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Albert Arutiunian, second-year HSE Master’s student, chose Tilburg University as a place to study abroad in autumn 2016. There, he joined the Tilburg University team, and here is his story.
January 12, 2017
On December 22-23, 2016, the 7th International 3D-stereo Film Festival was held in Moscow. At the opening of the festival Nadejda Trubochkina, Professor at HSE School of Computer Engineering, presented a report on fractal technologies in cinema.
January 12, 2017
This is the second time the HSE Extreme Sports Club has organized a trip to Krasnaya Polyana in the month of February. This time, the trip will take place on February 5-12, 2017. Everyone who likes mountains and wants to spend a week in great company is welcome to take part. This year, the participants will be staying close to the ski lifts, which means that they will be the first to ski on fresh snow slopes.
January 10, 2017
In late 2016, the legendary international lawyer and legal scholar Martti Koskenniemi held a series of lectures and seminars at the Faculty of Law of HSE. Press-Centre of the Faculty of Law was fortunate to join Prof. Koskenniemi's talks and discuss before the New Year his diplomatic and academic career.
December 30, 2016
In December 2016 Beryl ter Haar, Assistant Professor at Leiden University (Netherlands), delivered a series of lectures on labor law in the European Union, as well as several workshops for students on the MA programme ‘Legal Support for Personnel Management ‘, the BA programme in Jurisprudence and doctoral students at HSE's Law Faculty.
December 29, 2016
Each year HSE hires post-doctoral researchers, accepting applications from all over the world, and they join various laboratories and centres. Some of them kindly provided additional information about their research interests and background, and The HSE Look continues the tradition of introducing HSE’s new international faculty and researchers.
December 27, 2016
The results of the competition organized by HSE Fund for Educational Innovation have been announced.
December 26, 2016
On December 14-16, 2016, the members of the Mathematics Faculty’s International Advisory Board visited the faculty and met with students, faculty, and staff.
December 22, 2016
HSE has been implementing LMS (Learning Management System) — an electronic system of education process support – for several years. A new service, called ‘Student Electronic Portfolio’ (StEP), which is based on LMS and gathers information about students’ achievements in various fields has been developed by the Administrative Staff Development Programme project group. 
December 20, 2016
The candidates for this year's Golden HSE Awards have been selected. The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on December 20 but the list of short-listed nominees has already been published on the awards website.
This year the award will be given in 10 categories.
December 15, 2016
In its 30th issue The HSE Look is focusing on the latest developments in research and teaching strategies at HSE. It provides a brief overview of Strategic Academic Unites and introduces the new post-doc researchers and their topics of interest. Concerning the teaching process, The HSE Look presents a new funding opportunity for inviting colleagues to share the best teaching practices, as well as teaching advice from international faculty members who’ve been at HSE for several years.
December 12, 2016
On December 2, 2016 a traditional Culture Day was held at HSE St. Petersburg. Students from 21 countries took part in this colorful and enjoyable celebration. International students organized competitions and performances and cooked traditional food in order to showcase their home countries’ unique cultures. The organizers say over 500 people attended the event.
December 06, 2016