Nadezhda Knyaginina
- Senior Lecturer: Institute of Education / Department of Educational Programmes
- Research Fellow: Institute of Education / Education Law Laboratory
- Nadezhda Knyaginina has been at HSE University since 2014.
HSE University, Law
- 2017
Современные технологии поддержки семей, попавших в трудную жизненную ситуацию (Москва). Presentation: Образовательные программы для родителей: правовая грамотность
Awards and Accomplishments
Best Teacher — 2022, 2020
Winner of the HSE University Best Russian Research Paper Competition – 2024
Courses (2024/2025)
- Educational Law (Master’s programme; Institute of Education field of study Public Administration, Pedagogy; 1 year, 2 module)Rus
- Educational Law (Master’s programme; Institute of Education field of study Public Administration, Pedagogy; 1 year, 2 module)Rus
- Educational Law (Master’s programme; Institute of Education field of study Public Administration, Pedagogy; 1 year, 2 module)Rus
- Educational Law (Mago-Lego; 2 module)Rus
- Legal Regulation of Language Rights in the Russian Federation (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Linguistics; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Legal Regulation of Language Rights in the Russian Federation (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
- Legal status of a teacher (Master’s programme; Institute of Education field of study Pedagogy; 1 year, 4 module)Rus
- Legal status of a teacher (Mago-Lego; 4 module)Rus
- Universities and Public Regulation (Master’s programme; Institute of Education field of study Management; 1 year, 3 module)Rus
- Universities and Public Regulation (Mago-Lego; 3 module)Rus
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- Legal Regulation of Language Rights in the Russian Federation (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Linguistics; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Legal Regulation of Language Rights in the Russian Federation (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
- Teacher's Rights (Mago-Lego; 3 module)Rus
- Universities and Public Regulation (Master’s programme; Institute of Education field of study Management; 1 year, 3 module)Rus
- Universities and Public Regulation (Mago-Lego; 3 module)Rus
Courses (2022/2023)
- Educational Law (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Law field of study Law; 4 year, 3 module)Rus
- Educational Law (Mago-Lego; 3 module)Rus
- Legal Regulation of Language Rights in the Russian Federation (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
- Legal Regulation of Language Rights in the Russian Federation (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Linguistics; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Teacher's Rights (Mago-Lego; 3 module)Rus
Courses (2021/2022)
- Educational Law (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Law field of study Law; 3 year, 4 module)Rus
- Educational Law (Master’s programme; Institute of Education field of study Pedagogy, field of study Pedagogy, field of study Public Administration, field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 4 module)Rus
- Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher School: Language Issues in Educational Policy (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Linguistics; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
Courses (2020/2021)
- Educational Law (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Law field of study Law; 4 year, 3 module)Rus
- Legal Issues of the Educational System and Educational Organization (Master’s programme; Institute of Education field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 1 module)Rus
- Pedagogy and Psychology of High School: legal aspects of language educational policy (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Linguistics; 2 year, 2 module)Rus
Employment history
Lecturer at Department of Educational Programmes of Institute of Education and at Faculty of Law
September 2017 – Present
Research Fellow at Education Law Laboratory, Institute of Education
April 2020 – Present
Junior Research Fellow at Center for Education Law, Institute of Education
March 2017 – April 2020
Analyst at Center for Education Law, Institute of Education
September 2015 – March 2017
Analyst at Center for the Study of Innovations in Education, Institute of Education
April 2014 - September 2015
LLC 'Integra Management', Moscow, Russia
Legal assistant at the Legal Department
August 2011 – February 2012
Participation in the projects of the Institute of Education:
2014 Monitoring the implementation of Presidential decrees
2014 Organising Scientific and Educational Foresight for the Development of MISiS
2015 Study on Educational Research and Development (R&D) (jointly with the OECD)
2015 Organization of the Symposium "Development of Education" of the April conference of the HSE
2015 Course "Education Policy and Management", 4th year, faculty of state and municipal government (teaching assistant)
2016 Research of the legal regulation of the monitoring of the education system in the Russian Federation
2016 Research of the state of local normative acts of Moscow schools
2016 Development of the concept of a 'Parent university'
2017 Development of 4 legal educational programs 'Parent University'
2017 Research of the powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the formation of the content of education
2017 Research of the mechanisms of state accreditation of higher education
2017 Organization of the "Educational Law Weeks" of the Center for Educational Law of the HSE Institute of Education (October 2-5, 2017)
2018 Research of the provision of psychological and medical pedagogical assistance to students
2018 Research of the balance of distribution of powers in the field of education between the federal, regional and municipal levels in Russia
2018 Research of legal regulation of certain aspects of bullying in education in Russia
2018 Organization of the conference of the Center for Educational Law 'Multilevel Governance in Education: Top-Down Governance, Transfer of Authority and Regional Cooperation', November 12-13, 2018
Conducting legal research (see “Publications” and “Projects”), including the development of a methodology, research plan, research questions, analysis of literature, legislation, judicial practice, foreign practice
Conducting legal analysis (preparation of legal opinions, official reports)
Organization of work of project teams (groups of authors, student teams within their training in the Center
Development of educational programs and new formats of classes
Lectures and seminars
Organization of scientific events
Preparation of draft laws and other regulations.
XV International Conference on Higher Education (ICHE) Held
Staff from the Education Law Laboratory recently participated in the XV International Conference on Higher Education (ICHE) 2024, themed "Higher Education: Efficiency and Well-Being Balance"
Skillbox Media
Employees of the Educational Law Laboratory answered questions about retraining and changing professions.
International scientific practical conference "Problems of language functioning in multi-ethnic space"
Nadezhda Knyaginina attended the conference honoring the 90th anniversary of “Dorji Banzarov Buryat State University”
Nadezhda Knyaginina participated in the international conference "Educational ecosystems: a condition for a new quality of education and a resource for development" (Tomsk, December 8-10, 2021)
The conference presents the results of sociological surveys and studies based on big-data analysis of the situation regarding the quality of education during the pandemic and recommendations for changing the quality-management system of higher education
New Model of University Accreditation
Nadezhda Knyaginina gave her commentary to the online-edition of University World News
Education Law Laboratory’s course on the Yandex.Education platform
The course “Teacher’s rights: how to defend yourself in conflict using legislative instruments” is open for applications
First-graders in Samara were unable to enroll to a school according to their registration address because of a lack of vacant places and new government benefits for siblings
Nadezhda Knyaginina has commented on a situation that happened due to an end of the “first wave” of admissions to the first grade. course “Legal support of education” is open for registration
The course provides you with online lectures and practical tasks based on real-life cases.
Nadezhda Knyaginina’s and Evgenii Puchkov’s article ‘What Do You Do After School? What Is The Typical Day Of Today’s Russian Schoolchildren’ has been pusblished.
The bell rings for the last class, a student is heading home. What will they do next? Will they attend an afterschool class or will they do their homework? Maybe they will study with a tutor or hang out with their friends? How much time do these afterschool activities usually take? Answers to these questions were received from a survey conducted among more than 1000 students and their parents.
Nadezhda Knyaginina attended a round table meeting "The Language of the Laws: Complexity and Clarity"
The round table was organized by the committee of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation on the development and promotion of higher education.
The digital internship ‘Gamification of Law degree academic workshops’
We invite professors teaching Law curriculum practical classes to take part in the digital internship. The digital internship is a great opportunity to implement a corporate and individual academic track online on the priority topics of an educational organization.
European Yearbook Book of Minority Issues
The chapter "Language Conflicts in Russia’s Education System" was published in European Yearbook Book of Minority Issues.
XX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development
Staff members of the Education Law Laboratory took part in the events of the XX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development.
Nadezhda Knyaginina presented the report "The New Ideology in Language Policy in Education in Russia: 2017-2019" at the international conference "Multilingual Urban Space: Policy, Identity, Education"
The conference was organized by the researchers and professors of the master's program “Language Policy in the Context of Ethnocultural Diversity”, which opened its doors at the HSE in September 2018.
At the XX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development Szymon Jankiewicz and Nadezhda Knyaginina Presented a Paper: "Measures of Legal Responsibility of the School for the Life and Health of Students"
The paper was presented at the panel discussion "Safety in the educational environment: factors to counter bullying, aggression, and destructive behavior of students".
Expert Seminar "The Digital Agenda in Education Empowering Education Rights and Innovation in Education: Future Challenges on Policy and Law"
On November 15, the expert seminar was held in the Institute of Education of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics". The seminar was organized by the Centre for Education Law of the Institute of Education.
Head of the Education Law Laboratory Szymon Jankiewicz and the junior research fellow Nadezhda Knyaginina presented a report on the topic "The Role of Education Law at HSE University"
The report is devoted to the courses of education law that are taught at various majors of the Higher School of Economics. Prior to the emergence of the Education Law Laboratory of the Institute of Education of the Higher School of Economics, the teaching of education law was not popular at the Higher School of Economics (some aspects of education law were covered in the course “Management of an Educational Organization”).
Moscow City Pedagogical University Hosted an International Scientific and Practical Conference on the Rights of Parents and Family Education in Russia and Abroad
Head of the Education Law Laboratory Szymon Jankiewicz and the junior research fellow Nadezhda Knyaginina presented a report on the topic "Family Education in Russia: What Do We Know About It and What Do We Regulate?".
Publication of the Preprint “The Language of the Republic at School: Who Decides?”
Опубликован препринт С.В. Янкевича и Н.В. Княгининой «The Language of the Republic at School: Who Decides?». Авторами исследуется вопрос, может ли республика Российской Федерации установить обязанность изучать государственный язык республики в школе.
Szymon Jankiewicz and Nadezhda Knyaginina made a report on “Language in Unified Educational Space” on the 19th April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development.
Директор Центра образовательного права С.В. Янкевич и младший научный сотрудник Центра образовательного права Н.В. Княгинина представили результаты научного исследования, посвященного вопросу, каким образом гарантируются языковые права в образовании в России.
The HSE University’s Institute of Education Hosted a Meeting of the Authors of the New Commentary to the Federal Law "On Education"
В Институте образования ВШЭ прошла встреча членов авторского коллектива нового комментария к Федеральному закону «Об образовании», в ходе которой авторы обсудили вопросы по работе над комментарием, а также обозначили новые задачи и план работы.
Minority Rights Are Human Rights
On January 29, 2018, the Centre for Education Law at HSE’s Institute of Education hosted an expert seminar on ‘Minority and Linguistic Rights in Education’. The seminar focused on key issues around linguistic rights of minorities, in particular with regard to education as a basic human right.
Expert Seminar on “Minorities and Linguistic Rights in Education”
On the 29th of January the Center for Education Law held an expert seminar on “Minorities and Linguistic Rights in Education”.
IOE Holds First Ever International Week of Education Law
In early October 2017, IOE hosted its first ever International Week of Education Law, a unique venue to take multiple perspectives on the best national and global practices in tackling the most pressing issues in education-related legal frameworks. Inspired and organized by the IOE Centre for Education Law, the event involved a series of talks and expert seminars by world-acclaimed field professionals, including the Centre’s Academic Supervisor Dr. Jan de Groof, Prof. Ingo Richter of Paris Nanterre University, and Prof. Pablo Meix Cereceda of Roma Tre University.
HSE's Institute of Education has Begun Working on the Commentary to the Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation
One of the main results of the «Week of Educational Rights» was the decision to prepare a new commentary to the Federal Law on Education. It will be the first bilingual commentary in Russian law based on a detailed analysis of the international law, the decisions of the European court for human rights and the legislation of the foreign countries.
HSE’s Institute of Education has Discussed Problems Concerning the Implementation of Federalism Principle in Education
Within the week of education law HSE’s Institute of Education hosted a seminar on «Federalism in Education». This event was devoted to discussing the most severe challenges of education in the Federal States, especially in Russia’s.
How are Linguistic Rights Implemented in Education?
Within expert seminar, the discussion of the problem acquired a practical focus. Emphasis was placed on the approaches to solve the problem developed by the researchers.
"Before HSE, Nobody Dealt with This Problem!"
On the 14th of November, 2016 the Institute of Education hosted a meeting for the heads of educational institutions in Moscow – participants of the Consortium of Education Laboratories and HSE’s University’s Cluster. The event was organized by the Center for Leadership Development and the Center for Legal Applied Development of the Institute of Education.
IOE Staff Members Spoke on the Right to Education at International Conference
Szymon Jankiewicz, Director of the Center for Applied Legal Research, and Nadezhda Knyaginina, Analyst of the Center, took part in an International Conference, ‘Development of Russian Law-IX: Russian Law and Globalization’, held on October 6-7, 2016, at the University of Helsinki.
Global University Summit BRICS
Members of the Centre for Applied Legal Research Szymon Jankiewicz and Nadezhda Knyaginina participated in the Global University Summit BRICS. The Summit is an official event of Russia’s chairmanship in BRICS 2015-2016. The forum was held by MGIMO, MSU, RUDN and MISIS.