Valery E. Gordin
- Professor: HSE Campus in St. Petersburg / Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences / Department of Public Administration
- Tenured Professor (2018)
- Distinguished Professor (2018)
- Valery E. Gordin has been at HSE University since 2011.
Education, Degrees and Academic Titles
Thesis Title: Social policy in transition to a market economy
Voznesenskiy Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute
A post-doctoral degree called Doctor of Sciences is given to reflect second advanced research qualifications or higher doctorates in ISCED 2011.
Professional interests
- Service Industry Marketing
- Management in Social Sphere
- Economics of the nonprofit sector
- Management of cultural and creative industries
- Economics of cultural tourism
Courses (2024/2025)
- Creative Clusters in the Space of a Modern City (Mago-Lego; 3 module)Rus
- Cultural clusters and creative spaces (Minor; St Petersburg School of Economics and Management)Rus
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- Creative Clusters in the Space of a Modern City (Mago-Lego; 2 module)Rus
- Cultural clusters and creative spaces (Minor; St Petersburg School of Economics and Management; 3, 4 module)Rus
Courses (2022/2023)
- Creative Clusters in the Space of a Modern City (Mago-Lego; 2 module)Rus
- Cultural clusters and creative spaces (Minor; St Petersburg School of Economics and Management; 3, 4 module)Rus
Courses (2021/2022)
- PR and Branding in Arts and Culture (Master’s programme; St Petersburg School of Economics and Management field of study Management; 2 year, 2 module)Rus
Courses (2020/2021)
- PR and Image Making in Experience Industry (Master’s programme; St Petersburg School of Economics and Management field of study Management; 2 year, 1 module)Rus
Research projects
2022 Russian-Dutch project "Youth as a driver of museum development 2.0" (Stage II). Project head
2021 Project Study of the performance results of the Endowment Knowledge Centers and the Centers for Social Innovation in Culture, supported by the V. Potanin Foundation in 2017 and 2018 within the framework of the charitable program "Effective Philanthropy" Project head
2021 Project of the HSE University Basic Research Program "Systematic approach to transformation of the digital museum space". Project head
2021 Analysis of the potential development of cultural and tourist clusters located in the Arctic zone of the Republic of Karelia, the Murmansk Region and in the Russia-Finland border area. Project head
2021 Russian-Dutch project «Youth as a driver of museum development» (Stage I). Project head
2020 Estonia-Russia CBC Programme Mid-term evaluation. Project head
2020 Analysis and methods of assessing the implementation effectiveness of the "International project to create new museum approaches to working with young people 15-24 years old "Museum 15/24" (Hermitage XXI Century Foundation). Project head
2020 Provision of services for organizing and conducting a series of seminars on management of culture within the framework of the international project "EDUCRO: creation of specialized cultural products and services in the border area". Project head
2020 Project of the HSE University Basic Research Program"Strategy development of modernizing museum practices for working with visitors". Project head
2019 Project "Development of scenarios and recommendations for interaction with the target audience in the context of the transformation of the concept of the Alexander Park in Pushkin" (FSB GMZ "Tsarskoe Selo") (Tsarskoe selo state museum and heritage site). Project head
2019 Project "Analysis of tools for updating professional competencies of employees of cultural institutions and organizers of cultural events in St. Petersburg"(Institute for cultural programmes, international project "Contents for Cross – Cultural Events – CЗЕ"). Project head
2019 Project of the HSE University Basic Research Program "Post-event activity management in the organizations of experience industries". Project head
2018 Project of the HSE University Basic Research Program "Cultural and event activity as development factor of revitalized territories". Project head
2017 Project of the HSE University Basic Research Program "The role of destination brand in developing its attractiveness for tourists". Project head
2016 Project of the HSE University Basic Research Program "Application of web-analytics instruments in the study of effects of cultural and creative industries". Project head
2015 Project of the HSE University Basic Research Program " Research on creative potential of cultural tourism development ". Project head
2015 Project of the State Museum of the History of Religion "Museum Quarter in St. Petersburg". Project head
2014 Project of the HSE University Basic Research Program " Cultural events as a driver for developmentof small and medium-sized cities". Project head
2013 Project of the HSE University Basic Research Program" Research on Events as a Tool for Developing the Experience Industry". Project head
2011-2012 Project of the HSE University Basic Research Program " Innovative forms of interaction between cultural heritage and creative industries". Project head
2008-2009 A study of the potential for the development of cultural tourism in St. Petersburg. Individual research project of the HSE Research Foundation
2005-2006 Budget process reform and cost management in Leningrad Region
section "Establishment of quality standards in provision of budget services";
section "Monitoring of Leningard region's budget sector, assessment of possibility and formation of conditions for transformation of budget-funded entities in other legal organizational forms".
2002 Program for the development of the sphere of culture of St. Petersburg for 2003-2008 - leadership of the team of authors (Committee for Culture of the Administration of St. Petersburg)
2002 Research of regulatory and economic opportunities of interaction of public authorities of St. Petersburg with non-governmental non-profit organizations in order to implement the Program of reforming the budget system of St. Petersburg (the Committee of Finance of St. Petersburg and the Committee for Social Protection of the Population of St. Petersburg)
2002 Research of regulatory and financial and economic aspects of information support for the tasks of targeted social assistance to the population of St. Petersburg in order to implement the Program of reforming the budget system of St. Petersburg (the Committee of Finance of St. Petersburg and the Committee for Social Protection of the Population of St. Petersburg)
1998-2002 Cultural Tourism: Convergence of Tourism and Culture (A joint project with the Queen Victoria University College of Edinburgh (Scotland) with the support of the British Council)
2016 - 2017 - Culture for health (the Nordic Council of Ministers grant)
2014 - Development of creative industries (the Nordic Council of Ministers grant)
2010 - Grant of the Department of Academic Development "Laboratory of theatrical management".
2009 - 2010 - Preservation of cultural heritage and its usage in Russia. The grant was supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
2009 - Assessment of the culture organization effectiveness. Grant of the program of academic project development and study groups.
2005 - Evaluation of the usage effectiveness of budgetary funds by institutions of higher and secondary vocational education in the provision of educational services by them based on the results of the financial year (the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation grant).
1995 - 1996 - The role of the third sector organization in solving social problems (the Ministry of Secondary and Vocational Education grant)
- 2021
Youth as a Driver of Museum Development (St.Petersburg). Presentation: Youth as a driver of museum development project: why museums and why youth?
Studying Museum Reputation – RUSSIA 2021 (Санкт Петербург). Presentation: Reputation through the youth's eyes: the loyal community as a mediator between museum and youth
The development of sustainable cruise industry in the Pacific Arctic: Past developments and future prospects (Hokkaido, Japan). Presentation: Arctic cruises through the prism of tourist experience. Results of the pilot project and research prospects
XХ Annual International Conference “Leontief Readings” – “Regional Economic Development and Regional Policies” (Saint Petersburg). Presentation: Features of cluster effects in the culture field
International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Science Spring Days" (St.Petersburg, Russia). Presentation: Assessment of the work of cross-border cultural and tourist clusters in Russia and Finland
XVIII Round-Table Discussion "Museums and Cultural Tourism Problems" (St.Petersburg, Russia). Presentation: Digitalization process development of the Russian museums activities (based on the survey data of members of the Russian Museums' Union)
- 2019
XX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development (Moscow, Russia). Presentation: The Imperial Factor in International Destination Marketing: The Cases of St. Petersburg and Istanbul
XVII Round-Table Discussion "Museums and Cultural Tourism Problems" (St.Petersburg, Russia). Presentation: Management of the excessive tourist flows in museums: Russian and foreign experience
Atlas Business Tourism Special Interest Group (Porvoo, Finland). Presentation: Using the cultural aspect in promoting MICE tourism products in the world's leading centers
International Conference "The Museum in the 21st Century. Updating the Museum Space: Architecture, Exhibitions, Educational Programme" (St.Petersburg, Russia). Presentation: Research of students' preferences and requests from Student clubs of the State Hermitage Museum and the State Russian Museum
International Conference "Future for Festivals" (St.Petersburg, Russia). Presentation: Competencies for the Future, in which not everyone will be taken
- 2018
Theoretical and Practical Conference “The Modern Museum Space: Architecture, Exhibitions, the Public” (St.Petersburg). Presentation: Analysis of Models of Working with Youth Audiences in World Museums
- 2017
IV Международная конференция «Евразийский вызов» (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Международная торговля туристскими услугами между странами ЕАЭС: регулирование и потенциал роста
VII International Cultural Forum (Ulyanovsk, Russia). Presentation: Prospects of the development of art incubation of students from art universities
International Conference "For the Beauty of Russian cities" (Vladikavkaz, Russia). Presentation: Creative spaces as a way to transforming the urban environment
IV International Conference "Eurasian challenge" (St.Petersburg, Russia). Presentation: "International trade in tourism services between the EAEU countries: regulation and growth potential "
- 2015
XVI April International Academic Conferenceon Economic and Social Development (Moscow). Presentation: Creative Gastronomy as a Basis for the Development of Creative Tourism in St. Petersburg
- 2014
Regional Gastronomy: Between tradition and innovation? A meeting organised by the ATLAS Tourism and Gastronomy Group With the support of:The International Institute for Gastronomy, Culture, Art and Tourism (IGCAT) (Понте да Лима). Presentation: «Gastronomic brand to strengthen the tourist attractiveness»
4th International conference on tourism management and tourism related issues (Рим). Presentation: Тhe role of hotels in creation and promotion of destination gastronomic brand
- 2012
The Cultural Entrepreneurship Conference (CEC) Networked Cultural Heritage and its "Impact" on Place Branding (Пори). Presentation: Informal entrepreneurship in reeanctement movement
- 2010
St. Petersburg Conference for Researchers in the Field of Economics, Business and Society: Results of 2019 (St.Petersburg). Presentation: Management of the Museum Services Development
Research projects
2011: Innovative modes of innovation between cultural heritage and creative industries. Grant within the program of academic development "Scientific Academic Groups"
2010: Grant of the Directorate of Academic Development "Laboratory of Theatrical Management"
2009-2010: Preservation of cultural heritage and its use in Russia. Head of division "Analysis of cultural - cognitive tourism market in the project's regions". Project is supported by the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
2009: Evaluation of cultural organizations' effeciency. Grant within the program of academic development of the "Project Educational Groups"
2008-2009: Research of potential for cultural tourism development in St. Petersburg. Individual research project of the scientific fund of the Higher School of Economics
2005-2006: Budget process reform and cost management in Leningrad Region
- section "Establishment of quality standards in provision of budget services";
- section "Monitoring of Leningard region's budget sector, assessment of possibility and formation of conditions for transformation of budget-funded entities in other legal organizational forms".
2005: Effeciency evaluation of use of budget funds by higher and vocational educational institutions within the process of providing educational services in a fiscal year (Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation)
2002: Program of cultural sphere development in St. Petersburg in 2003-2008 - directing composite authorship (Committee of Culture of St. Petersburg)
BestBreakfast. Challenging and Inconvenient Real Estate – from a Liability to Asset
Professor Valery Gordin, laboratory head, participated to the business breakfast «BestBreakfast. Challenging and Inconvenient Real Estate – from a Liability to Asset» conducted by BestGroup and RBC. At the event, presentations were made by Anton Ivanov, chairman of the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments; Sergey Makarov, former Chairman of the St. Petersburg Committee for the State Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments and Deputy Director of the State Hermitage Museum; architectural critic Maria.Elkina and representatives of leading developers in St. Petersburg engaged in cultural heritage projects.
Preservation and Promotion of Cultural Heritage: a Perspective from Samarkand and St. Petersburg
Scientists of the Laboratory for Management in Culture and Tourism took part in the scientific-educational seminar «Preservation and Promotion of Cultural Heritage: examples and research methods» held at the Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov. The event was organized within the International academic partnership «Integrated platform solutions for the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage (cases of Samarkand and St. Petersburg)».
HSE University-St Petersburg Participates in International Labour Forum
On February 22, the VIII St Petersburg International Labour Forum finished its work. It is the largest discussion platform in the sphere of labour relations in the Eurasian space.
Fifth Russian Economic Congress: meeting of creative industries researchers
From September 11 to 15, 2023,researchers of the Laboratory for Management in Culture and Tourism participated in the V Russian Economic Congress (REC-2023) in Yekaterinburg.
Human resources inCreative Industries and Tourism: results of the working meeting
On June 16, 2023, the Laboratory of Cultural Economics and the Scientific Research Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Research of Arctic Cities Life Quality at Murmansk Arctic State University held a working meeting to discuss issues related to labor market stability and demand, as well as the sustainability of human resources involved in tourism and creative industries of the region. The event was organized as part of the project «Development of Arctic Tourism and Creative Industries as Drivers of Transformation for Arctic Cities and Territories» under the «Mirror Laboratories» program at the HSE University.
'They Make a Choice Right on the Spot': Results of the Winter School
During the weekend, on February 4-5, HSE University-St Petersburg held the Winter School for which 3194 people had registered. Prospective Master's students had a chance to learn more about studies in the programmes, listened to interesting lectures from professors and business experts, and even ask Eugene Vodolazkin, a famous writer, their questions. Find out how these two days went in the article.
Tourism and metropolises: a view from different continents
On January 21, 2022, the team of the Culture and Tourism Management Laboratory made a presentation at the seminar "Tourism and / in the metropolis" at the invitation of the international scientific community Sustainable Metropolitan Tourism Network (SMeT-Net), initiated by the University of Westminster and the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
The Museum through the eyes of youth: discussion on the reputation
On November 12 this year, the State Hermitage Museum held a conference dedicated to the reputation of museums - Studying Museum Reputation (RUSSIA 2021). The main speakers were professors of various business schools from Spain and the Netherlands, mayor of Malaga, reputation researcher Van Riel and many others. The issues of reputation management of both individual museums and the cultural community as a whole were raised at the conference. More specifically, the factors affecting the reputation of the museum and the development of the brand in the field of art were discussed.
XX Annual Conference of the Cycle «Leontief Readings»
On September 11, 2021, Valery Gordin and Anastasia Polomarchuk made a presentation at the conference «Regional Economic Development and Regional Policies».
HSE University – St. Petersburg Fosters Cooperation with the Netherlands
On the last Thursday, April 8, 2021, the Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in St Petersburg, Mr Lionel Veer and the Senior Expert of the Department of Press and Culture Ms Victoria Lourik paid a visit to HSE campus in St Petersburg.
XIX Round Table of the State Hermitage Museum “The Museum and Problems of Cultural Tourism”
On April 1, a researcher of the Laboratory, Irina Alekseevna Sizova delivered a report “Development of the digitalization process in the activities of Russian museums (based on the materials from a survey of members of the Union of Russian Museums)” within the framework of the 19th Round Table of the State Hermitage Museum “The Museum and Problems of Cultural Tourism”.
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Museum in the context of Education: Results and New vectors of development"
Valery Ernstovich Gordin, head of the Laboratory, and Irina Sizova, a researcher at the Laboratory, made a presentation at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Museum in the context of education: results and new vectors of development", which was held on October 12-13 in a remote format.
Museums Set to Diversify Visitation Formats after the Lockdown
Researchers at the HSE Laboratory of Cultural Economics (LCE) in St. Petersburg studied museums’ visitation policies during the lockdown measures. From June 1 – 9, 2020, the Laboratory of Cultural Economics joined the Russian Union of Museums to conduct a survey of 230 museums.
Festival as a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary project: competencies of festival managers
On June 16, Gordin Valery Ernstovich, head of the Laboratory of Culture Economics, was the speaker of an online seminar which was held as a part of the continuing education course “Technologies for Organization and Promotion of Events” developed by the Institute of Cultural Programs.
Museums Learn to Cope with Quarantine
How the pandemic has affected their online activity
Excessive flows of visitors were discussed at the Hermitage
Tutors and lecturers of the master's program “Cultural and event tourism management” V.E. Gordin, Ya.V. Shokola, I.A. Sizova and A.N. Kudelkina, a first-year student of the program, gave a presentation at the State Hermitage at the seminar “Visitor and Attendance. Organizational, legal and economic aspects”. Their presentation was the result of the research conducted over the past year.
Conference Atlas Business Tourism Special Interest Group
At the beginning of May, the AtlasBusinessTourismSpecialInterestGroup Conference was held in Porvoo, Finland's second oldest city. Together with scientific adviser Y. V. Shokola and academic program supervisor V. E. Gordin, a student of Master's program presented a report on study called “Usage of the cultural aspect in the promotion of MICE tourism products in leading world centers”.
Presentation of the MP “Cultural and event tourism management” at the round table in the State Hermitage
On April 4, the seventeenth round table devoted to the theme of “Museums and the problems of cultural tourism” was held at the State Hermitage Museum. During it representatives of HSE - St. Petersburg - MP “Cultural and event tourism management”- Professor V. Gordin, Senior Lecturer Y.V. Shokola and 2nd year MP student A.A. Fokina gave a presentation.
20 Things You Might Not Know About HSE - St. Petersburg
Celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, HSE’s St Petersburg campus came up with the slogan ‘Time to Make Your Dreams Come True.’
Master's Thesis with the Promise of a PhD
Originally from Greece, Aikaterini Kandylidou is now a student in the Master's programme 'Experience Economy: Hospitality and Tourism Management'. Recently, she applied for an international conference in Spain with her Master's thesis abstract, and it was accepted. Here are her memories and impressions of the conference.
HSE Staff Members Awarded Status of Tenured Professor
On June 22, several HSE lecturers and staff members were awarded the status of Tenured Professor at a meeting of HSE Academic Council. Sixteen HSE staff members became Distinguished Professors at the Higher School of Economics for the first time.
Russian-Chinese Forum on Education and Entrepreneurship at HSE University St. Petersburg
On June 15, HSE University in St. Petersburg hosted the Russian-Chinese Forum on International Academic Cooperation and Entrepreneurship. The forum was dedicated to the development of bilateral cooperation in education, talent exchange and business development.
From the Swinging Pendulum of Consumer Demand to the Evolution of the Wedding Feast
The winners of the competition for the best project describing aspects of the country’s cultural, economic, social and educational history over the last 25 years have been announced.
St. Petersburg’s Gastronomic Brand Goes International
Scholars at HSE St. Petersburg have published their research in a new monograph for international tourism professionals. Dr. Valery Gordin, Deputy Director of HSE St. Petersburg and Head of the Laboratory of Cultural Economics, together with Dr. Julia Trabskaya, Leading Research Fellow at Laboratory of Cultural Economics, authored a chapter for a book entitled ‘Tourism Management, Marketing, and Development. Performance, Strategies, and Sustainability’. Palgrave Macmillan, a leading global publisher, issued this volume in December 2015.
St. Petersburg’s Gastronomic Brand Goes International
Scholars at HSE St. Petersburg have published their research in a new monograph for international tourism professionals.
of hotel restaurants in St. Petersburg offer only local cuisine.
Why is Museum Night Necessary?
The International Journal of Management Cases (IJMC) released a joint article by HSE Professor Valery Gordin and Postgraduate Student Maria Dedova called, ‘Cultural Innovations and Consumer Behaviour: the Case of Museum Night’.
Cultural Events in Economic Reflection
From July 7 – 13, 2014, the Laboratory of Economics of Culture at the HSE in St. Petersburg held an International Summer School "Impacts of Cultural Events on Small and Medium-size Art-oriented Towns" (ICE – SMART). This was the first summer school organized as part of the master’s programme "Experience Economy: Hospitality and Tourism Management".
An Academic Approach to Cultural Tourism
The International Summer School, ‘Impacts of Cultural Events on Small and Medium-size Art-oriented Towns,’ has begun. Participants of the School include alumni of the Experience Economy: Hospitality and Tourism Management Master’s Programme, undergraduates and graduate students of HSE’s Moscow campus, as well as students, young lecturers and researchers from various universities in Poland, Slovenia, Kyrgyzstan, South Africa, and Japan.
International Summer School ICE-SMART 2014
On July 7-13 the Laboratory of Cultural Economics will hold an international summer school on ‘Impacts of Cultural Events on Small and Medium-size Art-oriented Towns’. Maria Dedova, Junior Research Fellow of the laboratory asked Valery Gordin, Head of the summer school to tell us about it.