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Bachelor 2024/2025

English Teacher Professional Activity

Area of studies: Linguistics
When: 3 year, 2, 3 module
Mode of studies: offline
Open to: students of one campus
Language: English
ECTS credits: 4

Course Syllabus


This practice-oriented course is aimed at preparing students for effective teaching in different contexts both offline and online. The range of topics covered in this course includes, but is not limited to, instructional design, classroom management, teacher-student and student-student interaction, classroom assessment and feedback, teacher effectiveness and professional development. By completing a wide range of diverse individual and group activities throughout the course, students will not only get the opportunity to practice the core teaching skills, but will also develop a set of language teachers’ professional problem-solving and critical thinking skills. The collaborative learning environment will prompt students to practice reflective teaching and explore their own teaching style.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Knowing the key terminology used in English language teaching, applying this terminology in planning and teaching;
  • Extending their knowledge and awareness of those aspects of language which are relevant to their professional practice;
  • Consolidate and refine their planning and their practical classroom skills;
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • owns the fundamental concepts required to start teaching a foreign language
  • successfully determines the students' needs, and draws up the students' characteristics for further communication
  • distinguishes error from inaccuracy or slip
  • chooses and applies efficiently presentation techniques and introductory activities
  • recognises the difference between controlled/ restricted practice and less controlled/ freer practice activities
  • is able to apply PPP and TBL approaches in practice
  • ability to identify and formulate appropriate aims according to the lesson type
  • ability to control Teacher Talking Time and Student Talking Time
  • being able to plan timing for different activities
  • being able to include all the necessary components in a lesson plan
  • being able to demonstrate understanding of a teacher's role
  • ability to manage time during the lesson wisely and accurately
  • knowing and being able to use different strategies of error-correction in writing/ speaking
  • knowing various strategies of feedback and being able to utilise them
  • To develop a deep understanding of the principles and practices of language teaching.
  • To explore the role of learner motivation in language acquisition.
  • To cultivate a critical and reflective approach to language teaching.
  • To develop pedagogical strategies for teaching foreign languages based on an understanding of learning methods, motivation, and L1/L2 differences.
  • To develop proficiency in using a range of teaching techniques and strategies.
  • To cultivate an awareness of the role of modern technologies in language teaching.
  • To enhance the ability to design, plan, and implement effective language lessons.
  • To develop students' ability to create lesson plans that cater to the specific needs and learning styles of diverse learners.
  • To foster students' understanding of the crucial role of assessment in lesson planning, promoting formative and summative evaluation techniques.
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of TTT and STT in different learning contexts.
  • To develop the ability to assess student learning and provide constructive feedback.
  • To cultivate a learner-centered approach to error correction and feedback.
  • To foster a comprehensive understanding of error correction techniques.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Background to Language Learning
  • Background to Language Teaching
  • Lesson Planning
  • Classroom Management
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Сlass Participation
  • non-blocking Quizzes
  • non-blocking Assignment 1 (Case Study)
    Students are given 2 challenging cases/ situations that may arise during interaction between a teacher and a student (the topics will be taken from seminars 1–9). The students must define the problem using previously learnt professional terminology and offer solutions to the stated issue. Each case is worth a maximum of 5 points, resulting in a total of 10 points for both cases.
  • non-blocking Assignment 2 (Lesson Plan)
  • non-blocking Assignment 3 (Lesson Analysis: Video + Analysis)
  • non-blocking Final work
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2024/2025 3rd module
    0.1 * Assignment 1 (Case Study) + 0.1 * Assignment 2 (Lesson Plan) + 0.2 * Assignment 3 (Lesson Analysis: Video + Analysis) + 0.25 * Final work + 0.15 * Quizzes + 0.1 * Сlass Participation + 0.1 * Сlass Participation


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Academic writing in a second or foreign language : issues and challenges facing ESL/EFL academic writers in higher education contexts, , 2012
  • Active learning strategies in higher education : teaching for leadership, innovation, and creativity, , 2018
  • Common European framework of reference for languages : learning, teaching, assessment, , 2004
  • Corpus-based approaches to English language teaching, , 2012
  • Ellis, R. (2012). Language Teaching Research and Language Pedagogy. Malden, Mass: Wiley-Blackwell. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=430951
  • Ellis, R. (2017). Oral corrective feedback in language teaching: A historical perspective. https://doi.org/10.21897/25394185.1482
  • Jeong-Bae Son. (2018). Teacher Development in Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Management in English language teaching, White, R., 2001
  • Teaching Unplugged : Dogme in English Language Teaching, 103 p., Meddings, L., Thornbury, S., 2012
  • The TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) Course : Modules 1, 2 and 3, 2nd ed., 9th printing, 256 p., Spratt, M., Pulverness, A., Williams, M., 2014
  • Zhao, W. (2016). Academic English Teaching for Postgraduates Based on Self-Regulated Learning Environment: A Case Study of Academic Reading Course. English Language Teaching, 9(5), 214–224. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=eric&AN=EJ1099634

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Yaman, S. (2016). Study on Reflection as a Source of Teacher Development: Pre-Service and Experienced Teachers. Educational Research and Reviews, 11(7), 437–448.


  • Bogolepova Svetlana Viktorovna