Maria A. Krivosheina
- Lecturer: Faculty of Humanities / School of Philological Studies
- Maria A. Krivosheina has been at HSE University since 2012.
- Language Proficiency
- English
- German
- French
- Contacts
- Phone:
22730 - Address: 21/4 Staraya Basmannaya Ulitsa, Building 1, room 403
- SPIN-RSCI: 7957-2360
- ORCID: 0000-0001-6793-3196
- ResearcherID: B-1971-2016
- Google Scholar
- Supervisor
- E. Kazartsev (Evgenii Kazartcev)
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HSE University
HSE University
Professional Interests
Awards and Accomplishments
Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Lecturers under 30" (2018–2019)
Courses (2024/2025)
- Academic English Writing (Optional course; 2, 3 module)Eng
- Advanced Seminar «Current Issues in English and American Literary Studies: Text, Subtext and Context» (Optional course (faculty); Faculty of Humanities; 1-4 module)Rus
- Advanced Seminar «Current Issues in English and American Literary Studies: Text, Subtext and Context» (Optional course (faculty); Faculty of Humanities; 1-3 module)Rus
- English for Specific Purposes. Philology - 2 (Optional course; 3, 4 module)Eng
- History and Theory of Literature (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Creative Industries field of study Media Communications; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Modern Foreign Literature (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 4 year, 2, 3 module)Rus
- Modernism and Postmodernism in World's Literature (Minor; Faculty of Humanities)Rus
- Russian XXth Сentury in the Mirror of Literature (Minor; Faculty of Humanities)Rus
- The Basics of Critical Reading and Academic Writing (Optional course (faculty); 4 module)Eng
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- 19th Century in the Mirrors of Roman and Drama (Minor; Faculty of Humanities; 3, 4 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Optional course; 2, 3 module)Eng
- English for Specific Purposes. Philology - 2 (Optional course; 3, 4 module)Eng
- Great Books of Western Literature: from Homer to Goethe (Minor; Faculty of Humanities; 1, 2 module)Rus
- History and Theory of Literature (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Creative Industries field of study Media Communications; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Research Seminar "Theory and Practice of English language Fiction of the second half of the XIXth century - first half of the XXth c." (Optional course (faculty); 1-3 module)Rus
- Research Seminar "Theory and Practice of English language Fiction of the second half of the XIXth century - first half of the XXth c." (Optional course (faculty); 1-4 module)Rus
- The Basics of Critical Reading and Academic Writing (Optional course (faculty); 3 module)Eng
Courses (2022/2023)
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History of Art, field of study Philology; 4 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; School of Foreign Languages field of study Linguistics; 4 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Chemistry field of study Chemistry; 4 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Creative Industries field of study Journalism, field of study Advertising and Public Relations, field of study Media Communications; 4 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Mathematics field of study Mathematics, field of study Mathematics; 4 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs field of study Economics, field of study International Relations; 4 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs field of study Asian and African Studies; 5 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (HSE MIEM) field of study Information Science and Computation Technology, field of study Applied Mathematics, field of study Infocommunication Technologies and Systems, field of study Information Security; 4 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Graduate School of Business field of study Management, field of study Management, field of study Management, field of study Business Informatics; 4 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology, field of study Political Science, field of study Public Administration; 4 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology field of study Biology; 4 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Law field of study Law, field of study Law; 4 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Physics field of study Physics; 4 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Software Engineering, field of study Applied Mathematics and Information Science; 4 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics, field of study Economics; 4 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Critical Thinking and Academic Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Eng
- History and Theory of Literature (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Creative Industries field of study Journalism, field of study Media Communications; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Modernism and Postmodernism in World's Literature (Minor; Faculty of Humanities; 3, 4 module)Rus
- Modernism and the Little Magazine (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Eng
- Research Seminar (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 2 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Russian XXth Сentury in the Mirror of Literature (Minor; Faculty of Humanities; 1, 2 module)Rus
Courses (2021/2022)
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Creative Industries field of study Journalism, field of study Advertising and Public Relations, field of study Media Communications, field of study Design; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (HSE MIEM) field of study Information Science and Computation Technology, field of study Applied Mathematics, field of study Infocommunication Technologies and Systems; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs field of study Economics, field of study International Relations; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs field of study Asian and African Studies; 5 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Applied Mathematics and Information Science, field of study Software Engineering; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Graduate School of Business field of study Management, field of study Management, field of study Management, field of study Business Informatics; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration, field of study Psychology, field of study Political Science; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Physics field of study Physics; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Law field of study Law, field of study Law; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology, field of study History of Art, field of study History; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics, field of study Economics; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; School of Foreign Languages field of study Linguistics; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic Writing (Russian) (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Advanced Seminar “Foreign Literature in Russia” (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Advanced Seminar “Foreign Literature in Russia” (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 3 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Advanced Seminar “Foreign Literature in Russia” (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 2 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Critical Thinking and Academic Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Eng
- Modernism and the Little Magazine (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 4 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
Courses (2020/2021)
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Creative Industries field of study Journalism, field of study Advertising and Public Relations, field of study Media Communications, field of study Design; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs field of study Economics, field of study International Relations; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (HSE MIEM) field of study Information Science and Computation Technology, field of study Infocommunication Technologies and Systems, field of study Applied Mathematics; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Software Engineering, field of study Applied Mathematics and Information Science; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Graduate School of Business field of study Business Informatics, field of study Management, field of study Management, field of study Management; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics, field of study Economics; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Public Administration, field of study Political Science, field of study Psychology; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Physics field of study Physics; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Law field of study Law, field of study Law; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology, field of study History, field of study History of Art; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic English Writing (Bachelor’s programme; School of Foreign Languages field of study Linguistics; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Academic Writing (Russian) (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Academic Writing (Russian) (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Advanced Seminar “Foreign Literature in Russia” (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Advanced Seminar “Foreign Literature in Russia” (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 3 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Advanced Seminar “Foreign Literature in Russia” (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 2 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Critical Thinking and Academic Writing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 2 year, 2 module)Eng
- 2022
Anglo-Russian Research Network conference (Экcетер). Presentation: Newnes/Stead a.k.a. Jekyll/Hyde: Middlebrоw Savоir-faire vs. `Government by Jоurnalism’ (Russian Literature and New Journalism, 1890s)
- 2021
(Post)-Soviet Cosmopolis: The Soviet Project of World Literature and its Legacies (Берлин). Presentation: Genre Fiction as World Literature: Soviet Translations of Detective Prose (1950–1980s)
- 2019
BASEES (British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies) Annual Conference 2019 (Кембридж). Presentation: Russian Literature and Reactionary Modernism: Cultural Debates in “The New Age” Magazine
BAVS (British Association for Victorian Studies) Annual Conference 2019: 'Victorian Renewals’. ( Данди, Шотландия). Presentation: “Those School Students Chose Holmes Instead of Jesus Christ!”: Sherlock Holmes as a Middle-Class (Anti)hero in Late Imperial Russia
«“Поэзия” и “правда”: фикциональное и нон-фикциональное в истории литературы» (Москва). Presentation: "Not Vodka": мифотворчество, мифоборчество и русская литература в трансатлантических “маленьких журналах” (1910-е гг.)
- 2018
BASEES (British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies) Annual Conference 2018 (Кембридж ). Presentation: "White Pinkerton" between Tradition and Counter-reaction
BAVS (British Association for Victorian Studies) Annual Conference 2018: Victorian Patterns (Эксетер). Presentation: “Russian Hotspur” and the British Middlebrow: “Mr. Lermontoff” in the Strand Magazine (1890-1910s)
Эрос, идеология, литература, искусство: встречи на границах художественного (Москва). Presentation: Между “русской сексуальностью” и “апологией тирании”: журнал У. Т. Стэда “Review of reviews” как антивикторианский жест
- 2017
The Research Society for Victorian Periodicals 49th Annual Conference "Borders and Border Crossings" (Фрайбург). Presentation: "The Strand Magazine" a la Russe: Russia in "The Strand" and "The Strand" in Russia
BASEES Annual Conference 2017 (Кембридж). Presentation: "The Strand" a la Russe? "Argus" Magazine as an Anglophile Project
XVIII Международная научная конференция молодых филологов в Таллинне (Таллинн). Presentation: О прекрасных контрабандистках и русском Отелло («The Strand Magazine» и Россия)
«Текстология и историко-литературный процесс». VI Международная конференция молодых исследователей (Москва). Presentation: «Апологет тирании» или enfant terrible британской журналистики: У.Т. Стед и Россия
Международная научная конференция «Русская авантюра» (Москва). Presentation: «Белый Пинкертон: традиция или контрреакция?»
- 2016
XVII Международная научная конференция молодых филологов (Таллин). Presentation: «“Коварный Альбион” и “железная англосаксонская энергия” (Рецепция английской литературы в контексте представлений о “новом британце” в позднеимперской России)»
Текстология и историко-литературный процесс. V Международная конференция молодых исследователей (Москва). Presentation: Об одном англофильском проекте: из истории петроградского журнала "Аргус"
V Молодежная научная конференция «Текст – комментарий – интерпретация» (Москва). Presentation: «“Мы, кажется, никогда не сумеем сговориться с европейцами!”: об одном проекте редактора-англофила (Из истории журнала “Аргус”)»
A Culture of Discontinuity? Russian Cultural Debates in Historical Perspective (Престон (Ланкашир)). Presentation: «“Wicked Albion” and “Iron Anglo-Saxon Energy” (Reflections on English Literature and the Idea of a “New Britt” in Late-Imperial Russia)»
Международная конференция молодых филологов (Тарту). Presentation: «Между англофобией и англоманией: “неканонический” А. Конан Дойль в позднеимперской России»
XIII летняя школа по русской литературе (Санкт-Петербург -- Цвелодубово). Presentation: Пропавший миллионер, школа шерлок-холмсов, воры-джентльмены: Проппер, Суворин и развлекательная литература (1900–1910-ые)
"Consuming (the) Victorians" 2016 Annual Conference of the British Association for Victorian Studies (Кардифф). Presentation: “Watson, we are heading to the land of special guards”: Sherlock Holmes, Russian epigones and the Revolution of 1905
Rudyard Kipling and Europe - International conference (Болонья). Presentation: "He is but an Englishman, and an Englishman of our time”: Kipling and Debates on “Englishness” and Imperialism in Russia of the Late 19th – Early 20th Century
II международная конференция молодых исследователей «Русская литература в компаративной перспективе» (Москва). Presentation: «“The Strand Magazine” и Россия: к постановке проблемы»
Reviving Visions: Artists and Scholars that connected East and West (Кельн). Presentation: «English Literature and the “Great Game” in Late Imperial Russia»
Мировая литература как советский культурный проект (Москва). Presentation: «”Есть сонеты для избранных и Пинкертон – для улицы” (Из истории дебатов о детективе в советской России)
- 2015
Международная конференция молодых филологов в Тарту (Тарту). Presentation: «”У нас, в снегах России, Вас очень ценят и уважают…”: Шерлок Холмс и русский читатель (1900–1910-ые)»
XVI Международная конференция молодых филологов (Таллин). Presentation: «“Шерлокъ Холмсъ вздумалъ посетить русскiя владенiя”: проблемы рецепции образа в России 1900–1910-х гг.»
XII Международная Летняя школа по русской литературе (Санкт-Петербург - Цвелодубово). Presentation: «“Ватсон, мы отправляемся в страну чрезвычайных охран…” (Шерлок Холмс, эпигоны и первая русская революция)»
IV Молодежная научная конференция «Текст – комментарий – интерпретация» (Москва). Presentation: «“Он в Риме был бы Брут, в Афинах Периклес”: Шерлок Холмс и «элитарная культура» в России 1900–1910-х гг.»
Конференция молодых исследователей "Русская литература в компаративной перспективе" (Москва). Presentation: "О, воротись, старое доброе британское мещанство!" (Из истории рецепции британского детектива в позднеимперской России)
- 2014
Международная конференция молодых филологов в Тарту (Тарту). Presentation: «Литература поздневикторианской Англии и русский модернизм: проблемы рецепции (Случай Р. Л. Стивенсона)»
Молодежная научная конференция «Литература: история, теория, компаративистика» (Москва). Presentation: «Литература поздневикторианской Англии и русский модернизм: проблемы рецепции (Случай Р. Л. Стивенсона)»
- 2013
Международная конференция молодых филологов в Тарту (Тарту). Presentation: «Нидерланды в русской поэзии конца XIX – начала XX века (Амстердам)»
Студенческая конференция по филологии (Москва). Presentation: «Нидерланды в русской поэзии конца XIX – начала XX века (Амстердам)»
Non-canonical Conan Doyle
The author’s transformation from a British colonialist into Russia's ally
HSE School of Philology Attends Conference in Cologne
On October 7-11 the international conference ‘Reviving Visions: Artists and Scholars that Connected East and West’ marking the launch of a joint MA programme between HSE, the University of Cologne and the University of Warsaw, was held in Cologne. Students and staff from the HSE School of Philology took part in the event.