How to apply
Create a Profile
On HSE’s online application form, click “Get login and password”. You will be asked to enter your personal details (full name, date of birth, gender, email address, and mobile phone number) and what type of programme you are applying to.
Your login and password will then be sent to the email address that you have provided.
Log In
Once you have received the email containing your login and password, you can return to the online application form and log in.
Complete Application Form
After logging in, you will immediately see the application form. Please fill out the form.
Instructions on how to use the application form can be found here. Applications may be submitted in English or in Russian.
Please upload several attachments (portfolio items).
Portfolio Composition - Master in International Management (PDF, 123 Kb)
Please upload all attachments as PDF files and include your last name in the filename (for example, Smith_Diploma.pdf)
Under “Field of study”, please select the two programmes that you wish to apply to. Your first choice and second choice programmes must be different. To select a programme, click on the box so that it turns green and the list collapses. Several programmes offer full tuition scholarships. If the “Tuition-free (quota) education” box is already checked, it means that if you apply to this programme you will automatically be considered for a full-tuition scholarship. If you would consider studying at HSE without the support of a full-tuition scholarship, please check the “Tuition-based” box. If the “Tuition-free (quota) education” box is not checked, this means that full-tuition scholarships are not available for this programme.
When you have fully completed the application form, click “Submit application” at the bottom of the form. Please note that this action is final and cannot be reversed, so make sure that you have correctly entered all of your information. After you have submitted your application, you will see the following message: “Congratulations! Your application has been successfully submitted and is currently pending review.”
Tuition fee discounts are awarded to the restricted number of highly qualified applicants.
Scholarships for graduate programmes
Applications are accepted from November 1, 2024 to August 3, 2025
Beginning of the academic year: September 1, 2025