
The Psychology of Sustainability
Delivered by:
School of Psychology
3 module
Open to:
students of all HSE University campuses
Elena Sautkina
ECTS credits:
Course Syllabus
Global environmental change, e.g. environmental degradation, climate change, are among the most serious problems of our times due to direct threats for human health and wellbeing, safety and security, economy and politics, to mention but a few areas. Psychological science has an important role to play in helping to shape people’s awareness and action in order to transition towards an environmentally sustainable future. Since 1960s, Environmental Psychology has been contributing a great wealth of theory, methodology and evidence in the areas of environmental sustainability and pro-environmental action. The course will cover six broad themes: 1) Theory and Research Methods of Psychology of Sustainability, 2) Psychological Underpinnings of the Environmental and Climate Crisis, 3) Psychological Determinants of Pro-Environmental Action 4) Nature, Environmental Sustainability and Human Well-being, 5) Psychology of Sustainable Cities, 6) Practical Applications in Psychology of Sustainability. Interactive lectures and active learning seminars will enable the students to gain basic knowledge, competences and skills to pursue further academic and/or practical work in this area.
Learning Objectives
- Develop knowledge in theory, methodology and evidence of Psychology of Sustainability.
- Develop knowledge and skills in conducting basic research in the area of Psychology of Sustainability.
- Gain basic knowledge and skills in applying the principles of Psychology of Sustainability in practice.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Can apply theory and methods in the area of Psychology of Sustainability to resolve basic practical problems in this area.
- Can reflect upon and evaluate research questions, designs and methods in the area of psychology of climate change.
- Can reflect upon and evaluate research questions, designs and methods in the topic area of pro-environmental behaviour.
- Can reflect upon and evaluate research questions, designs and methods on the topic of psychological dimensions of urban sustainability.
- Can reflect upon and evaluate research questions, designs and methods on the topic of Restoration and Conservation Psychology.
- Has basic skills to design and evaluate an evidence-based intervention in the area of environmental behaviour change.
- Has basic skills to design and evaluate an evidence-based intervention in the area of psychological dimensions of urban sustainability.
- Has basic skills to design and evaluate an evidence-based intervention in the area of psychology of climate change.
- Has basic skills to design and evaluate an evidence-based intervention in the area of Restoration and Conservation Psychology.
- Knows basic theories explaining people-environment relationships.
- Knows key concepts and theories in the areas of Psychological Co-benefits of Environmental Sustainability, Restoration and Conservation Psychology.
- Knows key concepts in the field of Psychology of Sustainability.
- Knows key principles and has basic skills of research dissemination among non-academic audiences in the area of psychology of sustainability.
- Knows key principles of collaborations between researchers, policy-makers and practitioners in the area of psychology of sustainability.
- Knows key principles of intervention design in the field of Psychology of Sustainability.
- Knows key problems, concepts and theories in the field of psychology of climate change.
- Knows key research methods in Psychology of Sustainability.
- Knows key theories explaining pro-environmental behaviour and behaviour change.
- Knows key theories in the area of psychological dimensions of urban sustainability.
- Knows basic theories explaining people-environment relationships.
- Knows key concepts in the field of Psychology of Sustainability.
- Knows key research methods in Psychology of Sustainability.
- Can reflect upon and evaluate research questions, designs and methods on the topic of psychological dimensions of urban sustainability.
- Has skills to design and evaluate an evidence-based intervention in the area of psychological dimensions of urban sustainability.
- Knows key theories in the area of psychological dimensions of urban sustainability.
- Can reflect on and evaluate research questions, designs and methods on the topic of Restoration and Conservation Psychology.
- Can reflect on and evaluate research questions, designs and methods in the area of psychology of climate change.
- Has basic skills to design and evaluate an evidence-based intervention in the area of psychology of climate change
- Knows key problems, concepts and theories in the field of psychology of climate change
- Can reflect upon and evaluate research questions, designs and methods in the topic area of pro-environmental behaviour
- Has basic skills to design and evaluate an evidence-based intervention in the area of environmental behaviour change
- Knows key theories explaining pro-environmental behaviour and behaviour change
- Can apply theory and methods in the area of Psychology of Sustainability to resolve basic practical problems in this area
- Knows key principles and has basic skills of research dissemination among non-academic audiences in the area of psychology of sustainability
- Knows key principles of collaborations between researchers, policy-makers and practitioners in the area of psychology of sustainability
Course Contents
- Theory and Methods in Psychology of Sustainability
- Sustainable Urban Environments
- Environmental Sustainability and Human Wellbeing as Co-benefits
- Sustainability and Climate Change
- The Psychology of Pro-Environmental Action
- Linking Theory, Research and Practice in Psychology of Sustainability
Assessment Elements
- Organised discussionsStudents will be invited to participate in organised discussions during lectures and seminars. They are encouraged to ask content-related questions, answer lecturer's questions, discuss with peers and lecturer.
- QuizAt the end of the course an oral quiz based on the lecture contents will be taken. Each student will receive 3 questions covering any part of the lecture content, and will provide exhaustive and detailed answers in the time allocated.
- Seminar TasksDuring seminars, students will engage in tasks requiring homework, including: article presentations, assessment of spatial design, debate and intervention design. Normally (depending on the number of students inscribed) each student will present 2 homework tasks in pair with another student.
- ProjectAt the end of the course, students present projects. These can be: 1) A novel research project, 2) A scientific evaluation of an existing environmental initiative, 3) A novel evidence-based environmental project
Interim Assessment
- 2024/2025 3rd module0.1 * Organised discussions + 0.2 * Project + 0.3 * Quiz + 0.4 * Seminar Tasks
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Clayton, S. (2012). The Oxford handbook of environmental and conservation psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
- de Groot, J. I. M., Berg, A. E. van den, & Steg, L. (2012). Environmental Psychology : An Introduction. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=446208
- de Groot, J. I. M., Berg, A. E. van den, & Steg, L. (2019). Environmental Psychology : An Introduction. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Fleury-Bahi G., Pol E. & Navarro O. (2017). Handbook of Environmental Psychology and Quality of Life Research. Springer Link.