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Practical Training of Students

The procedures for the organization and holding of PTEs for MP HSE and Kyung Hee University in Economics, Politics and Business in Asia students are set out in:

Regulations on Practical Training of Students under Core Bachelor’s, Specialist and Master’s Programmes at HSE University (DOCX, 82 Кб)

Internship Programme of the Master’s Programme “Economics, Politics and Business in Asia” (DOCX, 45 Кб)

Practical training elements

These are the practical training elements included in the “Internship” module under a curriculum for MP HSE and Kyung Hee University in Economics, Politics and Business in Asia students:

Ac. year

Practical training element (PTE)

Duration in ECTS per 1 student

Duration in ECTS per 1 student


3 ECTS (114 ac. hours)

1st ac. year

1, 2 


3 ECTS (114 ac. hours)

1st, 2nd ac. year

Graduation Project

Graduation Internship

9 ECTS (342 ac. hours)

You should chose only one element out of two

3rd module of the 2nd ac. year

Preparation of a Graduation Thesis

6 ECTS (228 ac. hours)

2nd, ac. year

* Final State Certification (FSC) is a mandatory part of studies under a degree programme and is organized for all students in their graduation year. You can find the information on the subject here


Project activity is a mandatory element of the MP HSE and Kyung Hee University in Economics, Politics and Business in Asia in accordance with the educational standard. It is a specially organized, group or independent activity of students aimed to solving a practically and theoretically significant problem and designed as a final product.

A student can choose a project at the Project Fair or find a project independently inside or outside the HSE.

The project must meet the following requirements:

  • meet the profile of the MP HSE and Kyung Hee University in Economics, Politics and Business in Asia (except for service projects)
  • be focused on the result, which is expressed in the form of the final product

The Academic supervisor of the MP has the authority to block a project proposal if the project has not been agreed with the Head of the practical training of HSE and does not relate to service projects, if the academic supervisor believes that the proposed project does not correspond to the profile of the MP.

Graduation Project

During the second year of studies, a student has the opportunity to choose one of the mandatory elements either a Graduation project or a Graduation Internship.

A student can choose a project at the Project Fair or find a project independently inside or outside the HSE

Graduation project must meet the profile of the MP HSE and Kyung Hee University in Economics, Politics and Business in Asia. Graduation project must not be a service type of project. Graduation project must be approved by the Head of the practical training of HSE.

The Academic supervisor of the MP has the authority to block a Graduation project proposal if the Graduation project has not been approved by the Head of the practical training of HSE, if a Graduation project relates to service projects, if the Academic supervisor believes that the proposed Graduation project does not correspond to the profile of the MP.

Graduation Internship

Graduation Internship Programme for the Educational Master Programme “Economics, Politics and Business in Asia” (DOCX, 144 Кб)

During the second year of studies, a student has the opportunity to choose one of the mandatory elements either a Graduation Project or a Graduation Internship.

Graduation Internship is to be taken during the second year of studies in 3rd module within any 7 weeks between mid-January and mid-March, the exact dates are set each year by RUE.

Interim examination of the Graduation Internship is carried out in the form of exam. The exam is carried by the Head of the Internship at HSE in the form of an assessment of internship documentation provided by a student. The rating is set on a 10-point scale.

During the preparation and internship, the student must prepare the following information and prepare the necessary documentation:

Before the internship begins:

  • Place of internship
  • Individual Task, agreed with the Head of the internship at HSE
  • Agreement with the organization or the Offer of the HSE/ Acceptance of the organization (when completing an internship in organizations external to the HSE)

During the first week of internship:

  • Confirmation of Providing Instructions at a Company to a Student (when passing an internship in external organizations)

After completing the internship:

  • Internship report
  • Review of the Head of Internship at the Organization/ Department of the Higher School of Economics with the recommended grade

Samples of the necessary documents are available in the Scientific and Research Internship Program (see above)