Sergey Polskoy
- Associate Professor: Faculty of Humanities / School of History
- Sergey Polskoy has been at HSE University since 2014.
- Language Proficiency
- English
- French
- Contacts
- Phone:
+7 (495) 621-80-35
22894 - Address: 21/4 Staraya Basmannaya Ulitsa, Building 3, room Л-309
- SPIN-RSCI: 8705-3274
- ORCID: 0000-0003-2225-7539
- ResearcherID: L-1234-2015
- Scopus AuthorID: 36669171500
- Google Scholar
- Office hours
- Консультации осуществляются по предварительной записи ( в системе Zoom. Каждый вторник (с 17.40 до 19.30) и среду (12.40 - 14.40)
- Blogs
- Supervisor
- A. B. Kamenskii
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Education, Degrees and Academic Titles
Samara State University
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
Awards and Accomplishments
Best Teacher — 2024, 2015–2022
Courses (2024/2025)
- Actual Practices of Historical Research (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 4 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- History of Historical Science (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- History of Historical Science (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
- History of Historical Science (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- History of Historical Science (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Asian and African Studies; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- History of Historical Science (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Asian and African Studies; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- History of Historical Science (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Asian and African Studies; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- History of Historical Science (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- History of Historical Science (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Modern and Postmodern Social History (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Postgraduate seminar (Postgraduate course field of study Postgraduate Studies; 3 year, 2 semester)Rus
- Postgraduate seminar (Postgraduate course field of study Postgraduate Studies; 2 year, 2 semester)Rus
- Postgraduate seminar (Postgraduate course; 1 year, 2 semester)Rus
- The Socio-Political Discourse in Modern Time (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- The Socio-Political Discourse in Modern Time (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
- Theory and Methods of Historical Research (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History of Arts; 1 year, 1 module)Rus
- Theory and Methods of Historical Research (Mago-Lego; 1 module)Rus
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- Actual Practices of Historical Research (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 4 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Actual Practices of Historical Research (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 3 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Actual Practices of Historical Research (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 5 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- History of Historical Science (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History, field of study History, field of study Asian and African Studies, field of study Asian and African Studies, field of study Asian and African Studies; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- History of Historical Science (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
- Modern Research Practices in Historical Studies. Part 2 (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 5 year, 1 module)Rus
- Modern and Postmodern Social History (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Postgraduate seminar (Postgraduate course field of study Postgraduate Studies; 1 year, 2 semester)Rus
- Research Seminar (Postgraduate course; Faculty of Humanities field of study Historical Studies and Archeology; 3 year, 1 semester)Rus
- The Socio-Political Discourse in Modern Time (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- The Socio-Political Discourse in Modern Time (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
- Theory and Methods of Historical Research (Mago-Lego; 1 module)Rus
- Theory and Methods of Historical Research (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History of Arts; 1 year, 1 module)Rus
Courses (2022/2023)
- Actual Practices of Historical Research (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Actual Practices of Historical Research (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 3 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- History of Historical Science (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
- History of Historical Science (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History, field of study History; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Modern and Postmodern Social History (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 4 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- The Socio-Political Discourse in Modern Time (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 1 year, 2 module)Rus
- The Socio-Political Discourse in Modern Time (Mago-Lego; 2 module)Rus
- Theory and Methods of Historical Research (Mago-Lego; 1 module)Rus
- Theory and Methods of Historical Research (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History of Arts; 1 year, 1 module)Rus
Courses (2021/2022)
- History of Historical Science (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History, field of study History, field of study History, field of study History; 1 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Introduction to Human History (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History of Art; 1 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- The Socio-Political Discourse in Modern Time (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
Courses (2020/2021)
- History of Historical Science (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History, field of study History, field of study History, field of study History; 1 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Introduction to Human History (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History of Art; 1 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Modern and Postmodern Social History (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 3 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Politics, Mythology, Phetorics: From Italian Renaissance to French Revolution (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Cultural Studies; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Russia in XVIII-XIX Centuries (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 3 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- The Socio-Political Discourse in Modern Time (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- 2018
«Политические поведения» и «украшенное слово»: искусство речи и модели политического в Европе и России XVI-XIX вв. (Москва). Presentation: «Faber fortunae politicae»: переводы наставлений для придворных и конструирование политического пространства в России XVIII века
X International Conference of the Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia (Страсбург). Presentation: The Anonymous Treatise “On the Supreme Hereditary Sovereignty” and its European Political Sources
- 2017
Перевод общественно-политической литературы и формирование языка «гражданских наук» в России, конец XVII - начало XIX веков (Москва). Presentation: Роль перевода в формировании политического языка в России первой половины XVIII века
The Russian Empire 1790-1830: In Search for Narratives for the Alexandrine Age (Майнц). Presentation: Constitution and Fundamental Laws in Russian Political Discourses at the Turn of the 19th Century
Что такое Просвещение? Новые ответы на старый вопрос (Москва). Presentation: Трансфер европейских общественно-политических идей и практики перевода в России XVIII века
«РЕСПУБЛИКАНИЗМ: теория, история, современные практики» (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Республиканские идеи в русских переводах европейских политических сочинений первой трети XVIII века
- 2016
The 19th International Conference on Conceptual History (Aarhus). Presentation: The Role of translation in the formation of a new political language in eighteenth-century Russia
North European and Russian Societies in the Enlightenment: Modernisation and Cultural Transfer (Helsinki ). Presentation: The Russian Ideologists of Nobility and the Enlightenment Ideas in the Second Half of the Eighteenth century
- 2015
Оппозиционность, радикализм, вольномыслие: дискурс и практики несогласия в России XVIII- начала XIX века. Presentation: "Сохраняя независимость, насколько сие возможно при правлении неограниченном и совершенно безнравственном": вельможа-"гражданин" и придворная "оппозиция" в России конца XVIII - начала XIX века
14th International Congress for Eighteenth-Century Studies (Роттердам). Presentation: The Russian manuscript translations of European political writings from Prince Dmitry Mikhaylovich Golitsyn’s library
- 2014
VI Международный петровский конгресс: Россия-Великобритания: пять веков культурных связей (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Английское «правление» в русских переводных трактатах XVIII века
- 2013
VII Уральские археографические чтения: Культурные элиты России: истоки формирования и модели развития/ К 40-летию Уральского археографического центра (Екатеринбург). Presentation: Апология дворянства в русской публицистике конца XVIII века
Les sciences humaines et sociales en Russie : invention de langages scientifiques et traduction. Colloque international. Presentation: "Дишкурсы политичные": рукописные переводы западноевропейских политических трактатов в России (1700-1750-е гг.)
Pierre Le Grand et l'Europe des sciences et des arts: circulations, réseaux, transferts, métissages: 1689-1727 (Париж). Presentation: La traduction des ouvrages politiques à l’époque pétrovienne: les concepts occidentaux et le problème de leur perception en Russie
Musik am Russischen Hof, 1645-1762 (Москва). Presentation: Музыка, политика и гендер при русском дворе середины XVIII века
- 2012
Российская империя и монархия Габсбургов в эпоху Наполеоновских войн (Москва). Presentation: Двор, придворное общество и политическая сфера в России на рубеже XVIII-XIX вв.
Employment history
2019-present - Senior Researcher at the Centre for Eighteenth Century Studies at the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2014 - present - Assistant Professor at the School of Historical Sciences of the Faculty of Humanities of the National Research University Higher School of Economics
2006 - 2014 - Senior Researcher at the Volga Branch of the Institute of Russian History Russian Academy of Sciences
2004-2014 - Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and History of Culture, Samara State University
2000-2004 - Assistant Professor at the Department of History, Philosophy and Sociology of Samara Municipal Institute of Management