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Russian Adaptation of the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT-Ru)

We have developed a Russian-language adaptation of the Rey Auditory Verbal Memory Test (Rey, 1964). This classic neuropsychological test assesses various aspects of episodic verbal memory (learning rate, retention after interference, delayed recall, recognition, etc.). It can be used to test memory in various clinical populations, such as elderly people with mild cognitive impairment. We adapted the test materials into Russian (creating three equivalent versions of the materials) and established performance norms for individuals of different age, gender and education. The study was published in The Clinical Neuropsychologist.

We have also developed a tablet application for automated testing and scoring. It will become available in RuStore in 2025.

Download materials for conducting the test in the traditional "paper" version:

RAVLT - Testing Instructions (in Russian) (PDF, 166 Kb) 

RAVLT Materials - Version 1 (in Russian) (PDF, 172 Kb) 

RAVLT Materials - Version 2 (in Russian) (PDF, 170 Kb) 

RAVLT Materials - Version 3 (in Russian) (PDF, 168 Kb) 


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