Бауэр Татьяна Андреевна
Faculty of Creative Industries; School of Communication: Visiting Lecturer
Government Relations in Theory and Practice (1 year, 2-4 module)
Legal support of business abroad (2 year, 1 module)
Grebenkov, Denis
Digital instruments in public sector (2 year, 1 module)
Кадимов Мансур Марифович
Basics of Data-Driven Communications (1 year, 1 module)
Lyutikova, Alina
Faculty of Creative Industries; School of Communication: Senior Lecturer
Introduction to Political Communication (1 year, 1 module)
Mamonova, Marina
Faculty of Creative Industries; School of Communication: Deputy Head of the School, Lecturer
Margaryan, Mariam
Faculty of Creative Industries; School of Communication: Visiting Lecturer
Communincation Management in NGO (1 year, 2-4 module)
Fundraising in Non-governmental Sector (2 year, 1 module)
Маслов Григорий Андреевич
Basics of Data-Driven Communications (1 year, 1 module)
Медникова Ольга Юрьевна
Faculty of Creative Industries; School of Communication: Visiting Lecturer
Digital Communication for Governments and NGO (1 year, 3, 4 module)
Mironyuk, Svetlana
Faculty of Creative Industries; School of Communication: Visiting Lecturer
Basics of Data-Driven Communications (1 year, 1 module)
Mikhnevich, Sergey
Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs; School of International Affairs: Visiting Lecturer; Faculty of Creative Industries; School of Communication: Visiting Lecturer
International Lobbying (2 year, 1 module)
Мкртумян Нане Давитовна
Faculty of Creative Industries; Marketing & Communications Centre: Manager
Qualitative methods in Communications (1 year, 1, 2 module)
Naumov, Stanislav
Faculty of Creative Industries; School of Communication: Professor
Best Teacher – 2024Government Relations in Theory and Practice (1 year, 2-4 module)
Nester (Nesterenko), Roman
Faculty of Creative Industries; Laboratory for Data Analysis and Application in Digital Communication and Product Management: Laboratory Head; Faculty of Creative Industries; School of Communication: Professor
Basics of Data-Driven Communications (1 year, 1 module)
Носова Анна Сергеевна
Urban Communication (2 year, 2 module)
Пестова Яна Николаевна
Reputation Management (2 year, 2 module)
Pronkina, Elena
Faculty of Creative Industries; School of Communication: Senior Lecturer
Qualitative methods in Communications (1 year, 1, 2 module)
Саркисян Агнеса Грантовна
Faculty of Creative Industries; School of Communication: Visiting Lecturer
Communincation Management in NGO (1 year, 2-4 module)
Fundraising in Non-governmental Sector (2 year, 1 module)
Sobchenko, Olga
Faculty of Creative Industries; School of Communication: Visiting Lecturer
Best Teacher – 2023Event Management (1 year, 3 module)
Соколова Екатерина Никитична
Faculty of Creative Industries; School of Communication: Visiting Lecturer; Faculty of Creative Industries; Laboratory for Political Communications: Laboratory Head
Seminar «Political Decision Making» (1 year, 3, 4 module)
Seminar "Quantitative Data Basics" (1 year, 1 module)
Tikhonova, Irina
Faculty of Creative Industries; School of Communication: Lecturer, Postgraduate Student
Qualitative methods in Communications (1 year, 1, 2 module)
Трифонова Ксения Владимировна
Basics of Data-Driven Communications (1 year, 1 module)
Tsygankov, Daniel B.
Faculty of Social Sciences; School of Politics and Governance: Associate Professor
basics of regulatory policy (1 year, 4 module)
Якушкин Дмитрий Дмитриевич
Faculty of Creative Industries; School of Communication: Professor
Speechwriting and Principles of Effective Communication Messages (2 year, 2 module)
Янчева Анастасия Вадимовна
Faculty of Creative Industries; School of Communication: Lecturer
Qualitative methods in Communications (1 year, 1, 2 module)