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Kristina Litvintseva
- Kristina Litvintseva has been at HSE University since 2015.
Education and Degrees
Candidate of Sciences
* (PhD)
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Doctoral programme in Russian language
St.Tikhon Orthodox University, Philology
Master's in philology
St.Tikhon Orthodox University, Philology
Master's in General and comparative historical linguistics, sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics
St.Tikhon Orthodox University, Philology
* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience
2022. The Bilingual Brain. https://coursera.org/share/3f3ba1f3e655949839b97c6b13560c56
2019. Publication of linguistic corpora and preparation of research data for archiving
2017. Internship. Humboldt-University in Berlin.
2017. Yandex. Intensive training for HSE teachers in the Data Culture project (14-15.06.2017)
2017. Higher School of Economics. Education program "Introduction to Academic Writing".
2017.Saint Tikhon's Orthodox University. Education program "Design of Evaluation Funds, in the Higher Education System"
2016 Higher School of Economics. Training program "Intellectual Property Management in University departments"
2013 Russian New University. Education program "Theory and practice of interaction of languages and cultures in the process of learning Russian as a second language"
2008-2010. Saint Tikhon's Orthodox University. Training programs "History of World Religions"
2008-2010. Internship at the Center for Continuous Education named Seraphim of Sarov. Attestation work: translation from Bulgarian into Russian articles V. Karavylchev "On the Church calendar without emotion"
Awards and Accomplishments
Professional Associations Membership
2020 - present: Association of Teachers and Researchers in the Field of Fundamental and Applied Linguistics
QUANTITATIVE APPROACHES TO VERSIFICATION (Прага). Presentation: Lexical Diversity and Colour Hues in Russian Poetry: A Corpus-Based Study of Adjectives
QUANTITATIVE APPROACHES TO VERSIFICATION (Прага). Presentation: Lexical Diversity and Colour Hues in Russian Poetry: A Corpus-Based Study of Adjectives
QUANTITATIVE APPROACHES TO VERSIFICATION (Прага). Presentation: Lexical Diversity and Colour Hues in Russian Poetry: A Corpus-Based Study of Adjectives
QUANTITATIVE APPROACHES TO VERSIFICATION (Прага). Presentation: Lexical Diversity and Colour Hues in Russian Poetry: A Corpus-Based Study of Adjectives
QUANTITATIVE APPROACHES TO VERSIFICATION (Прага). Presentation: Lexical Diversity and Colour Hues in Russian Poetry: A Corpus-Based Study of Adjectives
ConCort (Москва). Presentation: Конструкция 'стал быть' в русском языке: от восемнадцатого века к двадцать первому
RUSLEX-2017 (Будапешт ). Presentation: Парафрастическая конструкция ИСКАТИ +inf + прямой объект в истории русского языка
Первая международная школа-конференция. Проблемы языка: взгляд молодых учёных в ИЯ РАН (Москва). Presentation: Лексическая выразительность в текстах проповедей
Первая международная школа-конференция. Проблемы языка: взгляд молодых учёных в ИЯ РАН (Москва). Presentation: Лексическая выразительность в текстах проповедей
2016 - 2018 Lexical and grammatical annotation and lexicographic indexing of the Middle Russian and Church Slavonic Corpora of the Russian National Corpus
2016 - 2018 Reference and information system "Grammatical and frequency dictionary of Church Slavonic". Grant RFH 12-04-12045
2005 - 2015 Dictionary of Russian Christian terminology, theological and church lexicon of Russian. With Faculty of Theology of St Tikhon's Orthodox University, Moscow and Faculty of Theology of Humboldt-University, Berlin
Employment history
2016 Higher School of Economics, Faculty of Humanities, Russian Language Centre,. Summer language school, teacher of Russian as a foreign language.
2015-2016. Higher School of Economics, Faculty of Humanities, School of Linguistics, a senior teacher of Russian language and speech culture (rhetoric) in the School of Foreign Languages.
2015-2016. St Tikhon's Orthodox University, Faculty of Philology, teacher of Russian language and speech culture.
2011-2015. St Tikhon's Orthodox University, Faculty of Philology, Secretary of the Department of Modern Russian language.