Student Theses
Total number of papers available for your query 88266
Attitude to the Manchus in the Religious Policy of the Chinese People's Republic
Educational Programme: Master
Student: Ivanova Kseniya
Supervisor: Alexey L. Ryabinin
Year of Graduation: 2014
The Phenomenon of Online Protest in Modern Russia
Educational Programme: Master
Student: Derbasov Mikhail
Supervisor: Vadim V. Damie
Year of Graduation: 2014
A Research on Models of Trade Secrets' Protection in Activities of Legal Entities
Faculty of Business Informatics
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Mironova Kristina
Supervisor: Anna Konstantinovna Zharova
Year of Graduation: 2014
The Comparing of Rating Scales for Russian Companies
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Burdakova Ekaterina
Supervisor: Alexander M. Karminsky
Year of Graduation: 2014
The Factors Determining the Dividend Policy of Russian Listed Companies
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Busy`gina Dar`ya
Supervisor: Alexandra Galanova
Year of Graduation: 2014
Audio-visual Mass Culture Products' Promotion in Social Media
School of Integrated Communications
Educational Programme: Specialist
Student: By`kov Fedor
Supervisor: Nelli Bachurina
Year of Graduation: 2014
Stability criteria of the transatlantic free trade area
Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs
Educational Programme: Master
Student: Babanova Anastasiya
Supervisor: Timofey Bordachev
Final Grade: 8
Year of Graduation: 2014
Criminal law qualification of unlawful acts in bankruptcy cases
Educational Programme: Specialist
Student: Shipelyov Ivan
Supervisor: Yulia Gracheva
Year of Graduation: 2014
Nonparametric Methods for Estimating of the Functional Cointegration Models
School of Statistics, Data Analysis and Demography
Educational Programme: Master
Student: Chernov Aleksej
Supervisor: Alexander Kudrov
Year of Graduation: 2014
Statistical Analysis of Space Lunches
School of Statistics, Data Analysis and Demography
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Titova Mariya
Supervisor: Lilia Rodionova
Year of Graduation: 2014
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