2024/2025![Learning Objectives](/f/src/global/i/edu/objectives.svg)
![Expected Learning Outcomes](/f/src/global/i/edu/results.svg)
![Assessment Elements](/f/src/global/i/edu/controls.svg)
![Interim Assessment](/f/src/global/i/edu/intermediate_certification.svg)
English for General Communication Purposes. Intermediate Course – 1
Optional course
Delivered by:
School of Foreign Languages
1, 2 module
Open to:
students of one campus
Малинина Ирина Александровна,
Антонова Евгения Борисовна,
Филина Анна Борисовна,
Кирилишина Дарья Валерьевна,
Тейбаш Виктория Анатольевна,
Сулакаури Анастасия Юрьевна,
Львовская Людмила Сергеевна,
Морозова Анна Сергеевна,
Андриященко Анастасия Игоревна,
Щеднова Яна Олеговна,
Малинина Ирина Александровна,
Котова Ирина Юрьевна,
Кузина Екатерина Андреевна,
Леонов Тимофей Витальевич,
Бобок Ирина Викторовна,
Шендерович Мария Филипповна,
Пинчукова Анна Евгеньевна,
Антонова Евгения Борисовна,
Yulia Andrushkina,
Tatyana Baranova,
Elena Borodkina,
Arina I. Galeyeva,
Sofia Lozovaia,
Liliya Vasilevna Zhilina,
Anna Zhuravleva,
Козлова Алёна Андреевна,
Тищенко Анастасия Александровна,
Козлова Алёна Андреевна
ECTS credits:
Course Syllabus
The discipline refers to the variable educational tracks offered to students of the curricula for Bachelor's and Specialist's degrees of choice while mastering the optional course of English in accordance with the Concept of the Development of English-language Communicative Competence of HSE Students. “English for General Communication Purposes. Intermediate Course-1” is a basic course aimed at developing English skills for general communication purposes. Throughout the course, students are provided with multiple opportunities to work on the four major skills such as listening, reading, writing and speaking, through in-person interaction as well as online work. The course will boost students’ English-speaking skills by giving them a chance to take part in numerous discussions, presentations and other forms of spoken interaction and by expanding their vocabulary and grammar range. Students will learn how to write a variety of texts (emails and summaries). Students will also hone their reading and listening skills by reading extensively both authentic and adapted texts and listening to a variety of audiovisual resources that may include, but are not limited to, podcasts, TED Talks, and everyday conversations. Within the course, students are supposed to complete home assignments and do tests of various formats to check reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills as well as vocabulary and grammar usage. By the end of the course, students will gain the skills and confidence to communicate effectively in English at the B1 level (HSE Scale 30-39).
Learning Objectives
- This course will help students improve their command of English for interpersonal and intercultural communication and develop their listening, reading, writing and speaking skills consistent with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), B1 level (HSE Scale 40-49). Students will practice different listening and reading strategies and will be equipped with the tools to properly compose written and oral texts common to communication for general purposes.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- To develop skills of using basic listening techniques (predicting, understanding main ideas and details)
- To develop skills of using basic reading techniques skimming and scanning (predicting, understanding main ideas, understanding details)
- To form skills of note-taking
- To develop understanding of lectures and learning context
- To improve understanding of dialogues and polylogues on both familiar and unfamiliar topics
- To form understanding of text structure
- To produce monologues ( descriptive/informative/argumentative/persuasive speech)
- To develop understanding of specialised complex longer texts & articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems (CEFR)
- To develop writing skills: summary and email
- To participate in dialogues on general topics (active listening, questioning, responding to questions, emphasizing)
Assessment Elements
- Written AssessmentWritten assessment includes: min 1 reading test, min 1 listening test, min 1 vocabulary and grammar test, min 2 written works (email and summary)
- Oral AssessmentOral assessment includes a monologue on a given topic and a discussion.
- Independent Work AssessmentIndependent work includes activities that students do at home, activities that students do in the classroom and online work. The elements of independent work cannot be retaken.
- Final AssessmentFinal assessment equals to the interim exam which is held in the form of a written test. The exam aims to check whether the student demonstrates the acquisition of the set learning objectives. The exam includes two parts: Listening and Writing. Listening (L): Max. 10 points (1 point for every correct answer). Time: 20 min. Duration of audio file: 5-7 minutes. Writing (W): Max. 10 points. Time: 50 min. Task: Write a summary of the following text (text range: BE, AE, GE, ESP). Recommended word count: 10-30% of the total word count of the text. Grading formula: L* 0.5 + W*0.5 = 10. Period of FA: 10 days prior to the second module’s session.
Interim Assessment
- 2024/2025 2nd module0.3 * Final Assessment + 0.25 * Independent Work Assessment + 0.2 * Oral Assessment + 0.25 * Written Assessment
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Berry, R. (2018). English Grammar : A Resource Book for Students (Vol. 2nd edition). [Place of publication not identified]: Routledge. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1753147
- New language leader: intermediate : coursebook, Cotton, D., 2015
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students: with answers, Murphy, R., 1992
- Качалова, К. Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами : учебник / К. Н. Качалова, Е. Е. Израилевич. — Санкт-Петербург : КАРО, 2018. — 608 с. — ISBN 978-5-9925-0716-4. — Текст : электронный // Лань : электронно-библиотечная система. — URL: https://e.lanbook.com/book/114337 (дата обращения: 00.00.0000). — Режим доступа: для авториз. пользователей.