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Master 2024/2025

Mentor's Seminar

Type: Compulsory course (Economics and Economic Policy)
Area of studies: Economics
When: 1 year, 1-4 module
Mode of studies: offline
Open to: students of one campus
Instructors: Timur Natkhov
Master’s programme: Economics and Economic policy
Language: English
ECTS credits: 4

Course Syllabus


The discipline Tutor Seminar takes place during the whole course of study and is compulsory for students of the Study Program “Economics and Economic Policy”. In the course of communication with the tutor, the student forms his/her individual study plan, receives additional feedback for the term paper and master's thesis. The seminar is implemented in Russian and English, depending on the student's specialization.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • To acquire a systematised understanding of current research trends in economic science
  • To form an individual curriculum
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • An individual education plan for the second half of the year
  • Correcting the syllabus and term or Master's thesis work
  • Acquiring the necessary skills to defend a dissertation
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • An introduction to the structure of the economics and economic policy education program for the first-year students
  • Tutor operation workshop
  • Monitoring the students' uptake of the learning process
  • Pre-defense of the Master's thesis for the second-year students
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Презентация
  • non-blocking Исследовательская работа
  • non-blocking Презентация
  • non-blocking Исследовательская работа
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2024/2025 4th module
    0.5 * Исследовательская работа + 0.5 * Презентация
  • 2025/2026 4th module
    0.5 * Исследовательская работа + 0.5 * Презентация


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Roberto Marchionatti, & Mario Cedrini. (2017). Economics As Social Science : Economics Imperialism and the Challenge of Interdisciplinarity. Routledge.

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Acemoglu, D., & Robinson, J. A. (2012). Why Nations Fail : The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty (Vol. [International version]). New York: Profile Books. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1478395


  • Шевелев Максим Борисович
  • Natkhov Timur Vladimirovich