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Student Evaluation of Teaching

SET Methodology & Data Interpretation

Working with course grades

Questions on courses with a midterm assessment:

Numerical grades (1 to 5 + "Difficult to answer"): 

  1. Practical value of the course for your future career
  2. ПPractical value of the course for broadening your horizons and diversified personal development
  3. Novelty of knowledge gained in this course
  4. Difficulty of the course for its successful completion

Open-ended questions (extended response):

  1. What do you find useful about the content and organization of this course (e.g., effective approaches, interesting topics, forms of assessment, specific practical significance, etc.)
  2. What would you suggest to change in the content and organization of this course (what is needed, what seems unnecessary or inefficient, etc.)

Как интерпретировать оценки по дисциплинам

1. The results of teachers’ assessment and course grades should be clearly separated. While teachers’ results help to evaluate their personal teaching skills, course results are useful for evaluating overall content and organization. Although the results of teachers' assessments are good, certain elements of course organization (topics or assessment elements) may cause difficulties for students. Therefore, it is important to adjust course content. The opposite is also true, and even successful topics and control elements may not result in the desired outcomes due to the problems with the submission of material or an opaque evaluation system. Look at these two types of assessment differently. They can help you figure out where it is important to work on the course content and where to work on your personal teaching skills.

2. Consider each SET criterion separately.If teachers’ grades are averaged, then course evaluation results are usually shown separately for each criterion. This helps us to understand what exactly needs to be corrected. Perhaps there are not enough practical elements of the work or the novelty of knowledge gained in the given course is not enough. Therefore, it is necessary to improve these features in particular, in order to produce the best results. 


3. Difficulty of the course for its successful completion should not be very high or low. While other criteria should be maximized (i.e., “the more, the better”), the overall difficulty of the course should remain at the average level or slightly above average so as to stimulate students to learn the subject. If the indicators are very low or high, this means that the backgrounds of students are not taken into account.

For me, SET is a very important tool for assessing the quality of teaching. HSE University is one of the few Russian universities that pays great attention to students’ opinions about past courses. In my opinion, SET stimulates teachers to constantly update course programmes and look for new ways of improvement. Feedback is necessary. When changing course content, I look at students’ comments in SET because this tool is about the entire course, not a particular teacher

Nikita Savin
Associate Professor at the School of Communication, Programme Academic Supervisor of the “Communications in the Public Sector and NGOs” Masters’ Programme (from the material for the HSE University publication “HSE University Life” (Ru))


Working with teachers’ grades

Quesions on teaching:

Numerical grades (1 to 5 + "Difficult to answer"): 

  1. Clarity of requirements to students
  2. Clarity and consistency of study materials
  3. Communication between the teacher and the audience
  4. Teacher’s availability for extracurricular discussion of any academic or scientific matters

Open-ended questions (extended response):

  1. What do you like about the work of this teacher (e.g., successful practices and formats, interaction style, etc.)
  2. What would you suggest to change in the work of this teacher (e.g., what is needed, what seems unnecessary, etc.)

Как интерпретировать преподавательские оценки

1. Remember to separate the teacher’s grades from the course grades. You are not only the author of the course, you are also the first person who helps students to learn new things. Therefore, every part of your work is important, whether it is organizing assessment elements or your teaching methods. Thus, try to separate the feedback on the subject and on your personal work, as this will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses.


2. Pay special attention to the communication criteria and students' comments on them. Not only do students evaluate the content of the material, but also how you delivered it. This means that sometimes it’s more important how you explain the criteria for assignments or answer questions during the classes. Working with communication criteria is important for your future relations with students, their understanding of the material and your own personal development. 


3. Do not be ashamed of sharing positive experiences. Students provide feedback not only about the bad parts of the course, but also about the advantages of the teacher or the course. Comments on successful teaching practices, interesting control elements or a convenient course structure will help you to understand that you are doing everything right.


There is a lot of ambiguity in a lecturer’s activities. We have to make decisions about course content, the nature of assignments, and the relationship between different topics and work formats. Teaching is a matter of practice. There’s not a single teaching course that will tell you what will exactly work for a specific course and a specific set of students. You’re never sure what the end result will be, which is why student feedback has helped me to understand that some students have found my course interesting and useful.

Evgeny Osin
Associate Professor at the School of Psychology (from material for the university publication “HSE University Life”) 

With the help of students’ comments in SET, it is possible to amend the mechanics of classes and look closely at weak points. Also, thanks to constructive criticism, we can see what parts of our work are considered effective by students. Every semester, I try to figure out how successful my classes were with different groups at different faculties, by comparing them with my past results.
I think that SET results help instructors to ‘compare notes’ with students. SET is an essential tool in the feedback ecosystem. It also encourages teachers to get better and adapt teaching methods regularly. In general, it is important to develop a culture of feedback, because the teacher regularly evaluates their students with different forms of control, while the student is not always able and ready to openly offer feedback about the teacher.
Thanks to multi-criteria SET, there is an opportunity for introspection, development, and improvement of applied teaching mechanics. The high marks indicate that I am moving in the right direction. And yes, it's just nice!

Konstantin Makshanchikov
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Theoretical Economics (from material for the HSE University publication “HSE University Life” (Ru))


Working with online course grades

Questions on online courses

Numerical grades (1 to 5 + "Difficult to answer"): 

  1. Practical value of this online course for your future career
  2. Practical value of this online course for broadening your horizons and diversified personal development
  3. Novelty of knowledge gained in this online course
  4. Clarity of requirements to students in this online course
  5. Clarity and consistency of study materials in this online course
  6. Difficulty of this online course for its successful completion

Open-ended questions (extended response):

  1. Any comments or suggestions regarding this online course (optional)

Как интерпретировать обратную связь по онлайн-курсам

1. ​If a blended teaching format is applied, think about how the online course has helped students develop course topics Online courses can supplement information taught in regular classes or offer something new. Therefore, students’ grades will show how the e-course helped them to broaden their knowledge and obtain new skills. Thus, you will understand whether the course was generally useful and whether it is worth offering it to students in the future. 

2. Consider how students rated the clarity and consistency of study materials used for the online course. Online courses are published on different platforms with their own technical features. Pay attention to the students’ comments about how these systems work, and what are the good or bad features of their operation that students specified. As such, you will be able to assess whether it is necessary to use courses from such platforms and how to deal better with their functionality.


Вместо заключения

Waiting for the results is an emotional process: I always read all of the comments, and take into account any comment, praise, or complaint. Whenever possible, I try to fix this in my teaching, the courses, or my attitude to the students.
This is a very important feedback tool. I would even say that we should pay more attention to it and continue improving this process. It motivates us to become better; students can use this channel to safely and anonymously express all their regrets, discontent, and complaints about their teachers’ performance. On the basis of these assessments, we should improve our programmes and syllabi. Yes, this tool, like any other, has its disadvantages, but I believe they don’t outweigh the benefits.
For me, this is an integral part of my job, which helps me understand what direction I should take, what I should fix, and what I need to further develop. It gives me confidence that I’m doing it right, or, on the contrary, that certain experiments have failed and need to be done differently next time. Without it, I would not be able to improve my existing courses and create new ones. It’s also hard to overestimate the support I get from the comments left by students about my work. It really gives me the energy to continue doing my job.

Anastasia Poretskova
Associate Professor at the School of Politics and Governance, Academic Director of the “Political Science” Bachelor’s Programme (from material for the HSE University publication “HSE University Life” (En))



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