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The 24th HSE Open Tourist Rally has taken place in the Moscow region. It attracted students from different university campuses, as well as graduates with families, doctoral students, lecturers, and HSE friends from other Moscow universities.
October 06, 2015
Neige Rochant, a student at INALCO (Paris), speaks about her fieldwork during the HSE expedition to the Republic of Adygea.
October 05, 2015
As part of the orientation events for international faculty members, the Office of Internationalization held an interactive workshop on Living and Working in Moscow led by Mira Bergelson, Professor in the Faculty of Humanities.
September 30, 2015
Alisa Maximova, research intern of the Research Centre for Contemporary Culture, is visiting King’s College London as a part of her PhD programme at HSE. Her work in KCL is supervised by Dr. Dirk vom Lehn, coauthor of several papers on museum visitor interaction and participation, as well as author of the book “Harold Garfinkel: The Creation and Development of Ethnomethodology”. Alisa is a visiting PhD student in the Work, Interaction and Technology Research Centre in the Department of Management. Members of the Centre specialize in studying social interaction, role of technology and material objects in collaboration and conduct in offices, control centers, medical environment, museums.
September 29, 2015
The Student Initiative Support Centre and the HSE Faculty of Humanities are jointly organising free guided tours around Moscow. The tours are designed by final year students. Most tours are in Russian but the organizers are ready to schedule additional English-language tours for international students.
September 29, 2015
Igor Gurovitch, Curator and Senior Lecturer at the School of Design, designer, poster artist, and founder of Ostengruppe, took part in the AGI Open international conference.
September 28, 2015
Dear students, if you are entitled to a social stipend (a social academic scholarship usually payable to quota students) please note that due to certain unexpected technical problems with bank transfers, September stipends will be paid out in cash.
September 25, 2015
The start of an academic year is always characterized by a new and expanded team of faculty and students ‘on board’ the HSE. In 2015 over 40 new international faculty members have joined HSE and are ready for a new voyage of discovery. Their stay at the university traditionally begins with a number of seminars, meetings and other events which come under the Orientations session, organized by the International Faculty Support Unit.
September 24, 2015
A group of HSE students have returned from their trip to China. They spent two weeks at the Summer School organised by the Southwest University of Political Science and Law in Chongqing. They shared their impressions with HSE News Service.
September 23, 2015
On September 23, the new season of Professors' Wednesdays concerts will open in the newly renovated Professors' Club at HSE. The first to perform before audiences will be Elena Revich (violin) and Sergei Kuznetsov (piano). However, this year's programme will not stop with music.
September 23, 2015
Sergey Ivanov, Professor at the School of Philology took part in the international symposium ‘The Holy Fools’ as co-organizer of the event. The symposium was held on September 11-12 at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Ivanov presented the report ‘Holy Foolery as an Ambiguous Sanctity by Nicon of the Black Mount’. 
September 22, 2015
On September, 8 th  the HSE St Petersburg’s History Department opened a new Summer School on 'The Topography of Imperial Power: the Political Space of St. Petersburg'.
September 21, 2015