Student Theses
Total number of papers available for your query 88266
Prospects of the European Gas Market Development in the Process of Changing the Pricing Model
Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Sapfirov Dmitrij
Supervisor: Stanislav V. Roginsky
Year of Graduation: 2014
The Foreign Policy of “Middle Power States” under Conditions of Formation of New Regional Order in East Asia
Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs
Educational Programme: Master
Student: Safronova Irina
Supervisor: Maxim Bratersky
Year of Graduation: 2014
Innovative Educational Projects Branding for the Russian Young Adults Audience
School of Integrated Communications
Educational Programme: Specialist
Student: Sokol Nikita
Supervisor: Pavel E. Rodkin
Year of Graduation: 2014
The Impact of U.S. Macroeconomic Announcements on the Russian Stock Market
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Yanbaeva Fatima
Supervisor: Alexander Yuryevich Arshavsky
Final Grade: 8
Year of Graduation: 2014
Study of the Problem of Self-assembling Phenomenon Modeling and Development of Requirements to the Modeling Apparatus.
Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics
Educational Programme: Specialist
Student: Podobin Aleksandr
Supervisor: Alexander Makhiboroda
Final Grade: 10
Year of Graduation: 2014
The Impact of Intellectual Capital on the volatility of Economic Value Added in European Companies
Faculty of Economics
Educational Programme: Master
Student: Zakharova Natal`ya
Supervisor: Elena Shakina
Year of Graduation: 2014
Banking Sector of Russia in Terms of Joining the WTO
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Glukhov Aleksandr
Supervisor: Vladimir B. Malyaev
Year of Graduation: 2014
Factors Affecting the Yield of Securities
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Grigor`ev Dmitrij
Supervisor: Svetlana A. Lapinova
Year of Graduation: 2014
Employment in Russian Health Care: Tendencies and Factors
Educational Programme: Master
Student: Kajgorodczeva Mariya
Supervisor: Marina Kolosnitsyna
Year of Graduation: 2014
The improvement of planning processes of a manufacturing company
Faculty of Logistics
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Alyamovskaya Nataliya
Supervisor: Aleksandr Putilin
Year of Graduation: 2014
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