
Research Seminar "New World Order in Prospect: BRICS and World Majority"
Elective course (International Relations: European and Asian Studies)
Delivered by:
School of International Regional Studies
2 year, 1-4 module
Open to:
students of one campus
Victoria Panova
Course Syllabus
The Research Seminar (RS) "New world order in prospect: BRICS and World Majority. Potential analysis and development scenarios" is aimed at offering the students to get involved in the exciting task of not only understanding the evolution of the current world order, sources of the ongoing geopolitical and geoeconomic tensions and reasoning behind decisions taken, but also to participate in the crafting of the new ideas for the tectonic processes of the shifting world power and the new world parameters with the BRICS and BRICS+ at its core. It will offer the possibility to put all previous theoretical and practical knowledge of the students at work, while acquiring first-hand knowledge and learning how to apply acquired skills to reality of international relations and foreign policy decisions making. Individual research topics will eventually lead to a broader picture and systemic outcome, thus requiring team work as a necessity as well.The RS will have a composition of documental and analytical studies, collective debates on the required topics and writing term papers and thesis. While lectures in the pure form aren't envisioned, the seminar will ensure intensive interaction and guiding lines from the professor. Occasional invitation of national and international politicians and researchers to join the debates will also feature the course. If interested and achieving necessary requirements and skills, critical and systemic analysis level and fulfilling course requirements, students will be able to be involved in the extracurricular activities of the real BRICS agenda.
Learning Objectives
- The Research Seminar (RS) of the Master's Programme "International Relations: European and Asian Studies" (hereinafter - RS, seminar) is the main form of individual research work of the students of the programme, the material expression of which is their term and diploma papers, as well as other results of individual or group research work (articles, chapters in collective monographs, contributions to research projects of the Faculty and its departments). Individual research papers are the form of reporting (interim or final) on the student's work within the NIS and the basis for its evaluation by the seminar leader. At the same time, the innovative nature of NIS consists in regular collective discussion (debates) of the work of students attending the seminar, creating analytical generalisations of different views and levels of study within the framework of one problem field.
- The objectives of the research seminar "Research seminar "New world order in prospect: BRICS and World Majority. Potential analysis and development scenarios" are: - formation of universal competences of scientific discussion, debates, public speeches through participation in scientific discussion of the results of their own and colleagues' research work, mutual enrichment with new ideas and skills under the guidance of an experienced supervisor; - Formation of universal research competences; mastering of basic methodological approaches to formulating a scientific topic, problem and research question; identification of the object and subject of research; justification of the relevance of the topic and the novelty of the research; setting the goal and objectives of the research; improvement of skills of critical analysis of empirical data; mastering of modern technologies of preparing scientific texts on the BRICS activities, including the use of information systems based on art - formation and systematic development of competences in the field of advanced research theories and methods in analysing and preparing a text on the issues of multidisciplinary cooperation in BRICS; development of skills of logical and coherent presentation of a scientific text; mastering the skills of building an adequate and balanced structure of a scientific text; development of skills of preparing a review of sources and literature on the issues of BRICS activities; - formation of competences of preparation of information and analytical materials; abstracting scientific literature and sources; reviewing scientific research; skills of adequate understanding and interpretation of scientific discourse on the topic of topical issues of political, socio-economic and humanitarian cooperation in the BRICS association; development of the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice when preparing and conducting scientific research and research projects.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Formulates and justifies the topic, object and subject of scientific research.
- Formulates and justifies the relevance, novelty, purpose and objectives, structure of scientific research.
- Demonstrates skills in writing a review of sources and literature on a research topic
- Formulates and justifies the theoretical and methodological basis of the study.
- Formulates a research problem, justifies the research hypothesis, and formulates a research question.
- Presents the results of the implementation of the individual research project
- Able to plan and implement an individual research project, the end result of which is: a term paper, a thesis, a scientific article, an expert report
- Able to ensure that the project output meets the requirements for these types of reporting to the HSE university, leading academic journals and research units of the Faculty and HSE university
- Demonstrates skills in identifying the object and subject of research
- Demonstrates skills in independently selecting relevant literature and empirical data for the research topic
- Demonstrates skills in writing a literature review and sources on a research topic
- Demonstrates skills in selecting and evaluating empirical data, analysing, summarising and integrating findings
- Explains the meaning and objectives of basic research procedures
- Explains the formal structure of a research paper
- Describes the capabilities and limitations of certain methods and theories in conducting research
- Describes the potential, challenges, and types of qualitative methods
- Determines the relevant research strategy
- Identifies relevant research methods
- Distinguishes empirical data from the research literature
- Develops a hypothesis and research plan, formulates a research question
- Formulates the practical and theoretical relevance of the research
- Able to understand the differences between relevance and novelty of research
- Formulates a research problem
- Assesses the potential, objectives and types of quantitative methods (as appropriate)
- Present the results of his/her research in writing in accordance with the requirements for term papers and final qualification papers at HSE university
Course Contents
- Topic 1: Theme, object, subject of research in the field of BRICS and World Majority Grouping.
- Theme 2: Relevance, scientific novelty, aim and objectives, research structure in the field of BRICS and the World Majority Group association
- Theme 3: Sources and academic literature in the field of BRICS and the World Majority Group.
- Topic 4: Theoretical and methodological foundations of scientific research in the field of BRICS and World Majority Grouping.
- Topic 5: Research Problem, Research Question, Research Hypothesis in the field of BRICS and World Majority Grouping
- Topic 6: Presentation of an individual research project on the BRICS and the World Majority Alliance
Assessment Elements
- Activity
- self workThe accumulated grade for the work at the seminar is given on a 10-point scale, is the arithmetic average of the reports, and is determined before the final control - O self. work.
- examAt the final control on this discipline during the oral examination the student's knowledge about the methodology of scientific research, the theory of scientific text, the logical and semantic structure of scientific text, the methodology of its analysis, identification of the main structural components, the technology of writing scientific texts in the field of BRICS and the World Majority Group; practical skills of writing and analysing a scientific text, formulating its topic, object, subject, relevance, scientific novelty of the research, purpose and objectives of the research are also assessed, The teacher assesses the results of independent work (individual and/or group) in solving research problems on the topic under study.
- attendance
Interim Assessment
- 2024/2025 2nd moduleThe cumulative grade for the current control takes into account the student's performance on the current control as follows: O accumulated = 0.5* O activity + 0.5* O self-work
- 2024/2025 4th moduleThe resulting grade for the discipline is calculated as follows: O Result = 0.5* O Accumul + 0.5 *-O Exam
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Бордачев, Т. В. Теория международных отношений в XXI веке : учебник / Т. В. Бордачев. — Москва : Международные отношения, 2015. — 532 с. — ISBN 978-5-7133-1481-1. — Текст : электронный // Лань : электронно-библиотечная система. — URL: (дата обращения: 00.00.0000). — Режим доступа: для авториз. пользователей.
- История международных отношений и внешней политики России : учеб. пособие для вузов, Асташин, В. В., 2010
- История международных отношений и внешней политики России 1648-2005 : учебник для вузов, Протопопов, А. С., 2006
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Короткина, И. Б. Академическое письмо: процесс, продукт и практика : учебное пособие для вузов / И. Б. Короткина. — Москва : Издательство Юрайт, 2019. — 295 с. — (Образовательный процесс). — ISBN 978-5-534-00415-1. — Текст : электронный // Образовательная платформа Юрайт [сайт]. — URL: (дата обращения: 28.08.2023).