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Applications to Speak at eSTARS 2021 Conference Accepted Until November 15

Applications to Speak at eSTARS 2021 Conference Accepted Until November 15

© eSTARS 2021 Organising Committee

HSE University and Coursera are bringing together the world’s leading researchers, professionals, education and technology leaders, and business community representatives for the fourth international research conference eLearning Stakeholders and Researchers Summit 2021 (eSTARS). This topic of this year’s summit, which will run from December 1–2, 2021, is ‘Digital Transformation: Global Challenges to the Education System’.

Last year, the summit brought together over 1,000 experts from 150 universities, including 55 foreign ones, such as: the University of Boulder, the University of South Queensland, the Autonomous University of Madrid, Beijing Normal University, King's College London, and the University of Zagreb. About 100 academic and business speakers gave talks as part of the academic programme.

Members of the professional community met not only to exchange best practices in remote learning, but to engage in an interdisciplinary discussion of online learning as a sociocultural, philosophical, economic, psychological and communicative phenomenon. The proceedings of the event were later published, including papers on online learning, relevant industry cases and papers outlining pressing problems, growth points and prospects for the industry.

eSTARS 2021 topics include:

 Strategies of State Policy in Education Transformation

 Transformation of University Infrastructure and New Challenges from Stakeholders in Business, Government and Education

 Impact of Digital Transformation on Higher Education: Current Trends

 eLearning Market Researches and Educational Product Portfolio-Building Practices

 Personalized Educational Trajectories: Using Big Data for Adaptive Systems

 Data Analysis and Learning Analytics

 Evaluation of Effectiveness of New Approaches in the eLearning Process

 Psychological Aspects of Online Learning

 Economics of Online Learning

 Sociology of Online Learning

 eLearning from the Perspective of Socio-humanitarian Sciences

 eLearning from the Perspective of Exact and Applied Sciences

If your profession is related to online learning and you would like to speak at the event, please submit your report theses by November 15, 2021. Theses must comply with the topics of the conference and contain the results of original scientific research. More information on theses requirements is available on the event website. Participation is free of charge.

If you are not giving a presentation but would like to participate in the summit, you can register for eSTARS right away.

Coursera is HSE University’s major long-term partner in the global online education market. In his talk at eSTARS 2020, Coursera CEO Jeff Maggioncalda emphasized that no other university in the world is launching as many master’s programmes on the platform as HSE University. He said that the university’s efforts are bringing Russia closer to top positions on Coursera.

HSE University became the first Russian university to present an online master’s programme on Coursera in February 2020 with its Master of Data Science. In September 2021, HSE University launched four more English-taught online degrees on the platform: Master of Computer VisionMaster of Finance, Master of Business Analytics, and Master of Data and Network Analytics. Today, HSE is a global leader by number of online master’s programmes alongside the University of Illinois.

Sergey Roshchin, HSE Vice Rector and member of the global Coursera Council

‘We share common values with Coursera: the extensive use of innovative educational technologies and providing access to high-quality education for students from different countries. Open dialogue with colleagues and our joint search for development paths help us expand the boundaries of remote learning’.

More information is available on the summit website.

Contact the Organizing Committee: eSTARS@hse.ru  

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