Читать по-русски : так ли просто, как кажется?
Доклад Анастасии Уличевой, аспирантки Гонконгского Университета (Гонконг), лаборатория языковых процессов.
Is reading in Russian regular?
During the process of learning to read and write new mappings between units of written and oral language are established in the lexical network. This process is relatively straightforward in languages with regular correspondences between orthography and phonology (feedforward ) and between phonology and orthography (feedback) e.g. Italian, Spanish and Turkish. However, the process is nontrivial in languages that contain less predictable correspondences e.g. English. The predictability of correspondences imposes significant constraints on the development of literacy in languages that use an alphabet. This is especially true for children who are at risk of reading difficulties. As in other Indo-European languages, Russian uses an alphabet to code phonemes. Thus prima facie it may be expected that the predictability of correspondences will have effects on the typical and atypical literacy acquisition in Russian. In this talk I will explain why the correspondences between orthography and phonology are unique in Russian compared to languages studied to date and how literacy is achieved in skilled and developing readers of Russian.
Anastasia Ulicheva PhD candidate
Laboratory for Communication Sciences Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences The University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Доклад будет проходить 22 мая в 10-00 по адресу Покровский б-р, 11, ауд. Г-311