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Bachelor 2024/2025

Practical Course of the Second Foreign Language (Chinese)

Area of studies: Linguistics
When: 2 year, 1-4 module
Mode of studies: offline
Open to: students of one campus
Instructors: Nazina Yulia
Language: English
ECTS credits: 13
Contact hours: 240

Course Syllabus


The course program sets minimum requirements to students` knowledge and skills and determines the content and types of courses and documentation. The program is designed for teaching staff, assistants and 1st and 2nd years students specialising in “Linguistics” 45.03.02 of the program “Foreign languages and cross-cultural communication”. “Practical course of the second language (Chinese)” is a part of basic professional courses (Major). 1st year students start learning Chinese without any basic knowledge and continue till the 2nd year. The aim of the course is the preparation of a specialist mastering Chinese in order to be capable to use it later to solve professional tasks in information and linguistics, in consultative and communicative spheres, and in translation corresponding to the 3rd level of standartised qualification exam in Chinese or A2+ level according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The purpose of mastering the discipline "Practical course of a second foreign language (Chinese)" in the 1st year is to train a specialist who speaks Chinese to the extent that allows him to further use it to solve professional tasks of pedagogical, scientific, methodological and research, translation, advisory, communicative and organizational management activities at the level of corresponding to the level of the standardized Chinese language qualification exam of the PRC — HSK 3 or A2+ level of language proficiency in the Pan-European CEFR system.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • -knows hieroglyphic writing in the volume corresponding to the studied language material
  • - has the skills of listening, reading, pronunciation and speaking, writing
  • has educational and cognitive competence: skills of independent work, as well as systematization of the studied material, including using information technologies.
  • knows the monetary system of the PRC.
  • knows the names of some household items.
  • knows the names of the countries of the world and a number of countries in Chinese.
  • knows the main dishes of Chinese cuisine, knows how to make orders and pay in Chinese restaurants
  • knows the main ways and methods of organizing work in various aspects of the language (phonetics, hieroglyphics, vocabulary and word usage, syntax) for the development of pronunciation, listening, reading, speaking and writing skills.
  • knows the structure and basics of the phonetic and hieroglyphic structure of the Chinese language.
  • knows the types of the graphic structure of the hieroglyph and the order of writing the features of hieroglyphs of various structures.
  • knows the types of sentences, as well as the basic structure and word order of the Chinese sentence.
  • knows the linguistic and cultural characteristics of the language being studied
  • knows what the Chinese language system is; is familiar with the basic concepts and terms related to the Chinese language and its dialects
  • knows various types and techniques of translation, taking into account the nature of the translated text and the conditions of translation to achieve maximum communicative effect.
  • is able to perceive and understand oral speech in the everyday sphere on the topics studied.
  • knows how to navigate in space, as well as describe the location of objects, people, public institutions
  • can carry out various types of translation from Chinese to Russian and back
  • is able to write all the main hieroglyphic features, masters the structural elements of hieroglyphs (graphemes) and their types; is able to comply with the regulatory rules for writing hieroglyphic text
  • is able to support a basic conversation on the topic of education and life on the university campus, as well as to draw up various documents required by the student
  • knows the ways of expressing dates, exact time, approximate quantity and time
  • Is able to support a basic conversation on the topic of family: to represent family members, to name names, age, profession and occupation, etc
  • can write and read texts, perceive and understand oral speech by ear, as well as support a basic conversation on the topics of study and student life, work and daily routine.
  • is able to apply the acquired knowledge and competently build communication based on the goals and situation of communication.
  • can pronounce and write down any combination of initials, finals, tones in pinyin, as well as comply with the regulatory rules of phonetic sound
  • is able to make purchases and pay in Chinese stores, markets, as well as conduct a conversation with Chinese sellers.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Part 1. Introductory phonetic course
  • Part 2. 确认介绍 (Familiarity: introducing yourself)
  • Part 3. 时间方位 (Spatial orientation and Time-Orientation)
  • Part 4. 日常需要 (Daily needs)
  • Part 1. 业余时间 (Free time)
  • Part 2. 学习汉语 (Learning Chinese )
  • Part 3. 生活 (Life)
  • Part 4. 比较句 (Comparative sentences )
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Exam
  • non-blocking Written speech
    The grade for the control element Written speech is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the aggregate of grades for all current written test papers written by students during contact classes during the academic period. Note 1: For a written work, which is a student's handwritten translation, essay, etc. independently reproduced text in Chinese, it is necessary to evaluate the hieroglyphics separately and the translation separately. These 2 separate grades should be entered in the report card, or a score equal to their arithmetic mean (arithmetic rounding) at the discretion of the teacher. Note 2: In controversial cases (for example, if, in a particular case, the distortion of an element led to a complete replacement of the hieroglyph, etc.), the teacher has the right to qualify the error at his discretion. Note 3: The same hieroglyph, written incorrectly or skipped several times, is considered to be the same mistake. Note 4: In case of omission or distortion of vocabulary: as many complete hieroglyphic errors are counted as many hieroglyphic characters should have been contained in the omitted or distorted lexical unit (not counting repetitive ones). Note 5: If there is a correctly written pinyin, in case of ignorance of the hieroglyphs included in this lexical unit, the lexical error may not be counted. Note 6: 96-100% -10 91-95 % — 9 86-90 % — 8 78-85 % — 7 71-77 % — 6 61-70 % — 5 51-60 % — 4 36-50 % — 3 21-35 % — 2 1-20 % — 1 0 % — 0. Note 7: Attendance and homework completion *** During the lesson, the teacher can check the availability of completed homework for this lesson or for previous ones at any time. If a student does not have a homework assignment, the teacher has the right to give him a grade of “0”: with the right to correct, if the student provides the completed assignment within a week from the moment it was set. *** “0” for the absence of homework without the right of correction is issued if the student, after a week from the date of the announcement of the assignment by the teacher, for some reason cannot demonstrate the completed assignment. ***Absence of a student in class: -- In case of absence from the lesson, regardless of the reason for the absence, the student is obliged to send to the teacher all his homework assignments completed for this lesson. Otherwise, it is also set to “0” (with or without the right to correct - see above). --- If a student is absent from the class without a valid reason, the teacher has the right to give the absent student a grade of “0” for each type of activity that was evaluated and each type of control that was carried out during this missed lesson. If there is a valid reason for the absence of a student in the classroom during any type of control, the teacher is NOT obliged to provide an opportunity to finish the assignment or write the missed work. Note 8: Settlement of write-off cases under control ***For cheating during any kind of control, the student is suspended from this work and is automatically assigned a “0". If cheat sheets are found and an attempt to write off has not yet been implemented, -2 points are automatically removed from the assessment for this work. For attempts to prompt after the first warning, each subsequent remark entails -1 point (both to the prompter and the addressee).. Note 9: *** The score "0" is used: — if the student did not start performing the Control Element (submitted a written work that does not contain answers to the proposed tasks; refused to answer in the oral form of control; in other cases, when no response was received from the student); — when violations are detected, such as writing off written works or writing off when preparing for an oral answer, using hints when performing oral work, double submission of written works, plagiarism in written works, committing forgery when performing written works, etc.
  • non-blocking Certification work
  • non-blocking Oral speech
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2023/2024 2nd module
    0.2 * Certification work + 0.2 * Certification work + 0.4 * Exam + 0.4 * Exam + 0.2 * Oral speech + 0.2 * Oral speech + 0.2 * Written speech + 0.2 * Written speech
  • 2023/2024 4th module
    0.2 * Certification work + 0.2 * Certification work + 0.4 * Exam + 0.4 * Exam + 0.2 * Oral speech + 0.2 * Oral speech + 0.2 * Written speech + 0.2 * Written speech
  • 2024/2025 2nd module
    0.2 * Certification work + 0.2 * Certification work + 0.4 * Exam + 0.4 * Exam + 0.2 * Oral speech + 0.2 * Oral speech + 0.2 * Written speech + 0.2 * Written speech
  • 2024/2025 4th module
    0.2 * Certification work + 0.2 * Certification work + 0.4 * Exam + 0.4 * Exam + 0.2 * Oral speech + 0.2 * Oral speech + 0.2 * Written speech + 0.2 * Written speech


  • Назина Юлия Сергеевна
  • Дубинина Мария Николаевна