Alexander V. Lebedev
- Senior Lecturer: Graduate School of Business / Department of Marketing
- Programme Co-head: B2C Business Management: Technology and Innovation
- Alexander V. Lebedev has been at HSE University since 2016.
Lomonosov Moscow State University
HSE University, Marketing Communications, Diploma cum laude
State University of Management, The Higher Business School
Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience
2024 - ‘Basic concepts of artificial intelligence and its application for solving problems within the speciality’ (Certificate No. 4.8-65/24-01118) NRU Higher School of Economics
2023 - "Artificial Intelligence and Customer Centricity" (Certificate No. 23-237550) Sberbank Corporate University
2023 - Storewars Business Simulation (Certificate), StoreWars International
2022 - "Effective use of voice and speech resources in teaching" (Certificate No. 188055) National Research University Higher School of Economics
2022 - Advanced Microsoft Excel (Certificate No. 221631) National Research University Higher School of Economics
2022 - My Fair Accent (Certificate of professional development)
National Research University Higher School of Economics
2020 - Case Method in Education: Writing Compactя Cases (Certificate) National Research University Higher School of Economics in conjunction with The Case Centre (The United Kingdom)
2019 - Employment contract. The practice of conclusion and requalification. Use of ConsultantPlus system tools (Certificate No. 19-11768) ConsultantPlus Training Centre
2018 - Writing a Draft for Publication. (Certificate of professional development)
National Research University Higher School of Economics
2018 - Marketing Semiotics. James Archer's Workshop (Certificate)
2018 - Data Scientist with R (Certificate)
NRU Higher School of Economics / DataCamp
2017 - Advanced level of MS Excel (Certificate of professional development №3634/3.13)
National Research University Higher School of Economics
2017 - Teach for HSE (Certificate of professional development # 110874)
National Research University Higher School of Economics
2016 - Marketing Communications (Semester abroad, Germany)
WFI - Ingolstadt School of Management of The Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät Ingolstadt)
2014 - Personnel management (Degree with distinction)
Moscow's State Budgetary Educational Institution "Professional" (Postgraduate diploma)
2012 - Marketing, sales management and advertising (Degree with distinction)
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Postgraduate diploma)
2009 - Finance management (Degree with distinction)
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Postgraduate diploma)
Awards and Accomplishments
Winner of the All-Russian competition for the best social practice among higher education institutions, implemented by Service-Learning Technology (2023)
Winner of the Educational Innovation Fund competition in the category "Practical implementation of team/project work by students in science project workshops" (2022)
Finalist of the "Science" track of the "Leaders of Russia" management contest 2021-2022
Certificate of appreciation issued by Vice Rector HSE University (June 2021)
Acknowledgement from the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (July 2021)
Acknowledgement from the Head of the Strategic Initiatives Agency CMI (December 2021)Best Teacher — 2023–2024, 2021, 2020–2021, 2017–2018
Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Lecturers" (2017)Best Academic Supervisor in the category ‘Student Recruitment’ — 2023–2024
Best Academic Supervisor in the category ‘Student Satisfaction with Degree Programme Quality’ — 2024