Summary of Degree Programme
09.04.01 Informatics, Computer Hardware and Software
2 года
Full-time, 120 з.е.
Instruction in Russian with some courses in English
With online tools
2024/2025 Academic year
Highload Systems and Code Optimization
Computing Systems and Complexes
Computer Networks
Digital Twins of Electronics and Computer Products
2023/2024 Academic year
Highload Systems and Code Optimization
Computing Systems and Complexes
Computer Networks
Digital Twins of Electronics and Computer Products
Comprehensive knowledge in the field of research, creation and operation of computer systems, computer networks, information and analytical systems, obtained by graduates of this program, undoubtedly increase the competitive advantages of masters of the program "Computer systems and networks" in the job market and ensure their further career development, since their training is primarily focused on activities related to the use of information systems and network technologies of a new generation.
The competitive advantage of the master's program "Computer systems and networks" is also the ability of graduates of the program to simultaneously pass Exams for obtaining qualification certificates without additional training:
• In the Cisco Systems vendor certification system.
• In the vendor certification system of ZyXEL Corporation.
• In the IBM vendor certification system.
Training at an authorized training center of ZyXEL Corporation is carried out according to the following programs:
• ZyXEL Certified Network Engineer (VoIP specialization);
• ZyXEL Certified Network Engineer (specialization in xDSL);
• ZyXEL Certified Network Engineer (specialization in Wireless);
• ZyXEL Certified Network Engineer (Ethernet specialization);
• ZyXEL Security Specialist;
Training is carried out on the most modern network and telecommunications equipment, which is delivered to training centers earlier than to Russian dealers.
Training in the IBM Corporation's only competence center in the Russian Federation with the participation of the HSE MIEM basic Department "Information and analytical systems-EU Leasing" is conducted in 11 authorized programs.
According to the results of training, students receive international certificates.
Areas of professional activity and (or) areas of professional activity in which graduates can perform professional activities:
1. Education and science (in the field of higher and additional professional education);
2. Communications, information and communication technologies, including:
• Software development
• Design and development activities
• Software development and testing
• Operation and development of radio and telecommunication systems
• Maintaining the effective operation of databases that ensure the functioning of information systems in the organization
• Creation and management of information resources on the Internet
• Project management in the field of information technology (it)
• Management of the software development
• Construction, operation and development of telecommunications networks
• Development of technical documentation and methodological support for products in the field of information technology (it)
• Design and research activities in the field of information technology
• Technical support for clients during installation and operation of information and communication (infocommunication) systems and/or their components
• Administration of information and communication (infocommunication) systems
• Administration of network devices of the information and communication (infocommunication) system
• Creating system software
• Sales of information and communication (infocommunication) systems and/or their components
• Protection of information in computer systems and networks
• Ensuring information security in automated systems
• Technical protection of information
• Design, development and integration of information resources in the local network and information and telecommunications network "Internet"
Professional competencies of the graduate:
• PC-1 is able to design distributed information systems, their components, and their interaction protocols
• PC-2 is able to design parallel data processing systems and high-performance systems and their components
• PC-3 is able to develop and implement plans for Informatization of enterprises and their divisions based on Web and CALS technologies
• PC-4 is able to form technical tasks and participate in the development of hardware and (or) software for computer technology
• PC-5 is able to select methods and develop algorithms for solving problems of control and design of automation objects
• PC-6 is capable of software implementation of distributed information systems
• PC-7 is capable of software implementation of parallel data processing systems and high-performance systems
• PC-8 is capable of creating software for analysis, recognition and processing of information, digital signal processing systems
• PC-9 is capable of creating network Protocol services
• PC-10 is capable of organizing industrial testing of the created software
• PC-11 is capable of developing software for creating three-dimensional images
• PC-12 is capable of applying modern technologies for developing software systems using CASE-based tools, and monitoring the quality of software products being Developed
• PC-13 is able to develop elements of educational programs (disciplines, modules, control procedures, etc.) and educational and methodological documentation for them in the field of computer science and technology
• PC-14 is able to organize educational and independent work, manage research activities of students in the framework of mastering disciplines in the field of computer science and engineering
The basic curriculum of the Computer systems and networks program consists of several blocks that provide methodological support for students to consistently acquire the necessary knowledge and skills:
Block 1. Disciplines(modules), including sections:
• M. 1 – cycle of disciplines of the direction;
• M. 2 – cycle of disciplines of the program/specialization;
Block 2. Practice(s), project and(or) research work
Block 3. State final certification.
The cycle of disciplines provides fundamental training in the field of computer systems and computer networks, information and analytical systems, their design and modeling, corresponding to the educational standard for training masters in this field, forming mainly universal and General professional competencies.
The program's cycle of disciplines, including both basic and variable subjects, is aimed at studying modern and promising computer systems and complexes, computer networks, corporate information and analytical systems, approaches and methods in research , modeling and design of computer systems and networks, as well as Russian and international experience in their creation and application. These disciplines and the subsequent development of the studied techniques and tools in the course of practice, allow you to acquire and develop professional competencies.
Adaptation courses are intended for undergraduates who have education in areas of training that do not correspond to the profile of the program in order to equalize the starting conditions for students, as well as for more in-depth development of undergraduates disciplines of specializations.
The block "Practice(s), project and(or) research work" includes:
• Production practice, which includes: research practice.
• Research practice is conducted to support the implementation of projects and final qualification work, as well as to form ideas about the work, professional behavior and professional ethics of developers and researchers.
• The project and research work of undergraduates includes a research seminar, an interdisciplinary course work/project seminar, a project and the preparation of a final qualification work. The purpose of project and research work of students is to develop the ability to independently perform project and research work related to solving professional problems.
The main forms of organizing project and research work are research and project seminars and students ' work with supervisors on selected project and research topics aimed at solving current problems. in particular, students can choose projects using the University-wide project proposal service. Leading researchers and practitioners are involved in research and project seminars.
The "State final certification" block includes the graduation with the final qualification work (including preparation for the graduation procedure and the graduation procedure).
This degree programme of HSE University is adapted for students with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities. Special assistive technology and teaching aids are used for collective and individual learning of students with SEN and disabilities. The specific adaptive features of the programme are listed in each subject's full syllabus and are available to students through the online Learning Management System.
All documents of the degree programme are stored electronically on this website. Curricula, calendar plans, and syllabi are developed and approved electronically in corporate information systems. Their current versions are automatically published on the website of the degree programme. Up-to-date teaching and learning guides, assessment tools, and other relevant documents are stored on the website of the degree programme in accordance with the local regulatory acts of HSE University.
I hereby confirm that the degree programme documents posted on this website are fully up-to-date.
Vice Rector Sergey Yu. Roshchin