
Business Etiquette: Writing, Speaking, Acting
Elective course (Digital Marketing)
Area of studies:
Delivered by:
Department of Public Administration
2 year, 1 module
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of one campus
ECTS credits:
Course Syllabus
The course is focused on business etiquette as a demonstrated comprehension of ethics in business. It considers oral and written forms of communication as well as the key behavioural patterns for typical business situations, which reflect people’s judgements on what is ethical. Students are offered a blend of theory and practice covering three major blocks – writing, speaking and acting:∙ writing (etiquette principles of business correspondence; anatomy of official letters; formal language patterns and key troublesome grammar, vocabulary and graphical aspects associated with them)∙ speaking (speech behaviour and etiquette formulas for basic situations such as greeting, goodbye, thanking, apologising, requesting, etc.; small talk; etiquette of telephone conversations)∙ acting (first meeting etiquette; ceremonial etiquette, including invitations, composing of meeting parties, timing, venue selection and design, transportation, interpretation, eating, etc.; flag protocol).The course summarises best global practices of business etiquette supplemented with elements of state protocol. It is recommended to students willing to advance their communication skills and achieve new knowledge demanded in various professional areas.
Learning Objectives
- - to create informed judgments about the role of etiquette in contemporary business; - to analyze the norms that regulate typical communicative situations in writing, speaking and acting; - to develop skills of effective verbal and non-verbal communication.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Students write formal texts using the blend of official and reader-friendly styles; assess the quality of formal correspondence of peers; use language patterns learnt; avoid typical grammatical and lexical challenges of business correspondence
- Students apply speech clichés that correspond to a certain etiquette situation; initiate and take part in small talk; demonstrate effective telephone communication
- Students apply the rules of ceremonial etiquette in different situations; distinguish the codes in business cards; design a formal and informal business meeting programmes
Course Contents
- 1. The etiquette of business correspondence
- 2. The etiquette of oral communication
- 3. The behavioural etiquette for typical business situations
Assessment Elements
- Mini-testA test of 5 multiple choice questions at the beginning of each first class based on the previous material
- Final testThe test has 40 questions (multiple choice and open-end). The students are given 80 minutes to write it at class (in zoom) during the final lesson,
- A situationStudents work in mini-groups. Each group describes a real-life situation in business (e.g. inviting a representative of a foreign company to visit your office and hold negotiations) and prepares a short presentation (10 minutes maximum) to role-play in class.
- Seminar workParticipating in discussions (relevant Q&As), giving grounded opinions, debating with peers, reporting the results of group discussions are subject to assessment.
Interim Assessment
- 2024/2025 1st module0.25 * A situation + 0.25 * Final test + 0.25 * Mini-test + 0.25 * Seminar work
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Alpina - 1177 - Ann Marie Sabath - Business Etiquette: 101 Ways to Conduct Business With Charm & Savvy - 9781601637499 - Career Press -
- Alpina - 1183 - J.Bowman - Don't Take the Last Donut: New Rules of Business Etiquette - 9781601638748 - Career Press -
- Alpina - 1207 - S.Benjamin - Quick & Painless Business Writing: An Essential Guide to Clear and Powerful Communication - 9781601638052 - Career Press -
- Thomsett, M. C. (2018). Style Guide for Business Writing : Second Edition: Vol. Second edition. De Gruyter.
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Best Practice : Upper Intermediate : Business English in a Global Context, Coursebook, 176 p., Mascull, B., Comfort, J., 2008
- Fox, S. (2008). Business Etiquette For Dummies (Vol. 2nd ed). Hoboken, N.J.: For Dummies. Retrieved from
- Galluccio, M. (2015). Handbook of International Negotiation : Interpersonal, Intercultural, and Diplomatic Perspectives. Cham: Springer. Retrieved from
- Щавелева, Е. Н., HOW TO MAKE A SCIENTIFIC SPEECH. Практикум по развитию умений публичного выступления на английском языке : учебное пособие / Е. Н. Щавелева. — Москва : КноРус, 2018. — 92 с. — ISBN 978-5-406-06126-8-H-2015. — URL: (дата обращения: 27.08.2024). — Текст : электронный.