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HSE has received several questions from students who participated in the competition for financial assistance for rental appartments. Here, we answer the main questions and explain the situation.
July 11, 2018
This August, the Shukhov Lab is organising an expedition to Murmansk as a part of the long-term research project ‘New cities and settlements in the North of Russia’.
July 06, 2018
Geography of HSE University provides ample opportunities to experience and learn about nearly half of the country, and without understanding each of the campuses with their unique features there is no way to fully understand the idea of HSE on the whole. Last year The HSE Look began a series of articles focusing in-depth on each campus, starting with HSE St. Petersburg, university’s 2nd largest campus, and we would like to continue the series with devoting the summer issue to HSE Nizhniy Novgorod.
July 04, 2018
On June 22, several HSE lecturers and staff members were awarded the status of Tenured Professor at a meeting of HSE Academic Council. Sixteen HSE staff members became Distinguished Professors at the Higher School of Economics for the first time.
June 26, 2018
The Russia-Uruguay match was shown on a big screen in the media courtyard, offering teachers, staff, and students at HSE the chance to cheer on their chosen side. Exchange students from other countries also joined in. Although the match was somewhat disappointing, the atmosphere in the media courtyard was celebratory and positive. Check out some highlights in the photo report from the event.
June 26, 2018
Timothy Frye, Academic Supervisor of the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development, received the ‘Acknowledgement Medal’ for active participation in the activity of HSE international laboratories. 
June 14, 2018
The Student Initiative Support Centre is now inviting students for summer internships.
June 08, 2018
HSE University has maintained its leading position in the ranking compiled by the Russian Council for International Affairs. The ranking evaluated the websites of 65 Russian universities. HSE was awarded 104 points out of 108, increasing its position by 11 points on last year. HSE's closest rival ranked a further 17 points behind, which is a larger gap than previously.
June 07, 2018
The new secure cloud service HSE.Disk for the University’s employees can help you to synchronize data on your work PC with your home computers and mobile devices.
June 06, 2018
The Iron Egg is awarded annually to the winners of a student vote for their contribution towards extracurricular life at the university. For the first time ever, this year’s awards ceremony took place in a new interactive format with students selecting not only the best student organisations, but also the best journalistic work by a university media source, as well as most active student.
June 05, 2018
HSE staff members were awarded medals and honor awards of the university at the meeting of the Academic Council.
June 05, 2018
The Higher School of Economics has been awarded the Communications Lab Experiment prize and won second place in the awards for the second year running.
June 05, 2018