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Research Seminar «Empirical Research in Corporate Finance»

Event ended

21/10/2023 17:00 online Research Seminar «Empirical Research in Corporate Finance»

21/10/2023 17:00 online Research Seminar «Empirical Research in Corporate Finance»

Veronika Vinogradova, PhD, Senior Lecturer of the School of Finance

ABSTRACT: The paper investigates whether the strategic deals, which have been driving the technology sector over the last decade, can be considered value-creating and had a positive impact on the acquirers’ long-term financial performance. The results of the analysis show that overall, the acquiring companies could not  fully capture value and the benefits of M&A and achieve sustainable profitable growth. The acquirers showed rather a deterioration in post-acquisition profitability, efficiency, and growth. The focus (international and industrial) was associated with the best results in terms of both, profitability and growth, while the largest increase in post-event growth rates was achieved by the companies from the emerging markets.

Link to connect: https://zoom.us/j/97190057075?pwd=cmNxcXl4K3B5V0wxTlV4VWkvZW5nUT09

Conference ID: 971 9005 7075

Access code: 786250