Victoria Moiseeva
- Deputy Director, Leading Research Fellow: Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience / Centre for Cognition & Decision Making
- Victoria Moiseeva has been at HSE University since 2014.
- Language Proficiency
- English
- Spanish
- French
- Contacts
- Phone:
23365 - Address: 3 Krivokolenny Pereulok, room 219
- SPIN-RSCI: 7234-1453
- ORCID: 0000-0001-8729-1610
- ResearcherID: I-4175-2015
- Scopus AuthorID: 6701491905
- Google Scholar
- Working hours
- from 10.00 till 19.00
- Supervisors
- V. Klucharev
- A. Shestakova
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Education and Degrees
Lomonosov Moscow State University
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
Courses (2024/2025)
- Mentor's Seminar (Master’s programme; Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience field of study Psychology; 1 year, 1-4 module)Eng
- Neuroscience (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Applied Mathematics and Information Science, Psychology, Public Administration, Sociology, Political Science; 3 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Neuroscience (Mago-Lego; 2, 3 module)Eng
- Neuroscience (Master’s programme; Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience field of study Psychology; 1 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Research Seminar "Cognitive Sciences" (Master’s programme; Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience field of study Psychology; 1 year, 1-4 module)Eng
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- Mentor's Seminar (Master’s programme; Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience field of study Psychology; 1 year, 1-4 module)Eng
- Mentor's Seminar (Master’s programme; Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience field of study Psychology; 2 year, 1-3 module)Eng
- Neuroscience (Master’s programme; Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience field of study Psychology; 1 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Neuroscience (Mago-Lego; 2, 3 module)Eng
- Research Seminar "Cognitive Sciences" (Master’s programme; Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience field of study Psychology; 1 year, 1-4 module)Eng
Courses (2022/2023)
- Mentor's Seminar (Master’s programme; Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience field of study Psychology; 1 year, 1-4 module)Eng
- Research Seminar "Cognitive Sciences" (Master’s programme; Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience field of study Psychology; 1 year, 1-4 module)Eng
Courses (2021/2022)
- Research Seminar "Cognitive Sciences" (Master’s programme; Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience field of study Psychology; 1 year, 1-4 module)Eng
Courses (2020/2021)
- Cognitive Neuroscience (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 4 year, 3 module)Rus
- Research Seminar "Cognitive Sciences" (Master’s programme; Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience field of study Psychology; 1 year, 1-4 module)Eng
1999-2001 Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Three-years research grant Investigation of attentions processes and prognostic human activity
2001 – Russian Foundation for Basic Research. One-year research grant for the young scientists
2002-2004 Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Three-years research grant Experimental and theoretical investigation of neurophysiological attention’s processes and prognostic activity in human
2004-2006 Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation Three-years research grant Psychophysiological investigation of saccadic eyes movements in normal humans and patients with Parkinson's disease
2005-2007 Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Three-years research grant Psychophysiological investigation of saccadic eyes movements potentials as a component of leading cognitive function of human
2008-2010. Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Three-years research grant Investigation of mechanisms of saccadic eye movements as a component of visual perception in human
2008-2009. Visiting fellowship, two years grant. Slovak-Russian bilateral project “Cortical dynamics in the programming of double step saccades”
2010-2013 Education, Audiovisual and Culture Agency Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission. Three-years grant for Postgraduate Training Network in Biotechnology of Neurosciences (BioN)
2011-2013 Russian Foundation for Basic Research Three-years research grant The study of the frontal brain lobes structural-functional peculiarities in the maintenance of the mechanisms of selective attention in norm and in the model of schizophrenia
2012 Russian Foundation for Basic Research Grant for the organization of school Organization of the international school for young scientists “Neurogenetics: Unraveling behavior and brain mechanisms using modern technologies”
2012-present time Three-years research grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research Cortical mechanisms of cognitive function of attention and decision-making in human
2014-present time Three-years research grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research Cognitive control of saccadic movements: from structure to function
2014 Dynastia foundation Grant for the organization of school
- 2016
Седьмая международная конференция по когнитивной науке (Светлогорск). Presentation: ПАРАМЕТРЫ САККАДИЧЕСКИХ РЕАКЦИЙ ПРИ ПРЕДЪЯВЛЕНИИ
18th World Congress of Psychophysiology (IOP2016) (Гавана). Presentation: Saccadic preparation at the experimental scheme with distractors during stimulation of leading and unleading eye
1. Shulgovsky V. V., Slavytskaiy, M. V, Мoiseeva V. V., Galperina Е. I. Fast positive potentials of the humanbrain cortex to visual stimuli which induce saccades // Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova 1997. V. 47- 3. P.469 – 479.
3. Slavytskaiy, M. V, Мoiseeva V. V., Shulgovsky V. V. Dependence of saccades latency and presaccadicpotentials of human brain from spatial disposition of visual target.// Sensory systems. 1999. V. 13. №1. P. 72 –80.
4. Мoiseeva V. V., Slavytskaiy, M. V, Shulgovsky V. V. Influence of visual stimulation of the leading andnonleading eye in the latency of saccades and rapid presaccadic potentials // Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I PPavlova 1999. V. 49-1. P. 113 – 117.
5. Мoiseeva V. V., Slavytskaiy, M. V, Shulgovsky V. V. Lateralisation of saccadic latency during monocularstimulation to the leading and unleading eye in OVERLAP Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova, 2003. V. 53№1. p. 33-40.
6. V.V. Moiseeva, M.V Slavutskaya., V.V. Shulgovsky. Negative potential of the brain elicited in saccadiclatency during stimulation of the leading and nonleading eyes with an overlap // Human Physiology, 2005.V.30. No 6. pp. 525-532.
7. Мoiseeva V. V., Slavytskaiy, M. V, Shulgovsky V. V. Positive potentials of the human brain in saccade latencyat the stimulation of leading and unleading eye. Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova 2005 55(4): 505 - 513.
8. Shulgovsky V.V., Slavutskaya M.V., Moiseeva V. Presaccadic EEG potential in man // Homeostasis. 2006.44(1-2): 7-22.
9. V.V Moiseeva, M.V Slavutskaya., V. V. Shulgovsky. Fast negative EEG'potentials before express-saccades inhuman // Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova 2007. 57(1): 23-32
10. Slavytskaiy, M. V, Мoiseeva V. V., Shulgovsky V. V. Attention and eye movements. I. Oculomotor system,fenomenology and saccades programming // Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova, 2008.58 (1): 12-29.
11. Slavytskaiy, M. V, Мoiseeva V. V., Shulgovsky V. V. Attention and eye movements. II. Psychophysiologicalconceptions, neurophysiological models and EEG-correlates. // Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova, 2008 58(2): 133-152.
12. V.V. Moiseeva, V.V. Shulgovsky, M.V. Slavutskaya. Human potentials before express saccades // ActivityNervosas Superiority 2008. 50: 98-109
13. Moiseeva V.V., Slavutskaya M.V., ShulgovskiyV V. EEG Investigation of the memory guided saccadesprogramming in human// International Journal of Psychophysiology, eds. Elsevier BV (Netherlands), 2008 69(3): 311-
14. Slavutskaya M., Moiseeva V., Kotenev Al, Shulgovskiy V. Cortical evoked potential related with memoryguidedsaccades // Activitas nervosa superior, eds. Avicenum (Praha, Czech Republic), 2009 51 (1-2): 95-96
15. Slavytskaiy, M. V, Мoiseeva V. V., Shulgovsky V. V. Potentials of initiation at the human brain cortex,preceding memory-guided saccades // Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova, eds. Nauka (Russian Federation),2009 59 (6): 671-680
16. Slavytskaiy, M. V, Мoiseeva V. V., Fonsova N.A., Shulgovsky V. V. Potentials of initiation at the human braincortex, preceding memory-guided saccades // Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova, 2010, 60 (1): 12-21
17. Slavytskaiy, M. V, Мoiseeva V. V., Shulgovsky V. V. 2011 The influence of attention processes at the saccadeprogramming in human // Psychology, Journal of Higher School of Economics 2001, 8 (1): 78-88
18. Slavytskaiy, M. V, Мoiseeva V. V., Fonsova N.A., Shulgovsky V. V. The influence of attention processes atthe spike potential at different conditions of visual stimulation // Cognitive science, eds IP RAS, Moscow, 2012:87-101
19. Slavytskaiy, M. V, Мoiseeva V. V., Kotenev A.V., Kulaichev A.P., Shulgovsky V. V. Saccadic latency andpattern od saccade response at the experimental scheme “double step” // Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova,2013 63(3): 1-11
20. Artamonova Iu.D., Demchuk A.L., Moiseeva V.V. Postgraduate educational network: theory and practice ofEuropean and Russian high schools // Higher education in Russia, 2013 2: 138-146
Group grants:
1999-2001 Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Three-years research grant Investigation of attentions processes andprognostic human activity
2002-2004 Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Three-years research grant Experimental and theoreticalinvestigation of neurophysiological attention’s processes and prognostic activity in human
2004-2006 Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation Three-years research grant Psychophysiological investigationof saccadic eyes movements in normal humans and patients with Parkinson's disease
2005-2007 Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Three-years research grant Psychophysiological investigation ofsaccadic eyes movements potentials as a component of leading cognitive function of human
2008-2010. Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Three-years research grant Investigation of mechanisms ofsaccadic eye movements as a component of visual perception in human
2008-2009. Visiting fellowship, two years grant. Slovak-Russian bilateral project “Cortical dynamics in theprogramming of double step saccades”
2010-2013 Education, Audiovisual and Culture Agency Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission.Three-years grant for Postgraduate Training Network in Biotechnology of Neurosciences (BioN)
2011-2013 Russian Foundation for Basic Research Three-years research grant The study of the frontal brain lobesstructural-functional peculiarities in the maintenance of the mechanisms of selective attention in norm and in the modelof schizophrenia
2012 Russian Foundation for Basic Research Grant for the organization of school Organization of the internationalschool for young scientists “Neurogenetics: Unraveling behavior and brain mechanisms using modern technologies”
2012-present time Three-years research grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research Cortical mechanisms of cognitivefunction of attention and decision-making in human
2014-present time Three-years research grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research Cognitive control of saccadicmovements: from structure to function2014 Dynastia foundation Grant for the organization of school “Data analysis in neuroscience”
Other merits:
Member of the Organizing Committee of the Lomonosov’s conference of the young scientists, MSU, 2001
Co-organiser of the Ecological brain research school, Moscow, summer 2002
Coordinator of the BioN project at Lomonosov MSU
from 2010 – present time
Member of the Organizing Committee of the neurobiological schools:
1. Cognitive Neuro-technology September, 2010, Moscow, Russia
2. Computational Neuro-technology October 2011, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
3. Neurogenetics Cellular Neuro-technology 2012, Moscow, Russia
4. Data analysis in neuroscience 2014, Moscow, Russia
‘Scientists Work to Make This World a Better Place’
Federico Gallo is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Cognition and Decision Making of the HSE Institute for Cognitive Research. In 2023, he won the Award for Special Achievements in Career and Public Life Among Foreign Alumni of HSE University. In this interview, Federico discusses how he entered science and why he chose to stay, and shares a secret to effective protection against cognitive decline in old age.