
Critical Theory
Elective course (Philology)
Area of studies:
Delivered by:
Department of Philology
3 year, 1, 2 module
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of all HSE University campuses
Renata Goroshkova
ECTS credits:
Course Syllabus
The course introduces students to several but far from all signposts in what is known as Critical Theory. By reading some arbitrarily selected theorists we will deal with a number of twentieth-century intellectual concepts, such as unconscious, ideology, neoliberalism, gender, alienation, docile body, and the like. Reflecting upon difficult texts from our own perspectives and backgrounds, we will practice critique and theorize theory through reading, thinking, listening, discussing, and writing on theoretical matters critically.
Learning Objectives
- To boost students’ advanced academic reading comprehension, critical thinking, and oral and written public debate skills
- To equip students with first-hand knowledge of contemporary Critical Theory, its issues, terminologies, and thinking styles.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Read primary theoretical texts in English and summarize them critically
- Question, reflect upon, and debate issues in Critical Theory
- Define concepts in Critical Theory orally and in writing by building a brief critical argument around each concept
- Write out a critical response to a theoretical text in the mode of a mini-essay
- Present a theory or concept in public within a time limit and cope with the audience’s feedback
Course Contents
- Introduction
- Psychoanalytic criticism
- Marxist criticism
- Structuralist criticism
- Deconstructive criticism
- Feminist criticism
- Cultural criticism
- New-historical criticism
- Poststructuralist criticism
- Postcolonial criticism
- Postmodern criticism
Assessment Elements
- Class participationStudents are expected to attend all lectures and seminars and contribute to discussions. They need to be prepared for class by having read the assigned texts. They contribute to seminar discussions by asking and answering questions relevant to the corresponding class section
- EssayOnce during (but not in the last two weeks of) the course, each student delivers a mini-essay responding critically to and/or applying one of the theoretical texts assigned for seminar discussion. The essay CANNOT BE on the text the student talks about in Presentation. It MUST be submitted within a two-week period either before or after the seminar centered on the chosen text; the deadline for the mini-essay on the last topic of the course is three days after the final class. It is to express the writer’s understanding of the theoretical stance of the critical theorist in question as well as a personal stance with respect to a particular notion in, or the central argument, of the text, clearly argued in 500 words.
- PresentationOnce during the course, each student prepares and presents a 5-min. talk at the beginning of the class, with or without audiovisual materials, selecting one of the following options: a) (seminars only) Summary of the assigned text, with a brief intro of the theorist b) (seminars only) Critique of the assigned text (in response to summary); c) (lectures only) Report on the previous seminar discussion At the beginning of the course, students sign up for Presentation by typing their full name, presentation format (S, C, or R) (mandatory), and presentation title (optional) into the online chart for one of the 19 sessions, dated as scheduled. The sign-up is conducted on a first-come, first-served basis. You cannot remove another person’s name and put in your own: if you want to negotiate presenting on a particular date or text that is already signed-up for, please contact the original signee directly.
- ExamThe exam is a Quiz with 10 multiple-choice questions. It is taken online via Smart LMS on the scheduled date and time and lasts 15 minutes only. Students are allowed to use any notes and materials within that time limit.
Interim Assessment
- 2024/2025 3rd module0.25 * Class participation + 0.25 * Essay + 0.25 * Exam + 0.25 * Presentation