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Candidate of Sciences* (PhD) in Accounting and Statistics Russian State Agricultural Distance-Learning University
Degree Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
* Candidate of Sciences According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
2013: International Journal of Arts & Sciences (IJAS) conference (London). Report: Cost calculation in the Russian railway companies: peculiarities, trends and areas of improvement
Editorial board membership
2014: Member of the Editorial Council , Международный бухгалтерский учет.
Supervisor of the following Doctoral theses
for a Candidate of Sciences degree
M. GoryachevaMateriality of financial and non-financial reporting information
Y. ZotovaThe Influence of the ESG Factors on the Indicators of the Economic Efficiency of Russian and Foreign Companies