
The language of advertisement
Delivered by:
Department of Foreign Languages
Open to:
students of all HSE University campuses
ECTS credits:
Course Syllabus
This course will equip future copywriters with essential skills to create persuasive advertising content that resonates with diverse audiences in a global marketplace. Through an in-depth examination of cultural dimensions, consumer behavior, and key communication theories, students will learn to craft compelling messages tailored to specific markets. The curriculum emphasizes effective product and promotion strategies while exploring the nuances of creative advertising across various media and genres. Students will also gain practical experience in self-presentation and the use of innovative technologies, ensuring they can adapt their language, tone, and approach to achieve impactful outcomes.
Learning Objectives
- To gain an understanding of the cultural dimensions that influence advertising language and consumer behavior.
- To develop practical skills for creating persuasive copy tailored to diverse markets and audiences.
- To explore and apply foundational communication theories relevant to advertising and cross-cultural interactions.
- To enhance creativity in advertising by studying various media formats, messaging techniques, and design principles.
- To cultivate self-presentation skills that enable effective personal branding in professional settings.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- To demonstrate proficiency in applying Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and communication theories to analyze and craft targeted advertising messages.
- To create compelling and persuasive advertising content that resonates with diverse audiences across different cultural contexts.
- To evaluate critically and adapt their writing for various media formats, employing creative strategies that cater to specific genres and platforms.
- To refine their self-presentation skills, enabling them to articulate their ideas and brand effectively in professional environments.
- To develop a unique writing voice that reflects their personal style and resonates with their intended audience in the advertising landscape.
Course Contents
- 1. Cultural Theories and Dimensions
- 2. Consumer Behavior
- 3. Product and Promotion Strategies
- 4. Branding and Archetypes
- 5. Creative Advertising and Linguistic Considerations
- 6. Creative Advertising
- 7. Self Presentation
Assessment Elements
- Classroom participation: active participation in discussions and group activities. Students are expected to contribute thoughtfully and engage with the material and their peers.
- Quizzesshort quizzes covering key concepts and theories discussed in class to reinforce understanding and retention.
- Case analysisstudents will analyze a provided advertising campaign case study, identifying key strategies, cultural considerations, and effectiveness.
- Testa comprehensive test covering all course materials, including lectures, readings, and discussions.
- Final projecta comprehensive project where students will create an advertising campaign based on a chosen product or brand, utilizing the theories and strategies discussed throughout the course. The project might be completed in groups of 3-4 people.
Interim Assessment
- 2024/2025 4th module0.125 * Case analysis + 0.125 * Case analysis + 0.05 * Classroom participation + 0.05 * Classroom participation + 0.3 * Final project + 0.05 * Quizzes + 0.05 * Quizzes + 0.25 * Test
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Evaluation and decision-making in social media marketing. (2016). https://doi.org/10.1108/MD-10-2015-0450
- Sandra M. Martinez. (2019). Mobile and Social Media Journalism : The Democratization of Information and Knowledge. [N.p.]: Society Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=2014096
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Media communication : an introduction to theory and process, Watson, J., 2008