Case study/test questions/survey
  • 13. Pricing Strategies: Basic Solutions
    Case study/test questions/survey
  • 14. Pricing Strategies: Counter trading and terms of sale/payment
    Case study/test questions/survey
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Final project
  • non-blocking Hometasks
  • non-blocking Midterm
  • non-blocking In-class tasks
  • non-blocking Attendance
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2024/2025 2nd module
    0.1 * Attendance + 0.3 * Final project + 0.25 * Hometasks + 0.15 * In-class tasks + 0.2 * Midterm


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • International marketing, , 2020
  • Моргунов В.И., Моргунов С.В. - Международный маркетинг: учебник для бакалавров - Издательство "Дашков и К" - 2017 - ISBN: 978-5-394-02720-8 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЛАНЬ - URL: https://e.lanbook.com/book/93439

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Alpina - 290 - Ф.Котлер - Маркетинг от А до Я. 80 концепций, которые должен знать каждый менеджер - 9785961423693 - Альпина Паблишер - 2017 - https://hse.alpinadigital.ru/book/290
  • Procter & Gamble. Путь к успеху : 165-летний опыт построения брендов, Дайер, Д., 2006
  • Взлом маркетинга : наука о том, почему мы покупаем, Барден, Ф., 2015
  • Как создать продукт, который купят. Метод Lean Customer Development: Учебное пособие / Альварес С. - М.:Альпина Паблишер, 2016. - 248 с.: ISBN 978-5-9614-5395-9 - Режим доступа: http://znanium.com/catalog/product/737041
