HSE Staff Members Receive University Awards
On November 30 HSE staff members were awarded honor awards of the university at the meeting of the Academic Council.
Tatiana Mukhina, Adviser at theVice Rectors' and Directors' Support Department, was awarded the 1st Class Honour Award.
The following HSE staff members received the 2nd Class Honour Award:
- Vasily Baev, Director of the Office of Administrative Buildings
- Ekaterina Grigorieva, Head of the Event Organization Office
- Aliya Ermakova, Director for Legal Affairs
- Iuliia Zakharova, Head of the Finance and Planning Office
- Anna Korovko, Senior Director for Full Degree Programme
- Andrei Melville, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences
- Boris Rudnik, Director of the Institute of Public Resource Management
Anita Soboleva, Associate Professor at the School of General and Interdisciplinary Legal Studies of the Faculty of Law was conferred academic title of Associate Professor in ‘Theory and History of Law and State, History of Legal Doctrines’.
Iuliia Zakharova
Tatiana Mukhina