
Theories of Modernity in Contemporary Cultural Sociology
Category 'Best Course for New Knowledge and Skills'
Elective course (Philosophical Anthropology)
Area of studies:
Delivered by:
School of Philosophy and Cultural Studies
Faculty of Humanities
2 year, 1, 2 module
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of one campus
Ekaterina Pavlenko
Master’s programme:
Philosophical Antropology
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
The speed of change in the modern world, as well as an abundance of information about these changes makes it extremely difficult to understand the general direction and trends of these transformations. Cultural sociology directs its attention to the life world, practices, forms of life, forms of labor and forms of leisure, art, and politics in order to discover the social logic that stands behind the multitude of heterogeneous processes. Social logic does not need either mystification or denunciation; it requires understanding and explication by concepts and heuristics that would allow us to comprehend the processes in which we, regardless of our desire, are involved, as well as to see the risks and opportunities that are hidden behind these processes. The goal of the course is to study and critically assess basic approaches to the analysis of modern society in cultural sociology. The syllabus of the course will include such approaches as the strong program in the sociology of culture by J. Alexander, the concept of the experience society by G. Schulze, the theory of emotional labor by A. Hochschild, the sociology of emotions by E. Illuz, the theory of the society of singularities by A. Reckwitz, as well as other influential programs in modern cultural sociology.
Learning Objectives
- Studying the historical and theoretical background for the formation of modern cultural sociology in the classical sociological tradition
- Mastering the conceptual apparatus of modern cultural sociology
- Developing practical skills to independently apply key heuristics and methods of cultural sociology
- The formation of a common understanding of the main trends and directions of development of modern society
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Describe main research topics and trends within contemporary cultural sociology
- Differentiate and contrast different trends within contemporary cultural sociology and juxtapose them against fundamental sociological problems
- Evaluate and justify conceptual positions in contemporary cultural sociology in relation to problematics of modern societies
- Identify and recognize concepts and theoretical arguments pertaining to contemporary cultural sociology
- Propose and develop an explanation of the modern social phenomena within the framework of contemporary cultural sociology
- Summarize and compare various conceptual framework within the contemporary cultural sociology
Course Contents
- The conceptual and historical roots of cultural sociological approach in social sciences
- The fundamental epistemological problems that define theoretical inclinations within contemporary cultural sociology.
- Themes of modern societies studies
Assessment Elements
- Эссе 1Эссе 1 — письменная работа, которая сдаётся по итогам первого блока курса, в рамках которого проходит знакомство с истоками и основами современной социологии культуры. В рамках эссе необходимо раскрыть и обосновать свою позицию по отношению к сильной программе в социологии культуры, обосновать критические или валидирующие тезисы на основе работы с выбранными источниками из классической социологической теории, культурной антропологии, или семиотики.
- Эссе 2Эссе 2 является итоговой работой по результатам освоения второго блока учебной программы. В рамках эссе 2 необходимо выбрать одну из предлагаемых фундаментальных проблем, сформулировать свою позицию в рамках этой проблемы и обосновать её.
- Эссе 3Эссе 3 - итоговое эссе по курсу. В рамках эссе необходимо выбрать 1 эмпирический кейс в российском контексте, выбрать теоретическую и методологическую рамку из словаря социологии культуры, поставить исследовательский вопрос и дать вариант ответа на него, которые может быть дан с применением культурсоциологического словаря.
- Аудиторная работа
Interim Assessment
- 2021/2022 2nd module0.2 * Аудиторная работа + 0.2 * Эссе 1 + 0.2 * Эссе 2 + 0.4 * Эссе 3
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Cultural theory : an introduction, Smith, P., 2009
- The Oxford handbook of cultural sociology, , 2012
- Смыслы социальной жизни: культурсоциология, Александер, Дж., 2013
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- A contemporary introduction to sociology : culture and society in transition, , 2018
- Cultural trauma : slavery and the formation of African American identity, Eyerman, R., 2001
- Modernity and self-identity : self and society in the late modern age, Giddens, A., 2005
- Real civil societies : dilemmas of institutionalization, , 1998
- Remembering the Holocaust : a debate, Alexander, J. C., 2009
- Social performance : symbolic action, cultural pragmatics and ritual, , 2006
- The invention of creativity : modern society and the culture of the new, Reckwitz, A., 2017