Larisa Gryazeva
- Senior Lecturer: Faculty of Creative Industries / School of Communication
- Programme Academic Supervisor: Integrated Communications
- Programme Track Supervisor: Integrated Communications
- Larisa Gryazeva has been at HSE University since 2018.
Academic supervisor of "Integrated Communications" Master's programme:
1. Organizes the development and approval of programme's documents, updates programmes' documents
2. Is responsible for the effectiveness of the implementation of all elements of the programme's curriculum: organizes and controls the activities of scientific and pedagogical workers participating in the implementation of the programme, interacts with the managers and employees of the structural units of the National Research University Higher School of Economics on issues of programme's implementation;
3. Defines a list of key educational results that all students of the programme, as well as students united by one trajectory within the programme, must achieve.
4. Analyzes the results of the student assessment of teaching (SET), organizes an annual discussion of the results of the SET with the academic council of the programme;
5. Sets tasks for the head of the educational office;
6. Consults students and makes decisions on substantive and administrative issues that arise during their studies (including acting as a mediator during conflict situations), on issues of individual educational trajectories;
7. Coordinates work with potential applicants for the programme, oversees issues of interaction with programme's graduates, coordinates work to promote the programme;
8. Organizes and conducts monitoring of the quality of the programme (including conducting self-examination of the programme, accreditation, external assessment, etc.);
9. Represents the interests of the programme on the academic council of the unit, as well as in interaction with other governing bodies of the Higher School of Economics and beyond (if necessary).
10. Ensures the interaction of the programme with industry representatives, attracts clients and partners for participation in elements of practical training for students
Academic mentor of the “Brand Management and Strategic Communications” trajectory:
1. Helps students determine individual educational outcomes (IER) that are achievable during the programme and are consistent with the educational outcomes of the trajectory.
2. Interacts with students regarding the formation of their individual educational plans (IEP), supports in the choice of Magolego, university-wide electives, elective subjects within the programme and other methods of personalizing the student’s learning.
3. Consults students on directions of their development.
Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience
2023 - Instuctional design in higher education with the requirements of digital environment, HSE
2022 - Psychological foundations of teaching, HSE
2022 - Modern methods of psychological correction and counseling (professional retraining), Institute of Modern Psychological Technologies
2022 - Organisational analysis, MABPO
2021 - Tracking, Right track
2020 - Management in game industry, HSE
2017 - Strategic Marketing, Oxford College of Marketing
2017 - Forsight, Kosmos
2017 - Semiotics in marketing, Kosmos
2017 - Trendwatching, Look and media school
2014 - Coaching, ICU
2014 - European certificate in advertising, European Association of Communication Agencies
Awards and Accomplishments
Best Teacher — 2022–2024
Best Academic Supervisor in the category ‘Student Recruitment’ — 2024