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  • HSE and EMC Corporation Will Study the Market of Bioinformatics in Russia

HSE and EMC Corporation Will Study the Market of Bioinformatics in Russia

Higher School of Economics and EMC Cloud and Big Data R&D Center in Moscow (Skolkovo) have signed a cooperation agreement, which includes the creation of a Project and Study Group in Bioinformatics. HSE students and lecturers are a key part of the group.

Bioinformatics is one of the most promising areas of information science, dealing with the theoretical foundations of information storage and transmission in biological systems. The key area of bioinformatics is computer genomics, a science that works on the problems of deciphering genetic data stored in the nucleotide sequences of DNA and RNA. In order to develop bioinformatics, it is necessary to create computer databases concerned with molecular biology, which  will provide genomics with the necessary experimental data in sufficient quantity and in a user-friendly form.

This project is a joint venture, and on the EMC Moscow Cloud and Big Data R&D Center’s side it is being led by Evgenia Mayer, Director for Business Development at the Centre, and on behalf of HSE the project is being supervised by Rostislav Yavorsky, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence. The research team also includes undergraduate students (Faculty of Computer Science) and master’s students (programme in Big Data Systems at the Faculty of Business Informatics and programme in Visual Culture at the Faculty of Humanities).

The team will carry out a large-scale study of the bioinformatics market, which will include a detailed description of the whole system of bioinformatics in Russia, including bioinformatics software, information on companies carrying out research in the field, as well as institutions that are popularizing this area of science. The project is planned to be completed in 2015.

‘The launch of a Project and Study Group in Bioinformatics is a big event for our faculty’, Ivan Arzhantsev, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, commented, ‘Several renowned experts in bioinformatics are part of our faculty, including professors Oleg Pianykh and Mikhail Roytberg. Cooperation in this sphere with EMC Corporation and its R&D Center is a natural next step’.

‘We are happy to strengthen our cooperation with Higher School of Economics. This joint project will allow us to attract young scientists to bioinformatics, which has been an extremely promising field of science in recent years’, said Kamil Isaev, Vice President and CEO of the EMC Cloud and Big Data R&D Center, ‘We believe that this joint study of the bioinformatics market will reveal the needs of the Russian academic community and will bring us closer to the medicine of the future, which implies a personalized approach to the treatment of patients and a more effective diagnosis of diseases’.

See also:

From Sequencing to Constructing a Cardio Panel: Summer School in Cardiogenetics

From August 19 to 29, the Continuing Professional Development Centre of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science hosted the summer school 'Cardiogenetics: From Sequencing to Constructing a Cardio Panel,' organised in collaboration with the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Analytical Instrumentation (IAI) and Institute of Spectroscopy (ISAN), and the Syntol company. The summer school was conducted within the framework of the Federal Research Programme for Genetic Technologies Development for 2019–2027 (Project 15.IP.21.0004). 

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'We Are on Track towards Personalised Medicine'

The International Laboratory of Bioinformatics of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science and its partners in the Genetics of Cardiovascular Diseases Consortium are working on a new project titled ‘From Sequencing to the Development of a Cardiogenetic Test’ (in Russian). The Head of the International Laboratory of Bioinformatics, Maria Poptsova, talks about the project, the results obtained, and plans for the future.

HSE University and Its Partners Will Create a Portfolio of Cardiodiagnostic Products

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On August 28–30, HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science held the 4th Summer School on Machine Learning in Bioinformatics. This year, 670 people registered for the event, and over 300 visited in person. The programme included lectures and seminars on various spheres of bioinformatics: applied bioinformatics and the bioinformatics of DNA, RNA, and proteins; elementary genomics; modern methods of data analysis and molecular biology. The lectures were complemented by practical tasks aimed at different levels of knowledge.

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Coronavirus Was Brought into Russia at Least 67 Times

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