Tag "discussions"

Economic Crises Affect People’s Attitudes to Inequality

Economic Crises Affect People’s Attitudes to Inequality
Inequality based on income, geography, gender, age, class and religion widens social gaps both within and between countries. During the XXIII Yasin (April) International Conference, experts discussed which dimensions of inequality have become especially important in the wake of the pandemic and the evolving economic crisis, and also examined how much more women work than men.

XXIII Yasin International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development Begins

XXIII Yasin International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development Begins
From April 5–22, 2002, the  XXIII Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development will be held in Moscow. Its participants include leading scientists and experts, representatives from the business community, politicians and leaders of state bodies. Over 700 papers will be presented at the Conference and discussed in almost 150 sessions and 24 sections.

Maria Yudkevich: Serious Research Projects Are a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Maria Yudkevich
Rapidly changing approaches to the pursuit of scientific knowledge are making research more interdisciplinary in nature. Science and researchers are now more open to society, while student academic mobility among universities is encouraged. Maria Yudkevich, HSE Vice Rector, talks about these issues, explaining how HSE University promotes and expands its research activities and supports early-career researchers.

Discussing ‘The Chair’ in the Context of Contemporary University Problems

Discussing ‘The Chair’ in the Context of Contemporary University Problems
At the end of December 2021, the Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology (LSES) at HSE University held its traditional Christmas Cinema Seminar entitled ‘Where are universities going?’ Participants discussed ‘The Chair’, a TV series created by David Benioff and Daniel Brett Weiss, authors of ‘Game of Thrones’. 2021 marked the 20th anniversary of the Christmas seminar, which LSES has held to discuss hot-button issues after watching famous Russian and foreign films.

Experts on the Consequences of COVID-19: The Pandemic Gives Impetus to Science and Technology

Experts on the Consequences of COVID-19: The Pandemic Gives Impetus to Science and Technology
TheHuman Capital Multidisciplinary Research Centre and HSE University, in cooperation with the World Bank, held the conference ‘New Challenges of Demographic, Epidemiological and Medical-Technological Development: Search for New Models of Healthcare Development.’ The participants discussed whether the healthcare system was prepared to face the pandemic, how the latter affected lifespans and excess mortality rates, whether we can trust statistics, and what we should do to see ‘the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel.’     

Seven Days Until eSTARS 2021 International Academic Conference

Seven Days Until eSTARS 2021 International Academic Conference
On December 1st and 2nd, 2021, the eLearning Stakeholders and Researchers Summit (eSTARS 2021), an international online conference organized by HSE University in partnership with Coursera, will take place. eSTARS will discuss pressing issues facing universities today in the context of the growing interdependence of digital technology, the economy and education.

Central Banks Need to Take Action to Fight Climate Change

Central Banks Need to Take Action to Fight Climate Change
Hubert Kempf, Professor of Economics at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris - Saclay (France) and Academic Supervisor of HSE International Laboratory for Macroeconomic Analysis (IMLA), will speak about the greening of monetary policy at ameeting of theDiscussion Club on Modern Economic Policy on November 25. In his interview, Professor Kempf spoke about the work of IMLA, the development of macroeconomics, and the role central banks can play in combatting climate change.

HSE University Researchers Investigate Why Many Russians Oppose Vaccination

HSE University Researchers Investigate Why Many Russians Oppose Vaccination
Despite the risks associated with COVID-19 infection, many Russians either refuse to get vaccinated or are uncertain and hesitant about the practice. The factors behind these views are the subject of research by Yana Roshchina, Leading Research Fellow of the HSE University Centre for Longitudinal Studies and Senior Research Fellow of the Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology (LSES); Sergey Roshchin, Head of the Laboratory for Labour Market Studies (LLMS) and HSE University Vice Rector; and Ksenia Rozhkova, Junior Research Fellow at LLMS. The results of the study were presented at an LSES seminar.

The Pandemic Has Boosted Digitalization and Deglobalization: What Does It Mean for Russia?

The Pandemic Has Boosted Digitalization and Deglobalization: What Does It Mean for Russia?
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused global economic, social and technological transformations. Experts from HSE University and other education and research institutions from various countries discussed these transformations and other relevant trends for the future at the 3rd International Conference ‘East and West at the Stage of New Transformations: The Post-Covid Changes’.

Alexey Ivanov: BRICS Countries Can Play a Key Role in Forming a New Complex Approach to Regulation of Digital Ecosystems

Alexey Ivanov: BRICS Countries Can Play a Key Role in Forming a New Complex Approach to Regulation of Digital Ecosystems
Experts from the HSE BRICS Competition Law & Policy Centre presented a natural approach-based concept for antirust regulation of digital ecosystems at the 7th BRICS International Competition Conference, which took place from 16th to 17th November 2021 in China.