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Human Migration. Migrant Adaptation and Integration

Type: Mago-Lego
Delivered by: Department of Demography
When: 3 module
Open to: students of all HSE University campuses
Instructors: Ekaterina Seredkina
Language: English
ECTS credits: 3

Course Syllabus


Theoretical issues of human migration. Human migration - concept and definition. Classification, kinds and types of migration. Sources of information on migration. Migration rates. Factors and reasons for migration. Migration concepts and classification of main scientific approaches. Migration and its impact on population and labor potential. Migration and population dynamics. Migration and its impact on the sex and age structure of the populationLevel of education of migrants and labor potential. Migration and ethnic processes. Migration and ethnicity - issues of interaction. Migration and its impact on the ethnic structures of the populationMigration and assimilation processesNational component of migration policyMigration and the labor marketLabor migration: concept, classification of forms. Modern aspects of demand for labor migrants. Regional features of the use of foreign labor. Illegal migration. Integration. Migration policy. Integration policy: barriers, potential, opportunities. Challenges of social exclusion of migrants. Principles, approaches and contours of the integration policy. Integration policy in the context of migration policy issues. Fundamental problems of integration policy. Manipulation of public opinion. Methodological foundations for the development of state migration policy. Stages of development and implementation of migration policy. Tools for the implementation of migration policy. Mechanisms for implementing migration policy