Evgeny Victorovich Zhuzhoma
- Professor: HSE Campus in Nizhny Novgorod / Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics, and Computer Science (HSE Nizhny Novgorod) / Department of Fundamental Mathematics
- Chief Research Fellow: HSE Campus in Nizhny Novgorod / Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics, and Computer Science (HSE Nizhny Novgorod) / International Laboratory of Dynamical Systems and Applications
- Evgeny Victorovich Zhuzhoma has been at HSE University since 2014.
Education, Degrees and Academic Titles
Doctor of Sciences* in Physical and Mathematical SciencesLobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
Degree in Applied MathematicsLobachevskiy Gorky State University, Calcul. Mathem. and Cybernetic
* Doctor of Sciences
A post-doctoral degree called Doctor of Sciences is given to reflect second advanced research qualifications or higher doctorates in ISCED 2011.
A post-doctoral degree called Doctor of Sciences is given to reflect second advanced research qualifications or higher doctorates in ISCED 2011.
Awards and Accomplishments
Best Teacher — 2022