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Thursday, September 5

Submission Deadline for the 13th LaBS Workshop 'Banking in Emerging Markets: Challenges and Opportunities'

Submission deadline - September 10, 2024 


Friday, September 6

Submission Deadline for the 13th LaBS Workshop 'Banking in Emerging Markets: Challenges and Opportunities'

Submission deadline - September 10, 2024 


To Start ‘from Scratch’?

On September 7th Valdai International Discussion Club held a roundtable discussion on ‘Russian History, Geography and Future’ at the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs.

Studying the Civil Society

The 9th World Assembly of the World Alliance for Citizen Participation (CIVICUS) ‘Acting Together for a Just World’ took place in Montreal on August 20th-23rd and involved about 500 delegates from 70 countries, with representatives from NGOs, international organizations, media, business and research institutions, including the Higher School of Economics.

Motivation for Natural Selection

On May 22nd the first meeting of the International Advisory Committee of the Higher School of Economics took place. The Committee involves leading world experts in economics, sociology and education.

Does Culture Matter for Development?

On April 15th a round-table discussion entitled ‘Does Culture Matter for Development?' took place at the Higher School of Economics. Chandran Kukathas, Professor at the London School of Economics, opened the discussion with his report. You can watch a video of the event here.

Common Values

On March 1st a roundtable discussion entitled ‘Germany, Russia and Europe:Chances for the Growing Integration’took place at the HSE. The event was organized on the initiative of the ‘Liberal Mission’Foundation with the support of Friedrich Naumann Foundation. Werner Hoyer, Minister of State at the Foreign Office of Germany spoke at the meeting.

Joint Defense of Vital Interests

On November 24th a French-Russian roundtable discussion entitled ‘Thoughts on Europe’s Geopolitics’, with the participation of Michel Foucher, Director of the Centre for Analysis and Forecasting, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, took place at the HSE.

It is Harder to be an Optimist

On November 12th the results of the ‘Baltic Practice 2009’ summer school were presented at the HSE together with a debate on ‘Does Russian Democracy fit the European Standards?’

The Planet in the 21st Century: We’ll have to Negotiate

On September 24th a roundtable discussion on ‘Geopolitical Consequences of the Financial Crisis. A New World Financial Order?’ took place at the HSE. It was organized by the ‘Liberalnaya Missiya'(‘Liberal Mission') Foundation and during the event Deepak Lal, Yegor Gaidar, Vladimir Mau and Evgeniy Yasin discussed what’s going on in the world.