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Address: 11 Pokrovsky Bulvar, Pokrovka Complex, room S924
SPIN-RSCI: 2777-5018
ResearcherID: A-3505-2014
Scopus AuthorID: 56770155500
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Natalia Talaikova

  • Natalia Talaikova has been at HSE University since 2018.


  • 2018

    Doctoral programme
    Saratov Chernyshevsky State University

  • 2014

    Saratov Chernyshevsky State University

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

«Yandex Open lectures», courses Project Management and Back-End, Yandex Academy, 2022

«Project management ASAP», Setters Education, 2022

«Head of structural unit», Specialist, 2022

«Extended capabilities of Microsoft Excel», Higher School of Economics, 2021

«Agile methodologies. Intensive course», GeekBrains, 2020

SPIE Leadership Workshop, 2015 (Munich, Germany, HR management)

Biophotonics Riga 2013 (Riga, Latvia, biophotonics, medical technology)


Book Talaikova N., Ryabukho V. Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol. 737. Issue 1. , 2016. doi (in press)

Employment history

Bachelor’s Programme "Applied Mathematics and Information Science" Administrator, Faculty of Computer Science, HSE,  07/2018 - 12/2019

Administrator, Museum of Optics, ITMO University’s Technopark, Saint-Petersburg, 01/2018-07/2018

Teaching assistant, engineer, Optics and biophotonics dept., Federal State Funded Institution of Higher Professional Education “Saratov State University”, 08/2015-05/2016

Engineer, laboratory assistant, laboratory of atomic physics, quantum electronics and spectroscopy, Saratov State University, 01/2013-08/2015