
Actuarial Calculus
Elective course (Stochastic Modeling in Economics and Finance)
Delivered by:
Department of Statistics and Data Analysis
1 year, 1, 2 module
Open to:
students of all HSE University campuses
Harold A. Moreno-Franco
Course Syllabus
This study delves into the essential principles of actuarial calculus, providing a comprehensive framework for understanding cash-flow modeling and the valuation of financial instruments in the context of life insurance. Key topics include the mathematical foundations of interest accumulation, the evaluation of annuities and fixed-interest securities, and the application of stochastic models to represent random cash-flows. The course emphasizes the critical assessment of premiums, reserves, and risks, enabling participants to apply mathematical techniques in real-world scenarios. Furthermore, it introduces complex life insurance constructs, such as joint-life and last-survivor models, facilitating a holistic approach to risk management and product evaluation in today's dynamic financial environment.
Learning Objectives
- To Develop Proficiency in Cash-Flow Modeling: Equip students with the fundamental mathematical skills required to construct and analyze cash-flow models, including techniques for interest accumulation, cash-flow valuation, and the assessment of yield on various financial products.
- To Apply Actuarial Calculus in Life Insurance Evaluation: Enable learners to model future lifetimes and evaluate life insurance products, with a focus on calculating life annuities and understanding their implications on policy pricing and financial sustainability.
- To Enhance Understanding of Premiums, Reserves, and Risk Assessment: Provide a thorough analysis of different premium structures (net and office) and the methodologies for calculating reserves and random policy values, while also exploring the complexities of multiple life insurance scenarios through the use of copulas and joint distributions.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Understand and have the abilities to present/describe the methods studied in this course in mathematical terms.
- Understand the limitations and benefits related to using of different actuarial techniques
- Implement methods studied in the course with Mathematica and/or statistical software.
- Applicate of methods studied in the course to problems/examples.
- Understand and have the abilities to present/describe the methods studied in life insurance.
- Understand and have the abilities to present/describe the methods studied in Premiums, reserves and risks.
- Understand and have the abilities to present/describe the methods studied in Multiple Life Insurance.
Course Contents
- Тема 1. Basic Actuarial Mathematics
- Тема 2. Life Insurance
- Тема 3. Premiums, reserves and risks
- Тема 4. Multiple Life Insurance
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Encyclopedia of actuarial science. Vol.1: A-D, , 2004
- Encyclopedia of actuarial science. Vol.2: E-N, , 2004
- Encyclopedia of actuarial science. Vol.3: O-Z. Index, , 2004
- Ferrari, J. R. (1968). Investment Life Insurance Versus Term Insurance and Separate Investment: A Determination of Expected-Return Equivalents. Journal of Risk & Insurance, 35(2), 181–198.
- Financial and actuarial statistics : an introduction, Borowiak, D. S., 2014
- Luca Regis (Ed.). (2018). Actuarial and Financial Risks in Life Insurance, Pensions and Household Finance. Web server without geographic relation, Web server without geographic relation (org): MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. Retrieved from
- Steinar Ekern, & Svein-Arne Persson. (1996). Exotic Unit-Linked Life Insurance Contracts. The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, (1), 35. Retrieved from
- Боровков, А. А. Математическая статистика : учебник для вузов / А. А. Боровков. — 5-е изд., стер. — Санкт-Петербург : Лань, 2021. — 704 с. — ISBN 978-5-8114-7677-0. — Текст : электронный // Лань : электронно-библиотечная система. — URL: (дата обращения: 00.00.0000). — Режим доступа: для авториз. пользователей.
- Кельберт, М. Я. Вероятность и статистика в примерах и задачах : учебное пособие / М. Я. Кельберт, Ю. И. Сухов. — Москва : МЦНМО, [б. г.]. — Том 2 : Марковские цепи как отправная точка теории случайных процессов — 2010. — 560 с. — ISBN 978-5-94057-557-3. — Текст : электронный // Лань : электронно-библиотечная система. — URL: (дата обращения: 00.00.0000). — Режим доступа: для авториз. пользователей.
- Кельберт, М. Я. Вероятность и статистика в примерах и задачах : учебное пособие / М. Я. Кельберт, Ю. М. Сухов. — Москва : МЦНМО, [б. г.]. — Том I : Основные понятия теории вероятностей и математической статистики — 2007. — 456 с. — ISBN 978-5-94057-253-4. — Текст : электронный // Лань : электронно-библиотечная система. — URL: (дата обращения: 00.00.0000). — Режим доступа: для авториз. пользователей.
- Кельберт, М. Я. Вероятность и статистика в примерах и задачах / М. Я. Кельберт, Ю. М. Сухов. — Москва : МЦНМО, [б. г.]. — Том 3 : Теория информации и кодирования — 2016. — 567 с. — ISBN 978-5-4439-2377-2. — Текст : электронный // Лань : электронно-библиотечная система. — URL: (дата обращения: 00.00.0000). — Режим доступа: для авториз. пользователей.
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Actuarial Mathematics, Bowers, N. L., 1986
- An introduction to actuarial mathematics, Gupta, A. K., 2002
- An introduction to actuarial studies, Atkinson, M. E., 2011