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Master 2024/2025

German 1

Area of studies: Linguistics
When: 1 year, 1-4 module
Mode of studies: distance learning
Online hours: 20
Open to: students of one campus
Instructors: Ekaterina Egorova
Master’s programme: Иностранные языки и межкультурная коммуникация
Language: English
ECTS credits: 12
Contact hours: 180

Course Syllabus


The course “German 1” aims to solve the following tasks: development of speech (pragmatic) competence aimed at developing and improving communication skills in in four types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading and writing); the ability to plan one's speech behavior adequately owns a communicative case; 2) development and improvement of linguistic competence aimed at systematization of learned material; mastering of language means (phonetic, spelling, lexical, grammatical) based on authentic material; development of skills in operating with language units for communicative purposes; 3) development and improvement of sociocultural (sociolinguistic) competence aimed at increasing the amount of knowledge and improving the skills necessary to use the language in situations of communication with representatives of another culture, the ability to look for ways out of situations of communication failure due to sociocultural interference in communication. As the course is for those who start learning German, the syllabus is in English for your convenience. However, the course will be taught fully in German, with the consideration of your level, because there are both local and international students who do not share a common first language.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Formation of foreign language communicative competence not lower than level A 1 (for students who start studying the discipline from scratch)
  • Formation of foreign language communicative competence not lower than level B1.2 (for students who begin studying the discipline with a completed level A.2.2)
  • The formation of understanding and the ability to use familiar phrases and expressions in speech necessary to perform specific tasks, the ability to introduce oneself and introduce others, ask questions and answer questions about the place of residence, acquaintances, property, the formation of the ability to participate in a simple conversation if the interlocutor speaks slowly and clear and ready to help (for students who start studying the discipline from scratch)
  • Formation of the ability to understand the main ideas of clear messages made in the literary language on various topics that typically arise at work, study, leisure, etc., the formation of the ability to communicate in most situations that may arise during a stay in the country of the language being studied, the ability to make a coherent communication on well-known or particularly interesting topics, the formation of the ability to describe impressions, events, hopes, aspirations, to state and justify their opinions and plans for the future (for students who begin studying the discipline with a completed level A.2.2).
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • knows how to talk about himself about his hobbies and participate in a dialogue-performance, acquaintance - talks about his family - counts up to 100 - conjugates regular verbs and the verb sein - knows how to ask questions with and without a question word.
  • - talks about his health, about a healthy lifestyle - knows how to make an appointment with a doctor - participates in a dialogue at a doctor's appointment, describes how he feels - talks about holidays - knows how to write invitations to a holiday and congratulations - inflects nouns, possessive pronouns, personal pronouns, adjectives - uses past tenses Perfekt, Präteritum
  • - talks about his workplace and participate in a dialogue-presentation in the office - talks about his hobbies and hobbies - participates in a dialogue with colleagues at work - conjugates weak verbs - conjugates the modal verb können - uses possessive pronouns - knows how to negate different parts of speech - uses local prepositions aus, in, bei, nach
  • - knows how to book a hotel room, solve a problem with the administration in his room - participates in a dialogue in a hotel - talks about the museum and the sights of the city - knows how to write a letter about the museum - inflects nouns, adjectives - conjugates weak and strong verbs - uses transitive verbs - conjugates the modal verb möchten - uses local and tense prepositions
  • - knows how to talk about his eating habits - knows how to conduct a dialogue in the store when buying - tells a recipe - counts up to 100 - conjugates the modal verbs möchten and mögen - knows the definite and indefinite articles - declines nouns (Nominativ, Akkusativ) - knows how to use negation with "nicht", "kein".
  • knows how to talk about his workplace, about his working day, about working at a computer - knows how to participate in a dialogue about a business meeting - inflects nouns, possessive pronouns, personal pronouns, adjectives - conjugates regulat and unregular verbs - conjugates verbs with separable and inseparable prefixes - uses reflexive verbs - uses modal verbs sollen and müssen - uses the compound past tense Perfekt - uses local prepositions
  • - knows how to talk about the weather, about his favorite season - knows how to talk about travel and vehicles - participates in a dialogue about the trip, about the weather - knows how to shop for clothes in a store - knows how to write a letter about his trip - conjugates weak and strong verbs - inflects nouns, personal pronouns, adjectives - uses local prepositions - conjugates the modal verb wollen - uses the imperative
  • - knows how to talk about his apartment, about his house - can talk about his dream house - knows how to participate in a dialogue about his housing, about his residential area - knows how to write a letter about his home - conjugates strong and weak verbs - uses prepositions with dual control - uses different compound conjunctions - conjugates the modal verb dürfen - forms degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Acquaintance
  • Workplace. First contacts
  • Trip to Munich
  • Food and drink
  • Routine
  • Clothes. Weather
  • My house
  • Health
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Verification work
  • non-blocking Exam
  • non-blocking Final oral control
  • non-blocking Final written test at the end of each topic
  • non-blocking Final written control
    Включает в себя задание на чтение (Leseverstehen), письмо (Schreiben), аудирование (Hӧren), а также лексико-грамматический тест по пройденному материалу, оценивается по шкале 100 баллов.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2024/2025 2nd module
    0.4 * Exam + 0.1 * Final oral control + 0.2 * Final written control + 0.15 * Final written test at the end of each topic + 0.15 * Verification work
  • 2024/2025 4th module
    0.4 * Exam + 0.1 * Final oral control + 0.2 * Final written control + 0.15 * Final written test at the end of each topic + 0.15 * Verification work


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Begegnungen : Integriertes Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch: Sprachniveau A1+, Buscha, A., 2013
  • Begegnungen : Integriertes Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch: Sprachniveau A2+, Buscha, A., 2013

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Grammatik aktiv : uben, horen, sprechen : [A1-B1], Jin, F., 2019
  • Themen aktuell 1 : Deutsch als Fremdsprache : Niveaustufe A1, 2 CDs Hortexte, 2 оптич. диска (CD-ROM), , 2003
  • Themen aktuell 1 : Deutsch als Fremdsprache : Niveaustufe A1, Arbeitsbuch, 143 s., Bock, H., Eisfeld, K. H., Holthaus, H., Schutze-Nohmke, U., 2012
  • Themen aktuell 1 : Deutsch als Fremdsprache : Niveaustufe A1, Kursbuch, 160 s., Aufderstrase, H., Bock, H., Gerdes, M., Muller, J., Muller, H., 2003


  • Рубан Дарья Игоревна