Elena A. Tarasenko
- Associate Professor: Faculty of Social Sciences / School of Politics and Governance / Department of Health Care Administration and Economics
- Elena A. Tarasenko has been at HSE University since 2010.
Education and Degrees
Russian State Social University
Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
University of Leeds
Kurgan State Teacher Training Institute
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
Awards and Accomplishments
Best Teacher — 2015–2024
Courses (2024/2025)
- Drug Supply Management (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Drug Supply Management (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
- Hospital Marketing (Mago-Lego; 3 module)Rus
- Human Resources Administration in Health Care (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Human Resources Administration in Health Care (Mago-Lego; 3, 4 module)Rus
- Medical Ethics and Deonthology (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
- Mentor's Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Mentor's Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Pharmaceutical and Medical Supplies Markets (Mago-Lego; 3, 4 module)Rus
- Research Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Research Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 2-4 module)Rus
- Social Services and Social Work (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Social Services and Social Work (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- Drug Supply Management (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Drug Supply Management (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
- Hospital Marketing (Mago-Lego; 3, 4 module)Rus
- Human Resources Administration in Health Care (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Human Resources Administration in Health Care (Mago-Lego; 3, 4 module)Rus
- Management Practices in Social Services (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 4 year, 3 module)Rus
- Medical Ethics and Deonthology (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
- Mentor's Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Mentor's Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Pharmaceutical and Medical Supplies Markets (Mago-Lego; 3, 4 module)Rus
- Research Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Research Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 2-4 module)Rus
- Social Services and Social Work (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Social Services and Social Work (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
Courses (2022/2023)
- Drug Supply Management (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
- Drug Supply Management (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Hospital Marketing (Mago-Lego; 3 module)Rus
- Human Resources Administration in Health Care (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Human Resources Administration in Health Care (Mago-Lego; 3, 4 module)Rus
- Management Practices in Social Services (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 4 year, 3 module)Rus
- Medical Ethics and Deonthology (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
- Medical Ethics and Deonthology (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Mentor's Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Pharmaceutical and Medical Supplies Markets (Mago-Lego; 3, 4 module)Rus
- Research Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 2-4 module)Rus
- Research Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Social Services and Social Work (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Social Services and Social Work (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
Courses (2021/2022)
- Drug Supply Management (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Human Resources Administration in Health Care (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Management Practices in Social Services (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 4 year, 3 module)Rus
- Medical Ethics and Deonthology (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Pharmaceutical and Medical Supplies Markets (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Research Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Research Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 2-4 module)Rus
Courses (2020/2021)
- Drug Supply Management (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Human Resources Administration in Health Care (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Management, Economics and Politics in Social Services (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 3 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Medical Ethics and Deonthology (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovations (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1 module)Eng
- Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovations (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Pharmaceutical and Medical Supplies Markets (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Primary Health Care and Health for All: An Introduction (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1 module)Eng
- Primary Health Care and Health for All: An Introduction (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Research Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Research Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 2-4 module)Rus
- Social Services and Social Work (Master’s programme; Institute for Social Policy field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Systems Thinking In Public Health (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1 module)Eng
- Systems Thinking In Public Health (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Take the Lead on Health Care Quality (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 2 year, 1 module)Eng
- Take the Lead on Health Care Quality (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- 2019
XX Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва) (Москва). Presentation: Пожилые потребители на рынке медицинских технологий
- 2018
VI Международная научно-практическая конференция "Управленческие науки в современном мире" (Москва). Presentation: Gerontechnology: факторы, влияющие на выбор пожилых потребителей на рынке медицинских технологий и услуг
- 2015
Всероссийская конференция руководителей негосударственных медицинских организаций «Управление частными клиниками России» (Москва). Presentation: Управление потребительским поведением пациентов: сервисная составляющая медицинской услуги
III Международная научно-практическая конференция Гильдии Маркетологов и Финансового университета «Маркетинг России» – "Финансово-экономические и социальные аспекты развития городских агломераций" (Москва). Presentation: Social Media Marketing и ГЧП в здравоохранении.
- 2014
VII Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция «Медицина и качество – 2014» (Москва). Presentation: Кадровое планирование, компетентность и компетенции медицинского персонала: зарубежный опыт и уроки для России
Российско-Тайваньский симпозиум по исследованиям в области гуманитарных и социальных наук (Тайбэй). Presentation: Why Russian Physicians Burnout?
- 2003 - University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
- 2003 - Institute of Public Health, Paris, France
- 2009 - University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
Academic Grants and Research
- 2001 - Ford Foundation International Fellowship for post-graduate study
- 2006 - Grant from the Russian Federal Agency for Education (Rosobrazovanie) to support collaborative research on 'The Availability of Extended Education for Young Persons with Disabilities'
- 2009 - Grant from DAAD (Forschungsaufenthalter Hochschullehrer und Wissenschaftler) for a research internship at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
- 2010 - Grant from the RSUH Institute for Economics, Management, and Law to support collaborative research on 'Innovation at Humanitarian Universities'
- June 2011 - May 2014 - Global Health Project. HESP Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching. Health Economics: A Global Approach/International Higher Education Support Program, Open Society Institute (Budapest)
- XIII HSE April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, Moscow, April 3-5, 2012 - 1,000 participants
- IX INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON HEALTH LAW, São Paolo, Public Health School of University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil, June 11-15, 2012 - 300 participants
- Fifth World Congress on Medicine 2.0: Social Media, Mobile Apps, and Internet/Web 2.0 in Health, Medicine, and Biomedical Research, USA, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, September 15-16, 2012 - 360 participants
- Social Marketing - Master's level, Faculty of Management; Programme: Marketing Communications and Advertising in Contemporary Business; 1st year; Block 4
- Social Marketing - Master's level, Faculty of Management; Programme: Marketing; Speciality: Strategic Marketing, Marketing for Firms; 1st year; Block 4
- Social Marketing - Master's level, Faculty of Management; Programme: Project Management: Project Analysis, Investment, and Implementation; 1st year; Block 4
- Social Marketing - Master's level, Faculty of Management; Programme: Strategic and Corporate Governance; 1st year; Block 4
- Social Marketing - Master's level, Faculty of Management; Programme: Economics of Impressions: Management in Hospitality Industry and Tourism; 1st year; Block 4
Academic Interests
- Marketing medical equipment and medicines
- Modernisation of health care and social policy
- E-Health and online medicine
- Social marketing and managing social communications in healthcare
- Consumer behavior in the marketing of medical services and health insurance
- Patient rights and access to health care
- Qualitative methodology of sociological research in health care
‘There’s No Shame in Getting Critical Feedback’
HSE University’s Best Teachers share their impressions of the competition
Staff from Centre for Health Policy Take Part in Russian-Taiwanese Symposium on Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences
The Centre’s Director, Sergey Shishkin, and Senior Research Fellow Elena Tarasenko took part in a Russian-Taiwanese symposium on research in the humanities and social sciences. The symposium was held in Taipei, Taiwan on November 14-17, 2014.
Doctors Should Intervene into Internet Diagnosing
It’s time for doctors to actively control discussions of self-treatment over the Internet. Unqualified opinions of uninformed people can mislead many participants of Internet communities, and doctors’ comments about online prescriptions would help users to make right decisions and could even save their lives. Elena Tarasenko, Deputy Head of the HSE Department of Health Care Administration and Economy, has studied the content of web communities dedicated to self-treatment in social networks